Psychic Abilities with Smells

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Psychic Abilities with Smells

Post by Emay »

Greetings everyone!

I am Emay and I am new to this forum. Pleased to meet you all! :D I was reading this thread about clairaudience in another forum, and thought I would introduce myself with my experiences with smells; I have recently learned this is called Clairalience. If anyone has had similar experiences like mine, I would be grateful for some feedback. I am also empathic and I hope to be reading and posting in the future.

Outside of the normal physical aspects and some very strong memory triggers caused by certain smells, I have been known to smell things that are not present to others, or in a place where they could not have possibly occurred. On occasion, I smell what I describe as "exhaust" and it comes and goes and it also stays with me for hours, sometimes a day or two. This was so prevalent once that I have even had a CT scan and all is well...I have no physical condition that could be contributing (which is known to happen with brain tumors). I have also called these "Olfactory Hallucinations" from time to time. I have also carried "smells" with me that I could not identify, I can describe them, but what makes the smell? I couldn't tell you. It's somewhat like a perfume that "won't go away" even after washing.

I don't mind them really...I find them interesting. I have had very vivid memories that are brought on by certain smells as well. It's like it is my primary sense when it comes to "getting my attention." I also don't think actual smells are any more stronger to me that any other person...just very defined I guess?

Lastly, if these smells are indicators of anything, I have yet to recognize the "messages" that are being sent. For example, I have not noticed any tragedies, or good fortunes when going through these...yet.

Thanks so much and may we all remain blessed!

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Re: Psychic Abilities with Smells

Post by Kassandra »


Hi Emay, welcome. I've come to call it Clairolfaction, but it's the same thing. The ancient (East) Indian perspective on this and other "clairs" is that both the spiritual and physical sense spheres are direct correlates of one another. I talked about this once briefly in a blog post: The Yoga of Psychic Ability. I see these as natural, innate traits that many of us are born with, to differing degrees. I am like you, having this "psychic smell" thing going on, but mine doesn't seem to be as pronounced as what you have experienced. It sounds like yours is pretty intense! Here are a few things I have noted about this phenomena:

Smells Perceived Psychically Related to
the Energy of Specific Entities

I've read testimonies where people who claim to have had encounters with non-human, extraterrestrial beings say a strong sulphuric smell fills the room (depending on the race of the being). I have also heard those who believe they are dealing with demons frequently report that they smell something really stinky when demons are around, very similar to human flatulence.

It's pretty commonly known to those familiar with mediumship phenomena that some dead people like to evince themselves to those with mediumship ability via smells, among other things. Favs of the dead seem to be their favorite perfumes and colognes, or cigars and flowers. So, if Uncle Bob wants the medium to know it's him saying hello, and he used to smoke when he was on this side of the veil, then the medium will be overwhelmed by the smell of the same kind of cigar he smoked. Or, say Grandma, who really liked gardening, is popping in for a visit, then the medium will suddenly smell garden flowers, and that will be a striking feature of her reading. And so on.

Here are some related EUTM posts: ... 24819.html ... 28113.html

Smells Perceived Psychically Related to
Emotional "States of Being," or Personal "Quality"

This is hard to describe. It is more like a "quality," really, the quality of an emotion for instance (extreme states of emotion, especially) moreso than it is an actual physical smell. I believe these smells come through peoples' "energy signatures," the unique spiritual imprint that I believe we each have. So, these smells don't require the person's physical presence to be detectable. They could even be "smelled" by looking at a picture, say, or through an email or phone call...

The Smell of Happiness
In some old post on this message board (can't remember what thread now), I describe how one day I opened an email from a friend of mine. I was overwhelmed with a (psychic) "smell" of just "euphoria, completeness, extreme contentment, deep joy, 'I've found what I'm looking for,' mental peace, 'This is better than I could have dreamed,' " etc. I cannot compare it to any smell we would experience with the physical nose. It was a quality, a state of being. Perhaps, "vibrational state" would be a better description, I don't know. Anyway, it definitely had a smell, and it hit my nose very powerfully.

Turns out, my friend had moved out of the dreary state and dreary life that was depressing him for years, fell in love and moved to sunny California to live with his new love. His life totally changed for the better in every domain --spiritually, financially, physically, socially. Now, I did not know any of these details before I had first opened his email. lol When I did open it, before I could read it this incredible "smell" hit my nose out of the blue. I took some deep whiffs of this and exclaimed, "Whoa! What the heck?" haha, both about the "smell" itself, and about my (surprising to me) ability to smell it. After I read his message, I understood what I "smelled" --the scent of "happy."

The Smell of Pain
Conversely, I have found that when people are in physical pain, I tend to smell an acrid, vinegary smell coming from them, though it's not a physical smell. For instance, once another friend called me (I think I might have posted this here, too, but I don't know where) and kept saying she was doing great. But, in my psychic senses I knew something was wrong because I smelled this intense acrid, spiky, sharp smell. And I felt physically uncomfortable and fidgety. Weirdest of all, my face was wincing and I had this strong urge to cry. Prior to her call I was in a pretty upbeat mood.

Some minutes later, she finally cuts all the nonsensical small talk she had been bombarding me with and she gets around to the nitty gritty. An old problem with her spinal column, the result of a past car accident, had rendered her in extreme pain and bedridden for four excruciating days. She had been crying throughout the ordeal and had anxiety that she might lose her day job (which was very physically demanding and was what aggravated the old injury). "Why didn't she just say so in the beginning?" I remember thinking to myself, because I knew something was very wrong the milisecond I answered her phonecall...I could "smell" it!

The Smell of Good Values (or a Lack Thereof)
This is also kind of weird, but I could also smell good, ethical values on a person. It smells very nice, but it is very rare to encounter. Likewise, I smell when someone is a charlatan (for instance, a while back it was assumed I was being "rude" to a certain poser on here, but his subsequent performance [antics] on this board bore my initial assessment --yep, I smelled it). Lies have a certain smell to them, as does "fear." Fear has an acrid psychic scent similar to the "pain" smell my friend was reeking through the phone, as described above. But, fear also "tastes" like blood (don't ask me why, or what exactly that means). So posers tend to reek to me because they are always fearful they'll be found out and exposed eventually, and they always are because both they, and their lies, stink!

OK, I'm done. Hope I haven't weirded you readers out, too much...again. lol


Re: Psychic Abilities with Smells

Post by Emay »

Thank you very much for this info! :-) It's an awesome start to the journey.

Peace and love

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Re: Psychic Abilities with Smells

Post by Kassandra »


You're welcome, and if you have experiences with this you'd like to share in the future, please do. It's interesting to people who have not heard of it before, I'm sure. But for people like us who experience it, it's nice to hear from others who do, too, because it's validating, and one feels not so alone with it.

In fact, if anyone else has "smelled" psychic phenomena, I'd love to hear about it. Tell us your story! :)

And thanks Xiao for throwing this topic into its own thread, good call. This is definitely not one of the more well-known, glitzy psychic abilities, by far. lol In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if some people reading this thought we were just making it all up. Nevertheless, people really do experience this, so it's good we have a space now to discuss it. Thanks again!


Re: Psychic Abilities with Smells

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

I have this quite a bit. I had thought it might be a migraine aura, but I don't always get painful migraines after the strange smells. I've been tested extensively and no other good medical reason for them has ever come up. I never thought of them as possibly a psychic ability, although it would make sense as I do have some experiences where I see future events.

Like you, I also have no idea if they mean anything. They are smells I have never smelled in a natural sense. I've always called them olfactory hallucinations, but it's interesting to think they may be something spiritual. One of the smells, which I can remember smelling back as far as 3 years old, I can only describe as medicinal for some reason. It's sharp and sweet. The other is a sharp, pungent, musty type smell. It's the most common one I get and the only one that seems even remotely connected to a later migraine pain. It's also initially accompanied by a sense of euphoria that leads to me feeling very agitated (but no one else would notice). There's also one I can only describe as blood. It's very metal-ish. I had thought maybe blood vessels in my nose were breaking, but I never ever get bloody noses. They all last anywhere from a few hours to two days. The musty one is pleasant at first, but it becomes annoying after a while. The other two are not horrible but they are not pleasant either. I also am very affected by smells that actually do exist as well.

Anyway, it's very interesting to hear I'm not alone. I was so scared for so long that I had a brain tumor or was going crazy. The migraine explanation at least calmed me down, but it's really interesting to hear others have had them and it may be an ability. I think I am going to start recording what has happened or is happening when I get these and see if I can make a connection at all. That might help you as well. :)
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