Do I have psychic ability?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Do I have psychic ability?

Post by orchid »

I've always questioned if I have psychic ability and if I need to develop it. When I was in teens I would think of a song and when I turn on the radio, that same song would be on. My intuition about people has always been good too. I talked to my psychology teacher in HS about this, and she suggested counseling, lol. She probably thought I was going crazy..

It was when I was 18 when I had an extraordinary experience. I was walking back home at night when a man approached me to ask for direction. As I was turning my head to my right to find out the cross street, as I blink my eyes, I had a vision of him grabbing me with two hands. I was just shocked and stood there to see if it would happen. Within 10 seconds, he grabbed me with both hands as I saw in my vision. I fought him and saved myself from getting raped and prob killed.

There were also times when a thought would come to my head and i would wish or dream of it, then eventually it just happened. I don't know if that's considered a vision or just a wish or want that happened coincidentally. I stopped paying attention to it for years. Lately, I've been starting to focus more and use my intuition again. A month ago, I had a feeling my friend would get sick during his trip and he did. I also knew my ex wouldnt last with his job and he didnt. I guess, when I focus on a person or situation and feel what is going to happen, then It comes to me, but sometimes I don't feel anything.

I just wish I can apply that on my relationship and get a sense where it is going, lol. I do sometimes, but my friends are telling me the opposite things so it gets confusing. I forgot to mention that it was also weird that I had dreams of getting robbed and it happened. And somehow that morning of the day it happened, I went back to my room and told myself that I need to take my watch and camera with me to work and locked my closet in case someone gets in my house (as if I felt their presence in my room), and that afternoon, my house got robbed. It was weird, but i did save my favorite watch and camera.

..I hope I didn't bore you with this.. Any thoughts would be appreciated.. Thanks..
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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by scaravich »

I think all people have psychic ability, it is just a lot more restricted in some people. And in some people, it comes very naturally... Kind of like, all people have the ability to do art, but for some people it's a lot harder, and for some people it's even a struggle. But they can still do it with lots of practice and learning.

Anyway, it sounds like it comes naturally to you, and you already are in-tune with it to some extent.

As for whether you should develop it or not... that is your own choice.

If you think you can use it to help yourself and others, and you want to do that, you should develop it.

If you think devleoping it could cause you pain and suffering, stress, or you are afraid of it, perhaps you shouldn't, or at least look for other perspectives.

Not everyone likes having a strong psychic ability.

I personally have not tried to develop my own psychic ability very much, so I cannot be of use of where to get started if you choose to. But I know many people here can be helpful with that.

If you like tea, I recommend drinking whtie tea. I have come to find it has a close connection with the inner workings of the mind and psychic ability. Especially the white tea called baihao-yinzhen (nickname 'silver needles'). Depending on what exact road you take, blending other herbs with it may help, too. Like if you want to go into prophecy or predictive dreaming, maybe lavender... stuff like that. Well, herablism is completely its own subject to research...

(I have a tea for everything hahaha)

Anyway, good luck with whatever decision you may look toward, and feel free to continue to ask questions here, and keep us posted on your progress or decision :)
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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

You sound psychic to me.

I guess the question is whether you want to use it for anything.

Sometimes it's hard to avoid picking things up ... And these are just random messages I guess. If you want to read for others, in a focused way, you need to practice. You can employ divination tools, or simply focus on a particular sense for more information. This information may take the form of feelings, ideas, or visions. I do a lot of bird augury, and really would encourage people to connect with their spirit or power animals, and this includes birds. They can be very powerful messengers and agents of life change and meaning.

It's good to journal your visions and experiences for later - can make for interesting reflection later.

Learning shamanic journeying to the other worlds I believe is a powerful tool to learn for a psychic witch. It combines psychic vision, visualisation, and astral journeying. It can be enormously powerful and spiritually meaningful and enriching.

Dont worry about the people in the supermarket. Turn the volume down.

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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by Kassandra »


Yeah. Precognition can be a real bi-- ...erm, I mean, bummer, sometimes.

Especially predicting someone's death, and other doom and gloom.

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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by raynelae »

-Dark-Moon- wrote: Dont worry about the people in the supermarket. Turn the volume down.

Yes, yes, yes! I couldn't agree more. Tune your ability down in large groups otherwise you will be drained and overwhelmed.
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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by orchid »

Thanks for all the responds..

I think I chose not to focus on my psychic ability when I was younger due to lack of support and I can't find people who has similar experience. Since I'm much older, I want to develop it and use it to help myself grow and maybe others if I can. I will be trying the white tea and later shamanic. Is shamanic similar to Zen Buddhism? I will be going for zen Buddhist temple next week.

How does crystals help with psychic ability? Ironically, I have collections of crystals but have stored them in my storage. Is there a class that's worth taking in you guys opinion? I'm also interested in tarot cards but not sure how accurate it is..

The supermarket noise don't bother me. I guess my ability is not that developed yet..

I just remembered too that my grandma was able to see spirits. She has tons of stories. And she would feel body pain to warn her one of her kids would be getting sick... My great great great grandpa was a healer in my country too.. I've felt ghosts throughout my childhood or growing up. We had them in our house where I grew up and they don't bother me (saw one but felt their presence through their actions all the time).. But I'm not sure that feeling spirit or being proned to feel their presence is a sign of ones psychic ability.. Now I don't know if I'm making sense, lol..
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Re: Do I have psychic ability?

Post by raynelae »

Crystals work very good for psychic ability. You can meditate with them and also placing them on your third eye chakra will activate your intuitive abilities. Lapis lazuli, amethyst, moonstone, selenite, and fluorite are great, to name a few.
Tarot cards are very accurate with practice and belief. Study up on them online or get a good book and learn the basics.
Hmmm, say that you're able to feel spirits. This a good sign of clairsentient abilities. Are you also able to feel the emotions of other people? If so you may want to work on developing your clairsentient abilities. Which leads me to this...
There are four main categories of psychic abilites: clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), and clairaudience (clear hearing). Look into each of these main psychic abilities and figure out which one you have the natural ability of. Many people have two main psychic gifts, some have all of them! Psychic development is a personal thing. There is so much information online so research, research, research! But most importantly, practice. You will sometimes misread your intuition and "get it wrong" this is totally fine! Don't beat yourself up. Have fun :)
P.s. is a wonderful website filled with information about psychic development. I highly reccomend you read the articles on this site.
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