
Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Post by JBRaven »

I have these reoccuring dreams (about 4 times a week for the past 2 years) that I either kill myself or drown ( method always different) and I see my dead body and everything. I always have a funeral that is always the same. Same people same lighting same flowers......but there is one thing that is different....let us say I shot my self in the head I have a closed casket, If i slit my wrist i have an open casket.

I told a friend and she thinks I am remote viewing. I hope I am not.
Frank N Sense

Post by Frank N Sense »

I read your thingy on dreams and all I can say is you're not allowed to kill yourself. Nope you're just not so now that's settled I'd say look at the symbolism. Is something happening these past 2 years that is just killing you inside? I'm not sure I'm the best one to help here though. Everyone here seems to look for meaning in the dream and I just learned to try and change the dream. But then again someone with chronic nightmares doesn't care what dream means they just want to avoid the horrible fate that awaits them. Please keep us posted on what's going on.
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Post by moonlit »

perhaps is is symblizing that there is a part of yourself you need to get rid of.. like a bad habbit or a part of your attitude.. or maybe you have something inside that you feel is eating you up and you need to share it with someone.. I dont know lol just trying to help lol
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Post by JBRaven »

I don't know hopefully it is a interpetation like that.......really scared if it is not
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Post by Starwitch »

I've heard that dreams of your own death signify that a part of you or your life is dying (being left behind, so to speak.) Like maybe there is a person in your life that you will never see again or a job that you will be quitting.

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Post by thasme »

same as always read / heard death dreams mean change.. an end ...
KNOW it NOW and you have WON...
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Post by Starwitch »

Which just reminded me that in Tarot, the death card means the same thing... an end to a situation/relationship/whatever.

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Post by JBRaven »

I had a follow up dream thing. Well it started off the same I am going to kill myself. I am on this cliff and instead of jumping off I just sat there. It was like 2or 3 hours (dream time I guess if there is such a thing). I sat there and just thought. It was odd as sh*t. I don't remmember what I thought about but I didn't die. maybe things are about to change.
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Post by Starwitch »

Maybe you are dreaming about your past life where you actually did kill yourself by jumping off a cliff. Then again, it could just be exactly what it sounds like... you aren't happy and want to kill yourself, but you think about all the consequences of your actions and then you don't do it. Some people keeping committing suicide life after life and they have a hard time making it through a life, but when you do make it through without killing yourself (IF that were your issue, which I have no idea of) then you would have really accomplished something major. It would be a big milestone in your spiritual development to get back to the spirit world after you die and realize that you DID it this time. You lived your whole life without killing yourself. And you and everyone else will be so proud and excited for you. (I know I sound crazy, but it's all true.)

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Post by Marie* »

I would have to agree with about the feeling of accomplishmetn. I think that if you did have a past life where you killed yourself, untill you make it through an entire life without killing yourself you really live the same things over and over until you make it to the other side. Be strong.

Post by morgan »

I dont know for sure but my friend said that when you die in your dreems it meens that somthing you loved dearly is gone or a once in a life time opertunity thing you missed is gone. I can look into it if you want me to. :roll:

good luck!
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Post by JBRaven »

I am not a very suicidal person. I went to a street pshyic and she said that my death would be of my own doing, I don't see myself wanting to kill myself but still this omens are stressing me out.
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

i wouldnt dwell on you killing yourself in the waking hours. the more you think about something, even if initally you dont want to do it, the more likely you are to do it. thats just what i think.. look at it this way..

earlier tonight i wasnt hungry at all but i started thinking about cereal. i didnt need to eat the cereal, wasnt a meal time, wasnt hungry but the more i thought about it the more i wanted it and bam next thing i know im eating it.
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Post by JBRaven »

Self filling prophecy, I know but I won't be doing a damn thing and yaeh my mind wanders to it.
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Post by Starwitch »

I used to do that a lot with bad thoughts too. It's really a matter of psychology. When you catch yourself thinking something you know you shouldn't be thinking, you just catch yourself, force yourself to think of something else, and keep doing that every time it happens. Eventually, your mind will stop trying to think of it at all. You'll reprogram your thoughts that way. It's the same concept as thinking about something that you want until you get it. The mind is so powerful, as you know.

There is a thing you can do to try to make yourself have a lucid dream that goes along those same lines and also goes into your sleep (like your death dreams). If you say to yourself all throughout the day, "Am I sleeping right now?" and you keep doing that, like every 10 minutes throughout the day (and for days and days) then at night, when you are dreaming, you'll find that you are still asking yourself, "Am I dreaming?" and then you'll be able to wake up in your dream and have a lucid dream at that point. It's a great example of how your daily thoughts carry over into your dreams. It's also a great way to try to have lucid dreams.


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