Should I give unwanted information?

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Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Aceso »

I have been experiencing a lot lately. Like knowing things before they happen and knowing things about other people. I know I am emotional intuitive but I feel I have acquired more since I am opening up more. Allowing my self to open up more. My question is, should I tell people things I feel will happen even if they do not ask? I do not want to scare any one away, but I felt the need to tell a coworker that things will change around for her in the month of march. I do not know exactly what it is, but I feel it to be true. Should I have kept it to myself?
What is the line between helping and interfering with someone's life? I appreciate any one's insight on this. :oops:
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Firebird »

My general thought is, speak ye little and listen much.
If you are sensing ones demise though, then maybe, otherwise answer only if in doing a reading for someone. But this is just my personal opinion.
:D Firebird
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Well, from my divination practice, I can tell you that I think some things are no-no's. For example, don't tell people that you know when they're going to die, or that their spouse is cheating on them, or their family member is about to stricken with a terrible illness, or whatever, even if you really believe that your intuition is telling you so. There is always a chance that you are wrong (no offense - I mean that about everyone's intuition about the future in general) or things turn out totally different than how you expect. I mean, how many times have you heard stories about prophecies that went way differently than what everyone thought it would turn out? Plus, sometimes it doesn't help us to know the future. Sometimes it's like when you get a shot at the doctor's office - if you're sitting there and waiting and anticipating how much it's going to hurt, you are going to be a nervous wreck; but if you don't really think about it, then you're mostly surprised it happens and you can process it and deal with it a lot more easily.

I would say, in general, whatever information you give should always empower the listener to take control of the future, rather than rob them of their agency by telling the story of their lives for them. For example, I would say with the example about your friend whose fortunes are probably going to change in March, if she was going through a really rough patch and she was feeling really hopeless, then I might say something like, "You know, I know you're feeling really terrible right now, but I have this strong sense that things are going to get better for you soon." This way, you're giving her confidence to deal with the future (and even then, especially depending on how much she believes in the supernatural, I wouldn't say, "Listen, I have psychic abilities, I KNOW it's going to change in March" - I'd still be vague about it). But, you know, if her life was going GREAT right now, and you tell her out of the blue it's all going to change soon, what good would it do her to fret and fret that her life might take a sudden downturn?

That's just my personal opinion. I've thought about it a lot since this one famous psychic, Sylvia Browne (who's NOT a pagan) told the mother of one of the Cleveland kidnapping victims that her daughter was definitely dead, and it caused a ton of heartbreak for the mother, who died never knowing that her daughter was still alive and eventually escaped. Even though the mother did ask for the information, it was really unethical of Browne to just tell her mother that she KNEW, with 100% certainty, that her daughter was dead. Even if she really, truly believed that she was right, it still didn't help the mother at all.

Here's a thread talking about divination and ethics, where some other members and I have talked about this subject, if you were interested.
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Aceso »

Thank you firebirdflys and Xiao Rong for answering me and I will not tell anyone something unless they ask.
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Firebird »

Ya Xiao..I didn't mean to infer you could tell someone they were going to die from a reading, (readings are too in flux for that) I was thinking more along the line of those with precognitive visions...even then it's a touchy subject.
Aceso, If someone knows you are good with precognition, they may come to you. :D I think maybe folks would be less receptive to ...hey, everything is gonna change for you in a few months, you know what I mean?
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Oh, haha, Firebird, that wasn't what I thought you meant at all ... I posted mine right after yours came out and I didn't read yours carefully before I hit "submit".
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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Firebird »

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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Kassandra »


Aceso wrote:...should I tell people things I feel will happen even if they do not ask?
I don't recommend that. A seer learns to hold a lot in that she sees around her, and not disclose it unless specifically requested by the party with whom it has to do.

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Re: Should I give unwanted information?

Post by Aceso »

To Kassandra thanks for the input.
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