Wicca 334 Further Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief

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Wicca 334 Further Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

"Wicca 334 Further Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief"
Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas with Llysse Smith Wylle copyright 2007 Covenstead Press

I wish I had access to this book's predecessor "Wicca 333." Maybe if I had read the two of them together I would actually appreciate this one. Unfortunately, this was the only one of the two that my local library system had.
To me, it seemed that this book goes off topic a lot.
I had hoped the chapters on Asatru, the Druids, and Indigenous American Spiritually would give glimpses into the practices and beliefs of these groups. Instead, the chapters discussed how some members of the Wiccan/Pagan community have mistreated members of those groups.
The only useful information I gained from this book was the advice on how to find a teacher, and how to be a good student.
I don't think this book was meant as a stand alone read, so if you get a chance to read it, read its predecessor as well, and maybe you'll get more from it than I did.
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