
Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Post by ShadowWolfe1992 »

So, ever since I was little I have had odd things happen around me. When I was younger I thought everyone did, ah the obliviousness of youth, I started to realize something was different about me when my parents kept having us move. Sometimes it was a new part of town but mostly it was new towns all together, we might even move back after a while. But it was all after people forgot about WHY we moved. When I reached the age of ten it became clear that when something different(odd, unusual, pick your choice of words) happened, no matter if my step-father was working in the area or not, my mother would tell us we had to move. I never got a reason when I asked why though. As well as whenever I asked my mother questions about what, to me at least, was normal everyday things she would tell me not to tell anyone. Can someone give advice or anything? I would really appreciate any help you have to offer and if you are curious about the occurrences I would be more than happy to write them down

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Re: Help?

Post by Midnight_Cat »

This is just my thought:

maybe your parents are having some issues and your mom not telling you because she wanted to protect you. She could be fear of him, you know being in the arena and all, and he might hurt you guys. so moving around is her way to avoid him

Re: Help?

Post by ShadowWolfe1992 »

Oh no. They are together still. She actually chose him over me.
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