What is the universe trying to tell me?!

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What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

The universe is trying to tell me something, and I don't know what it is...

Sign #1

It started with a dream. I dreamt that my former clinical instructor at nursing school, was naked. She assumed the Venus position, as in the famous painting of Botticelli, except half of her body was hidden by a tall mirror. I was trying to take a picture of her FROM the mirror. Now this is a clinical instructor that I barely know on a personal level. But her appearance screamed "Venus" all over the place from her hair to her body posture.

After that dream, I received two more signs related to love.

Sign #2

I was deciding which stone to meditate on, and was drawn to the red coral. I confirmed with a dowsing pendulum if I should meditate on the red coral, and it said 'yes'. Now my pendulum HAS stopped me before from meditating on another stone, and told me to continue meditating on the crystal quartz (even though I already wanted to use a different one). Later on, I learned that red coral is associated with love and passion. But I didn't give it much thought until I got a third sign...

Sign #3

Yesterday, while purchasing herbs for cleansing/banishing, I was drawn to a pack of ground coriander. It was alone when I saw it, along with a bunch of other packed herbs. I was curious what its magickal use was, since I am only familiar to a few. But because I didn't need it, I decided not to buy it. I returned the herb to the shelf - or so I thought.

When I got home, I was surprised to find the coriander in my grocery bag. I don't know if I had mistakenly put it in my cart, or if my 5-year old son put it there. So I decided to look it up on Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, and found out it was an herb used for love spells :shock:

A quick history of my love life

I'm not exactly seeking a romantic relationship. I am a single mom of two kids and after my last relationship broke down, I was devastated. Since then, I focused on loving myself more. I explored hobbies, got back into witchcraft, work a lot, and spend time with my kids. This is the LONGEST I've been single and I have never been happier smiley_dance

I have reconnected with an ex-lover who recently got divorced with his wife. I always thought of him as "the one that got away". Things between us didn't work out in the past, mainly because of my immaturity and our youth. I am hoping things between us will rekindle, but I'm waiting for him to visit our country (since he now lives in the US and I, in the Philippines) and see how it goes from there. As tempted as I am to make a love spell to bring him back, I WON'T do it. I've been down that road before and it brought me karma. I am waiting for things to unfold naturally this time around.

But after getting these three signs, I feel weirded out. I'm 100% certain I don't want to do a love spell that will bring him back. And I don't want to do a "general love spell" that will bring romantic love into my life, if that's what the universe is trying to tell me. I'm not sure if the universe is telling me to do a love spell, or is giving me hints that love is about to enter my life.

Any thoughts?
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Re: What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by Firebird »

proceed slowly...do some readings...a little more self time, you just mentioned you had never been happier on your own, think about that. Strong women are desirable,... communicate with him for awhile and have some fun, but refrain from promises. I think you are right on with this
lilgeekess wrote:I focused on loving myself more. I explored hobbies, got back into witchcraft, work a lot, and spend time with my kids.
If he turns out to be the right one you should be able to tell without using witchcraft. I also think the dream is directly related to being good to yourself, you are the Goddess and she need her pampering with herbs and coral... I wondered, is your moon time near?
Blessings, Firebird
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What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

firebirdflys wrote:proceed slowly...do some readings...a little more self time, you just mentioned you had never been happier on your own, think about that. Strong women are desirable,... communicate with him for awhile and have some fun, but refrain from promises. I think you are right on with this
lilgeekess wrote:I focused on loving myself more. I explored hobbies, got back into witchcraft, work a lot, and spend time with my kids.
If he turns out to be the right one you should be able to tell without using witchcraft. I also think the dream is directly related to being good to yourself, you are the Goddess and she need her pampering with herbs and coral... I wondered, is your moon time near?
Blessings, Firebird
It isn't due in 2 weeks :) And thank you for your response. I feel more at ease now after feeling completely weirded out :shock:

I agree with you when you said that strong women are desirable. I wasn't in a good place when I had my previous relationships and I attracted a bunch of boys as a result. I know what I want now, and I know what I deserve.

I honestly find it hard to tell if he's the "one". Since it takes years before we see each other in person, it's really a joy to be around him. Yet things seem complicated for both of us. Distance is no longer an issue for me but because I performed a binding love spell before when we were together, I wonder if that's the only reason we keep reconnecting.

This is the second time we reconnected after years of loss in communication. He tried to get me back the first time we reconnected but because of the complications in my life, I said no. After that, we lost touch and had separate relationships. Then I got in touch with him again after learning that he got divorced. Since then, we chat every now and then but as friends. I intend to get a feel of the situation when he comes and visits next year.

Okay. Back to the signs. You must be right. After this lengthy retelling of my story, I really need some time and to do more readings. It may or may not be related to romantic love, but now I have the idea that it may be about taking care of myself :) I do feel like I don't take care of myself well enough lately.

So thank you Firebirdflys for your wonderful insight. I deeply appreciate it.

May the gods bless you!
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Re: What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by Firebird »

your welcome sweetie, I wondered about the moontime because you picked coral (ease of flow) and coriander (to ease cramps) I may be something to help during your moon. :D many blessings, Firebird
and P.S. Yes! be good to yourself :fairy:
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Re: What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by Kassandra »


Nice advice, firebirdflys.

lilgeekess wrote: As tempted as I am to make a love spell to bring him back, I WON'T do it. I've been down that road before and it brought me karma. I am waiting for things to unfold naturally this time around.
Can I plaster this quote on a billboard and post it in the "Spells" forum?

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What is the universe trying to tell me?!

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

firebirdflys wrote:your welcome sweetie, I wondered about the moontime because you picked coral (ease of flow) and coriander (to ease cramps) I may be something to help during your moon. :D many blessings, Firebird
and P.S. Yes! be good to yourself :fairy:
I found it very interesting that all these signs coincide :shock: Fortunately, I am not the type who has cramps so it may be your other suggestion about loving myself. I haven't done a reading yet but I think I know why I was drawn to a red coral. I've had it on me for days and it has helped me dispel my anxieties and fears on a private matter. These fears are somehow stopping me from being completely happy.

I'm starting to believe this is also the reason why I dreamt of Venus and drawn to Coriander. So again, thank you for your insights dear!
Kassandra wrote:.
lilgeekess wrote: As tempted as I am to make a love spell to bring him back, I WON'T do it. I've been down that road before and it brought me karma. I am waiting for things to unfold naturally this time around.
Can I plaster this quote on a billboard and post it in the "Spells" forum?

Please feel free to do so :D I sent out this love spell on a guy named "Yven" nearly a decade ago and while he didn't fall in love with me, I was in a relationship with guys named "Ivan" "Ivonn" and "Earvin" years after. Creepy huh?!

Earvin still seems to be bound to me, and it's been years since we last talked. I'm going to meet him next Sunday and give him the closure he needs. Hopefully, that will fix things.
"For the Spirit lies within."
~ Ada S.
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