Cats + Altars = Disaster

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Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by PaganSerpent »

A little background info. I have 4 cats and I love them dearly but they keep jumping onto my altar (It's a dresser ). To be honest, I'm still searching and haven't done much with my altar except set it up. Normally the cats will jump on it and knock something over but its usually minor. Last week I was sitting in the living room and heard a huge crash.. I go into the bedroom and the entire altar is on the floor. Altar cloth and all. Whoever it was broke a candle and broke the fingers off a dragon statue I had on the God side of my altar. I'm going to re-cleanse everything and set it back up, but is there some kind of protection spell I can do that will help with this kind of issue?

(I apologize for any typos or weird sentences as I wrote this on my phone and the phone is weird. )
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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by DPhoenix »

You're definitely not the first person on this board to have that kind of problem! I feel for ya!

This is what I would do if I were you...

I would take down my altar for now, leave the altar cloth where it is and over it put some sticky paper (sticky side up). After a few times of stepping on the sticky paper (which cats HATE) they'll get the hint and should stay away from the altar.

If they go up there again after you set your altar up, use the sticky paper again but this time set your altar (Or other items that won't break) up ontop of it. That way they see that even though there are things on the dresser the sticky paper is still there. Again, after a couple times of stepping on the sticky paper they'll get the hint. Then remove the sticky paper and set up your altar.
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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by scaravich »

Wow, what a great idea. We have problem with stray cats coming and sitting on a porch swing... so maybe we could apply a similar strategy. I've never had a pet cat so I don't really know a lot about cat psychology :)
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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by SnowCat »

I've always taken my altar down, and set it up as I need it. Cats have a different mindset than humans. That's why Hoss set his tail on fire all those years ago. Fortunately, he didn't burn down to the skin and the interruption to the ritual didn't cause any backlash.

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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by MsMollimizz »

My dresser is against the wall and window, my lamp an Indian sitting cross-legged
and there's room to place a few crystals there. Of coarse there's a few stones under
the legs... That leaves 4/5 of the top open for both of my furry kids to lay down.
The younger one, Kidden, will also go along the window sill and once in awhile
comes out from behind curtain and walks in my alter. She knocks my crystals off
the alter part of my desk, and with this apt being small I can hear it from the rest
of the house when she does this. It's been awhile since she's done this, last time I
think I spooked her from doing this...
She was my s-I-l's cat and was unable to afford sending her Detroit when she goes.
So Kidden(she named he), has been our's for three years; Kidden doesn't like to
be held, let alone picked up ! Patti didn't do much bonding with her before she
left. So when I caught her on the alter part I picked her up and repeatedly told
her that was a no-no and gave her a small pat on her butt ! I don't hit my furry
friends, but when Kidden did this I was just at my wits end to get either of them
to stay off it.
But that's a great idea with the sticky tape ! I'm hoping I never have to use it !
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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by Firebird »

That IS a great way to train them to stay off of where they shouldn't be!...all 4 of my cats stay on the ground, They were never allowed up on anything, except the couch. Now they are too old to be jumping around. The exception seems to be the outdoor Altar, then Pumpkin ( the only girl) always has to come and see what's there, once Ritual starts though she boogies, and the neighbor cat comes over and hangs in the circle. (I have never caught her jumping up on the Altar though.)
I have heard of many horror stories of cats and candles, and one who started the house on beuno.
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Re: Cats + Altars = Disaster

Post by loona wynd »

You can train them to not be around the altar as it has been said. Granted I've honestly found that I prefer it when my cats get on my altar. They often add positive and loving energy to the altar that has been set up. They have never jumped up when there has been an active ritual or magical act being performed. They have been underneath it or near the sides but never actually on the altar during spells or rituals. They seem to know that they aren't welcome up there then.

Other than putting the altar out of a space where they can't jump or taking it down after each working I'd say work with no candles and other forms of working magic. Good luck.
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