Crystal Clearing

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Crystal Clearing

Post by North Star »

~Crystal Clearing~

The other night I placed my crystals in the window for the full moon. I have not done this in a few months, and obviously we are a little cold here this time of year. It was REALLY cold that night, frost on the inside of window even...

I noticed one of my favorite clear quartz crystals is clearer than ever before, the rainbow colors in the light are more vibrant, the energy really feels amazing when I hold it now. I noticed it instantly and could not stop gazing at it. It also felt pretty good to hold the ice cold stone in my recpetive hand for a while.

Apparently I am finding ways to make this frozen state work for me.

I have heard before that when a crystal is in need of clearing/cleansing that it may feel warm to the touch. So maybe there is something to be said about freezing them. Seems to have worked well for me!

I do wonder if this is a safe method for all stones. Would love to hear from others.

Here is some more info on methods for clearing/cleansing stones. (I have never heard of burying stones in herbs but I may try this!) Just thought I would share while on the subject. :)
Source: Healing And Crystal Therapy


Sometimes a stone or crystal you are strongly drawn to doesn't feel good, or a stone that felt good previously doesn't feel good now. The stone or crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is.

Crystals and healing gemstones need to be cleared as soon as they are purchased as well as clearing after every healing. A cleared, ready crystal feels positive and bright, tingly and cold to the touch. A crystal that needs clearing may feel hot, heavy or drained.

There are a number of ways to effectively clear crystals and gemstones.

1. SMUDGING- A quick way to cleanse your healing stones is to smudge them with burning cedar or sage. Smudging is an excellent way to make sure your stones are purified. Simply hold the burning sage or cedar stick while passing your stone through the smoke.

2. MOONLIGHT- Moonlight is another way of clearing your gemstones. Simply place outside from the Full to the New Moon. Waning Moons are good times to clear crystals, to dispel old energies, but any time works. The amount of time used varies with the sensitivity of the healer and the amount of material from which the stone needs cleansing.
It is not recommended to place your crystals and gemstones in the sunlight, many stones tend to fade their colors in the sun. Also internal fractures may cause your stone to crack or break if placed in the sun.

3. OTHER METHODS THAT WORK WELL- Burying your crystal in a cupful of dried herbs will also clear it. Suggested herbs for this are rose petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. This is a gentle way to clear crystals, and a pleasant way, but it does take longer than sea salt.

Crystals may also be buried into the Earth. This is especially helpful when you feel deep cleansing is needed. Outdoors, simply dig a hole the size of your crystal into the Earth, place your crystal again point down, and cover with soil. The amount of time needed is personal choice.

The Sacred Breath- Some like to use this method of 'blowing away' any negativity from the stone, simply hold the stone in your hand and blow on it, while blowing ask your higher self to cleanse the crystal.

Using Reiki - If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can also "Reiki" your stones and crystals, simply by holding them in your hands and setting the intention for your crystals to be cleansed.

Finally, if you are in a hurry and feel that your crystal needs to be cleared, you can easily run them under cool tap water. Make sure the points are facing down the drain to run the negative energy right down the sink!!! NEVER USE WARM OR HOT WATER, THIS WILL FRACTURE OR BREAK YOUR CRYSTALS. Visualize the crystal as sparkly, tingly, cold, and belonging to the healer.

Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by Hawkeye »

I personally use the method of burying them in the Earth to ground them, and, I have used the Water cleansing method as well =)
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Depending on my need, I smudge, or expose to the full moon. I've got a crystal purification herb mix too that I burn and pass through the smoke. Also I sometimes just fill the crystal with my own energy, similar to how you have described in the 'reiki' section, using my hand closed around it if its small enough, imagining blue light coming from my hands, and filling it with my intent.

Your experience with the low temperature and the crystal is really interesting! Good to hear you are making things work for you in that frozen world!
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by Isis3Anubis »

Placing a small stone on a quartz cluster is good, also red carnelian is cleansing in of itself. I have a Tibetan singing bowl that clears stones with its sound.
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by Isis3Anubis »

Also freezing certain stones can cause them to crack, also certain stone like selenite will dissolve if added to salt water.
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by starlady »

also putting in the sun can cleanse crystals i have done that one,and im heard sound to can cleanse and energise them too
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by PhoenixFlight »

I personally cleanse them using moon water, usually made under a dark moon/new moon. I've tried other methods, with varying degrees of success and failure.
~that is an interesting notion, in it's own way~
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by MysticDreamFaerie »

That's a new interesting way of Clearing you're Crystal and it's something I haven't heard of before. I usually smudge my crystals or cleanse them when there's a full moon outside. I've never buried a crystal in the earth before but I plan on doing that one day cause I do believe a lot of my crystals need a bit of cleansing. =)
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Re: Crystal Clearing

Post by WillowMoon »

Mine are all on the windowsill waiting for the next moonlight phases. Burying.. is an alright method as it keeps them in touch with mother earth just be careful you don't lose them to the earth though!
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