Naenia Xénos Nocturnal Book of Shadows

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Naenia Xénos Nocturnal Book of Shadows

Post by Naenia_Xénos »


Nocturnal Witchcraft presents techniques for working with nocturnal and lunar energies and the ancient gods and goddesses of the darkness--the symbolic realm of shadow, illusion, death and rebirth, and the mysteries of the unknown.If you are such a child of night, you know that darkness is not "evil." However, many modern witches have overlooked the importance and power of the dark in a quest to distance themselves from negative stereotypes.

I am still a learning student, striving to gain all the knowledge that calls to me. This will contain my history and development of my book of shadows. It saddens me that there is not enough understanding and available information about this path. The deity that I feel has been calling me for a while is the Goddess Nyx, and I have chosen to honor her and share all I learn about this divine influence that what I feel is one of the greatest mysteries.

To begin with I will start with this prayer I wrote in her honor, with the inspiration from some others I have read...

Prayer to Nyx
O, Mistress of the Dark, I ask you hear my prayer,
As you walk in beauty like the night.
I seek your guidance and strength,
For eternal is its length.
Let your voice ring loud and clear,
To comfort me from all my fears.
And when at times my faith is weak
In you, Great Mother, please let me seek.
I stand before your sacred temple this day,
Under star lit skies and with blessings of the moon.
With enchanted magic and enchanted light,
I pray to you great Goddess Divine,
This very night.

Each night I say this prayer as I give her my offering of purified water w/sea salt. Also pink agate blessed with essential rose oil placed with the water inside the offering bowl. I mix them with a finger from my power hand and then draw a pentacle in the air above my altar and on my forehead.

Re: Stellaluna's Nocturnal Book of Shadows

Post by Naenia_Xénos »

My Personal Goals as a Witch

o Know yourself
o Know your craft
o Learn and share
o Achieve balance
o Keep your words and thoughts in good order
o Resist unhealthy or harmful temptations
o Celebrate life
o Exercise and eat correctly
o Meditate

Personal Ethical Principles

o Magic is natural
o Cause and Effect- Everything that is done has an effect, good and bad.
o Don’t do anything that you would be ashamed or embarrassed to tell other people about.
o Use magic as a last resort when everything else fails. It’s not something to be played with lightly.
o Magic can be used as defense. If magic is used as an attack, be aware that everything you do has an effect and can come back at you somewhere down the road. Weigh all the pros and cons!
o Don’t use magic while experiencing any extreme emotions. That can hinder your judgment and you may regret what you do.
o Magic is manipulating energy. By preforming it, you are manipulating the people around you and yourself.
o Magic is not strictly black and white, positive or negative, light or dark, good or bad. To dabble in one you’re dabbling in the other.
o What may be in your best interest may not be someone else’s. Always consider how things will affect others.


Re: Stellaluna's Nocturnal Book of Shadows

Post by Naenia_Xénos »

Opening the Chakras

Human body exists in two levels: The gross material level and the subtle, non-material level. Chakras are the energy centers from where nadis (nerves) converge and emerge. The nadi transport system belongs to the subtle body and the chakras are connected to the main nadi of this system, the sushumna nadi, which operates within the vertebral (spinal) column.

Chakras are active at all times, whether we are conscious of them or not. Each Chakra has a basic elemental state and different psychic states. These chakras are constantly vibrating with the movement of prana (life energy) inside the body and influencing one’s health and temperament. These changes are understood by neurobiologists as chemical changes produced by the endocrine glands whose secretions mix into the body’s blood stream directly and instantaneously and the electrochemical changes brought about by the nervous system at various levels.

For a Human body to work properly all of these nadis (pranic nervous system) should be working correctly. Of the 72,000 nadis in our body, 14 are considered most important. These important nadis give strength and vitality to various organs of our body and maintain their efficient functioning. If the organs are not functioning well, it means that there is some disorder in the pranic nervous system.

Explaining the therapeutic merit of some of his compositions, Sri Swamiji describes how various Ragas effecting different Chakras build resistance against innumerable illnesses. For instance, one musical composition with its particular vibrational quality will act upon the Chakra which is affected by Asthma, relieving its symptoms. Another Raga focuses on resistance to cold and diabetes. Another composition will act upon the heart chakra relieving the heart maladies and so on.

The whole of the human body can be considered as a mass of energy particles vibrating at certain frequencies, and illnesses are primarily caused by internal blockages in energy movement or due to inappropriate vibrating frequencies (increased or decreased frequencies). Sri Swamiji evokes sounds ranging from strings to santoor, to bells and our Nadis are bathed in the forces of Ragas especially selected by Him for a particular audience or day, and thus help rectifying the frequencies of different energy centers and hence help the free flow of energy in the body removing the blockages.

I have been using this vibrating music to help me meditate and heal/balance me, since I have a hard time sitting still for anything on my own and found it help full. I have been using...
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