My Tarot Experience

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My Tarot Experience

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

Merry meet, all! I had an absolutely amazing experience today while working with my cards, and I wanted to share it with you all.

I started by clearing off my altar and setting the cards on it. (I like using my altar as a tarot table)
Then I tried something new. I walked to the west end of my room and locked the door, whispering to myself, "as I lock this door, let me lock out negativity and wrong"
Then I walked to the east side of my room and locked the window, whispering the same chant (with window instead of door, of course.)

Then I returned to the altar and placed my hands on my Tarot deck. I took a moment to *really look* at the jewelry that was representing the God and Goddess. I took a deep breath and whispered, "Goddess and God divine, Feminine and Masculine energies of this universe, guide my wisdom and my sight."
I felt bright energy flowing from my chest down through my arms and into the cards. My head felt a bit foggy.
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Re: My Tarot Experience

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

*noooo, I accidentally hit send before I was done...the second half will be posted within a few minutes, sorry!*
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Re: My Tarot Experience

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »


I slowly opened my eyes, and the altar came back into focus. I was ready to begin.

I did the reading as normal. (Found out that someone I love is having a hard best wishes go out to him...hopefully he'll cheer up soon :( )
I continued to read further into him, but soon, the answers became fuzzy and unclear, and I wasn't understanding what the cards were trying to say. I figured that they were probably tired. I was getting frustrated, but I knew that anger wouldn't help anything. So I did what seemed most natural.

I knelt quietly in front of my altar and cradled the deck in my hands. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Again, I channeled my energy from near my heart down through my arms, and into the cards. I saw in my mind that it was bright white/silver light. In my head, I started asking the God and Goddess to guide my wisdom and sight. I then spoke directly to the cards, telling them that I was pouring myself into them, and then I asked my question again.

Now here's something you should understand. In my mind, on a normal day, there's always something going on in the background. Whether it's a song, a random thought, or just buzzing- there's always noise below my conscious thoughts.
But this time it was different. As I spoke (or thought, rather), it was completely silent. I felt so isolated inside my own head. My words echoed and I saw nothing in my mind, but instead...
I felt my energy pouring into the cards. I also started to feel like I was drifting away from my physical form, or at least, moving to a better part of my physical form. If that makes any sense.
I sat there got what felt like ages. I'm really not sure how much time passed. I felt so amazingly at peace, and quite ethereal. Then I decided to break out of what ever state I was in. I opened my eyes, and I was immediately pounded on all sides by the sounds and colors of the world around me. It felt like someone had turned a radio up to full volume. And the noise in my head was back, too- strangely enough, it was a song. "Siren Song" by Bat For Lashes. (I'm not sure if that has any connection with this.) It was stronger and more insistent than the usual "background noise" behind my thoughts.

I quietly put the cards away and immediately felt the urge to just lay down. So I did. I felt my entire body buzzing, and I felt a bit disorientated. I felt a pulse, like a heartbeat, but coming from my core. My head felt light and I felt like I was rocking on a boat. I closed my eyes and it soon subsided.

So...that's my story. Has anyone else ever had a similar experience? Is this a "normal" thing to happen during tarot? I'm relatively new to this whole thing, and this is a big step for me.
I'd love to hear anyone and everyone's comments :D

P.S. sorry for the terribly long post

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Re: My Tarot Experience

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Sometimes you can feel that rocking right before you astral travel.....
I am that which is attained at the end of desire
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