Intuition's Becoming Too Intense for Me

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Intuition's Becoming Too Intense for Me

Post by Foreverburdened »

Hey guys.

I have always been sensitive towards spirituality and intuitions and always would get déjà Vus frequently.however a couple of weeks ago something happened and completely changed my life.

A couple of weeks ago, something happened, a problem came up, and my first thought was " well maybe a Wiccan spell would help." I am a born Muslim who believes in Jesus so imagine my surprise when I thought about what I had actually thought. I decided to sleep on my decision to try a Wiccan spell because not only did I know nothing about Wicca, my spell would be involving someone else's free will and I knew about karma and all that deal.

The next day, my black cat went missing and I got hit with an intuition. Now I can't actually read into my intuitions, I just feel like something is about to happen. Or I'm going to be out in a situation where I need to just go with the flow. That night I decided to go ahead with the wiccan ceremony.

I found my cat the next day as I was researching deities that would correspond with my problem. Crazy enough, I came across goddess bast and through out the day the word witch came up a lot, while I was watching tv, while is was reading a magazine or listening to music.

I went out and got what I needed for my spell, and out of my " luck" got to perform my ceremony under full moon. Now what I had performed the ceremony for, didn't happen, however I did get my karma three times worse, RIGHT away. I broke something of sentimental value, my partner and I got in a huge fight, and I fell ill for weeks within days of the ceremony.

But what has changed my life, is that since the ceremony, my intuitions and déjà Vus have become even stronger to the point that when I get hit, I can't even get out of bed. My heart starts beating really fast, I drip in sweat and I feel drained of all my energy . I actually got hit with a déjà uv while I was waiting for my membership request to this forum get accepted. Last night I even SAW my intuition and smelled something in correspondence to it. The more I meditate and practice, the stronger it becomes.

I don't know what to do or how to deal with this, how do I manage my intuitions ? Are these really intuitions ? What is happening to me ? I need all the help I can get from people who wouldn't dismiss my feelings. I have a pretty solid support system , over years my family have become believers of my feelings and things I see but I feel like this is too crazy, even for my family and friends.
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

You sound like you feel like you're being punished for doing the spell.

'Karma' is a Hindu idea. In the holy book from where it originates, the bagavad ghita, it is explained that it is through your own personal attachment to your deeds that you create your own karma.

This is not to say that it isn't a good thing to do good in the world.

It's interesting that you use the word 'hit' to describe the feelings you are worried about.

Some people say that to perform magic, you need a very sensible outlook, ... So as not to fall prey to ones own weaknesses such as ego delusion...

What do you think? Do you feel 'bad' for having attempted a spell?
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Foreverburdened »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:You sound like you feel like you're being punished for doing the spell.

'Karma' is a Hindu idea. In the holy book from where it originates, the bagavad ghita, it is explained that it is through your own personal attachment to your deeds that you create your own karma.

This is not to say that it isn't a good thing to do good in the world.

It's interesting that you use the word 'hit' to describe the feelings you are worried about.

Some people say that to perform magic, you need a very sensible outlook, ... So as not to fall prey to ones own weaknesses such as ego delusion...

What do you think? Do you feel 'bad' for having attempted a spell?
Honestly, no. I feel like I did my wrong, knowing I would get punished for it, and I did get punished and all is well and in balance now.
I use the word hit, because that literally what it feels like. Like the feelings and drainage comes in waves, I could go days without feeling anything or feel drained and exhausted for days at a time. The actual feeling is like somebody spiritually takes an ice cream scooper and scoops parts of me off. I have always gotten the feeling when a change was happening or something or somebody new was about to enter my life, but never this vividly and continuously . I feel like my sixth sense has sharpened since I actually started performing ceremonies and spells and I just don't know how to deal with it.
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by SnowCat »

I think you're being "called" to expand your spiritual path. It sounds like someone or something has been reaching out to you for years, but you haven't answered. Without knowing the specifics of your spell, I really can't address that. It does sound like you may be having anxiety attacks related to your intuition. I don't know enough about Islam to comment on whether the two belief systems are causing a crisis of conscience for you, but that's what I suspect. Accepting Wicca as part of the spirituaal path you're meant to walk doesn't mean abandoning previous beliefs. It just means adding spice to your spiritual life.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Foreverburdened »

SnowCat wrote:I think you're being "called" to expand your spiritual path. It sounds like someone or something has been reaching out to you for years, but you haven't answered. Without knowing the specifics of your spell, I really can't address that. It does sound like you may be having anxiety attacks related to your intuition. I don't know enough about Islam to comment on whether the two belief systems are causing a crisis of conscience for you, but that's what I suspect. Accepting Wicca as part of the spirituaal path you're meant to walk doesn't mean abandoning previous beliefs. It just means adding spice to your spiritual life.

Thanks frosty. That's what I'm starting to believe too. I don't think it has much to do with my past as far as religion goes, because I never really practiced Islam. I was just born a nd raised in the Middle East . I do believe however me not answering the calling has to do with my ethnecity and culture because we were taught that even if you are called, you can never answer because you can't tell what or who might be calling you. On one hand ever since I got my visual intuition I've been curious as to see more and expand more, on the other hand I've been worried that I don't know what exactly I'm getting myself into. The physical impact and the panic attacks just add to my fear and the negative part of things. I have a gut feeling that a god or goddess is very playfully calling me , and I'm just not dealing with it correctly
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by SnowCat »

Based on your cat story, I suspect Bast has a paw in this. Getting past one's upbringing in order to explore something new isn't easy. I think you have to learn to trust your intuition. Take small steps and ask for feedback from whoever is calling you. I would stay away from spellwork for now. Just ask questions and see what the answers are.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Foreverburdened »

SnowCat wrote:Based on your cat story, I suspect Bast has a paw in this. Getting past one's upbringing in order to explore something new isn't easy. I think you have to learn to trust your intuition. Take small steps and ask for feedback from whoever is calling you. I would stay away from spellwork for now. Just ask questions and see what the answers are.

Thank you frost, you're the best
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Kassandra »

Foreverburdened wrote:I don't know what to do or how to deal with this, how do I manage my intuitions ? Are these really intuitions ? What is happening to me ? I need all the help I can get from people who wouldn't dismiss my feelings. I have a pretty solid support system , over years my family have become believers of my feelings and things I see but I feel like this is too crazy, even for my family and friends.
Hi Foreverburdened. You just have to learn to accommodate your precognitive insights, or "hits" as you call them, into your life. Not much else you could do. It's just a characteristic you have. It's not a disease, lol, so you're not going to get "healed" from it. If it's bothering you that much, you could always just learn to shut it down. But, you'll still be miserable because then you won't be respecting who you really are, and being true to your self. So, it's best to just relax about it, be yourself, and learn to accommodate the ability into your life, "integrate" it, as they say in psychology.

A few suggestions that may help....

Journal Writing

I don't know why, but I found that doing this helps. Get a journal, and draw a line in the center of a page. On the left of the page write the following (while leaving the right side of the page totally blank, for now):

* A description of what you "see."
Be as specific as possible. Draw sketches if you need to (sometimes it's easier to say in one "picture" what would take two or three pages of words to describe).

* The date of your insight

* How you got the information:
--Did it come as a dream during your sleep?
--Did it come as a spontaneous vision during the day? What were you doing when you had the vision?
--Was it the result of psychometry? meaning:
1. you touched something with your hand and got a "hit" of information
2. you stepped onto some property and suddenly get a "hit" of information (I get this a lot)...either an event that is going to happen there, has already happened there, or just general information about the people there
3. you looked a photograph and was flooded with information about someone in the picture

* Any follow up you do in relation to your intuitive insight.
Like, did you warn anybody of anything (see below for notes on that)? Did you change your own behavior or plans as a result? Did someone else get the same insight coming to them? (sometimes other people you know might have the same dream you did, etc.)

After the thing comes to pass, write down the outcome on the right side of the page.

Journal writing may help your intuitive hits feel less crazy. As you keep writing these things down, you'll see patterns of how your intuition works after awhile. You'll know the "turn around time" for your hits (how long between the information getting to you, and the thing coming to pass), which is always quite interesting.

Yes, sometimes it does get "too crazy, even for [our] family and friends" to comprehend. Therefore, I don't suggest sharing this journal with anyone. Keep it to yourself, not like some kind of big secret, but to let it serve as part of your personal development, a tool you use in your spiritual growth, and that's all.

On "Seeing Things"

I hear this kind of thing a lot from people who newly awaken to their precognitive ability:

"I 'saw' death on my neighbor. There was just this blackness in his aura. Oh my gawd...then two weeks later, he actually died! It's all my fault, isn't it?! I caused him to die. I should have warned him some how, right? I could have saved his life, right? I'm a curse to humanity because I see things, aren't I?! I don't deserve to live. I'm the Bringer of Death [blah, blah, blah]." I'm totally serious; you don't know how many times I've heard things like this.

Now, I don't actually say the following. My actual response would be more tactful and kind. But, the thought bubble in my head in response to stuff like this looks something like:

"Dude, get over yourself and calm down. Did you ever stop to think that maybe it was just that guy's time to go? We all have such a time. Just because you 'see' things about people doesn't mean now you're now responsible for everybody's life! just means you see things. That's it. Don't read more into it than there is....unless you really enjoy stressing yourself out. If that's the case, keep freaking out, then." --end thought bubble.

If you "see" something bad is going to happen to someone, like death for instance, don't freak out about it. Perhaps, at most just say a prayer for that person, like, "May his soul have a peaceful afterlife, and may it continue to learn and grow according to its proper karmic path," or whatever. Then, let it go. Move on mentally. Avoid the drama.

Warning People

If it makes you feel better to "warn" somebody of something, then be really tactful in how you do it. For example, if you "see" a car accident ahead for someone going on a long drive, don't run around screaming, "Oh my gawd, you're gonna get in a car accident and die! Trust me, don't get in that car! DON'T GET IN THAT CAR!!" lol

Instead, remain calm. Make up something like, "Hmm, you know, I happened to see the weather report today for that area next week. It said the roads will be kind of icy to drive. Perhaps you should take a train instead, you know, just to be on the safe side. What do you think about that?" And let them respond. Let them talk. Give them time to digest what you just said. Don't demand your "vision" on anyone.

I find people don't agree with my suggestions right away. But then later they think about it, and tend to take my advice and act accordingly...sometimes, not all the time. Usually though, at some level their own intuition tends to kick in, and something I said will resonate with them. They'll just know they should change their course of action. You have to let them arrive at this decision on their own time, in their own way.

Some things you have to leave up to fate. You've done your part. In the case above, if they still insist on driving, then the most you could do, again, is say some prayers or something. Or, if you still feel compelled to intervene, you could offer them a "safe journey" spell ---again, without alarming them, but making it sound like that's just something you'd normally do for anyone who's going on a long journey that you care about, nothing more.

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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Kassandra »


Stunningly insightful advice from Dark Moon and SnowCat on this thread, by the way. Gave me goose bumps. I would follow it carefully, if I were you.


Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Foreverburdened »

Thank you guys. I was wondering, are there any specific books on expanding the gift of intuition ? What do you guys suggest ?
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Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by SnowCat »

I wish I knew of some books to suggest. I don't. I can suggest that you use the search function on the forum. Type in "Blanca." You'll get several hits that will take you to my story of encountering Bast. You might find that helpful.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Intuition's becoming too intense for me

Post by Foreverburdened »

SnowCat wrote:I wish I knew of some books to suggest. I don't. I can suggest that you use the search function on the forum. Type in "Blanca." You'll get several hits that will take you to my story of encountering Bast. You might find that helpful.

Thank you so much frosty
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