Is opening the third eye dangerous?

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Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by losthowever »

I do not have any special psychic abilities but I wish to activate my third eye in order to have more intuition, see auras more clearly and open myself spiritually. Recently, I have seen a lot of warning about activating the third eye and I was wondering what you thought about it. I have been meditating and have felt a vibration in my forehead and pressure. Are there any dangers? What are your thoughts on the third eye?
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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by Kassandra »


Be prepared to see more of everything, the good and the bad (including the bad within yourself, and in the environment). It's not some kind of joy ride where all you see is what's rosey and "neat."

If you're cool with all that, then go for it. :wink:


Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by losthowever »

Oh I wasn't expecting it to be a joy ride, I was wondering if their is any danger to oneself. Thank you for responding. :)
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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by Lillady »

Opening your third eye is more like awakening your inner self. You may not always like what you see, but keep in mind seeing negative things you may or may not be aware of can ultimately help you in the long run. What I mean is it is up to you to make positive changes so that reflects not only physically/mentally but also spirtually, which is very important to keep your physical well-being on track too.
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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by Kassandra »


Lillady wrote:You may not always like what you see, but keep in mind seeing negative things you may or may not be aware of can ultimately help you in the long run.
Well said, Lillady.

losthowever wrote:Recently, I have seen a lot of warning about activating the third eye and I was wondering what you thought about it.
The advice given here seems to be pretty good: ... 838AAafLJk (don't mind the first "answer," obviously written by someone with a "closed" 3rd eye, lol). As far as the head pressure, I think it will pass, as someone else on the link above also suggested.

I believe the pressure is just excess energy you are naturally "raising" (similar to what witches do in circle before doing a working). When my 3rd eye was (re)opening, luckily, I had a friend who is a psychic vampire and when I got that pressure/headache feeling I mentally created a golden cord from my 3rd eye directly into his auric field, then pumped the excess energy into it, kind of like an oxygen suit. He didn't mind, obviously, since he "eats" energy, lol (vampires can come in handy, sometimes --the right ones, at least :kiss: ). He also suggested that when I got like that, find a tree and sit down with my back against it, close my eyes, and relax for a few minutes. The tree will suss the energy out of the chakras along the spine, and transmute it through its roots into the Earth, and through its leaves into the Universe. So, yeah, trees and vampires = helpful. hahaha

Hope that helps.

What exactly are some of the warnings you've seen that have concerned you? Give a couple of examples, if you could, then we can take it from there.

losthowever wrote:What are your thoughts on the third eye?
My thought is that all of us are born with an open 3rd eye already, just like we're all born with a nose, or an eardrum. The 3rd eye is just another part of our spiritual anatomy, another chakra (energy center) out of thousands in our bodies, that's all. My thought is there's no special "opening" of it that needs to be done, any more than an eardrum needs to be opened so that we could hear, or a nose needs to be adjusted somehow so that we could smell and breathe. We're born with everything we need, in working order.

What does happen, I believe, is that we get dumbed-down by various societal factors. We are bred from the cradle onward that the highest aspiration one could have is to be a good little brick in the wall. So, all the functions of the third eye --creativity, imagination, all the "clairs,"etc. --get, effectually, shut down, incrementally, mind-numbing year after mind-numbing year, until you find a person in a automaton-like state, no creativity, no optimism, no openness to new things, no marveling at the stars in the sky, or the patterns the waves of the water make.

The world closed your 3rd eye. And now, it seems, you have a longing to open it again. I think we all have a soul contract with life as to when that happens.
My thought is we are ALL born beautiful, powerful, creative spiritual beings ...but,THIS is what later "closes"
our 3rd eyes. I think that when people feel the urge to "open their 3rd eyes" later in life, what they are really
doing is de-programming their consciousness from the conditioning they've been subjected to for years. They
know intuitively that it has been spiritually toxic to their consciousness and that it is time to liberate their
minds, let their souls blossom into what they were meant to be, so they could do what they were meant to do.

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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Lillady wrote:
You may not always like what you see, but keep in mind seeing negative things you may or may not be aware of can ultimately help you in the long run.
I second this.
Kassandra wrote : de-programming their consciousness from the conditioning they've been subjected to for years.
Comes back to what I've been saying about free will being questionable.

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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by losthowever »

Some people claim that opening the third eye makes you more open to demonic possession. I think this is absurd. Other websites claim that people are not ready for what they will encounter.

Thank you to anyone replying. It is great to hear all your opinions.
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Re: Is opening the third eye dangerous?

Post by Holdasown »

Personally, I don't think it's anymore dangerous than opening your other chakras. I have been working on that for years. Witchcraft is energy work, open energy paths are vital. I don't think you can force it to open anyway. Things start to work when we are "ready". But practice is important.
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