Deja Vu and Ghosts

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Artemis »

I get deja vu a lot. Just this past week as I was drawing on my brothers laptop I suddenly stopped looked closely at what I had just drawn and immediately realized that I had already done this, but I hadn't really until just then. That moment felt like I had already lived it in the past but had just gotten to it.....If that makes any sense.

There is this one thing that still lingers with me even now. It's a spot I'm cautious about whenever I walk by it. I was coming home from karate one night, rollerblading. As I approached this one tree that stood out over the sidewalk I suddenly saw a noose hanging from it. The noose was in line with my neck that I knew if I kept going I would end up with it around my neck. In a moment of panic I ended up tripping over a raised part of the sidewalk and hitting the ground hard. I had landed right underneath it, however when I looked up the noose was no longer there. I still get the creeps whenever I approach that tree. The image of that noose pops up every time.

As for ghosts, is it possible for one to follow you? In my old house I woke up late at night and noticed a bluish-white like coming from the corner of my room. Right where my desk, and a few drawings I had left out were located. The lady was looking down at some drawings. I noticed she was even touching them. She must've realized that she was being watched because she turned to look at me and smiled. I was scared and immediately closed my eyes hoping to fall back to sleep so I could just forget this entire thing even happened. I felt my pillow dip, right where she probably stepped on it on the way out the door, slept on the ground near the door. A while later my family moved out from there. We moved once more after that, and finally ended up a house away from the house I had originally seen her at. My brother saw her in our new home, the one we are still living in now, some time after we had just moved in.

Shortly after moving out we settled in a home with another family, not the home we are currently at. On the first night there I was attacked. Not by a person, I don't even know if it was a ghost or not. The figure was sitting on top of me, choking me. It was all black, like a shadow. I couldn't move much, I tried to make a sound but nothing came out. Tried to reach my sister who was sleeping next to me but my body wouldn't move anymore and I was so close. I woke up the next morning frightened about that experience.
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Kassandra »



Hi, and welcome to the board, Artemis. Well, sounds like "days in the life of a sensitive." That could be a soap opera title, or a novel or something, lol.

Let's see, looks like you had a precog day (which feels like deja vu; could have been a timeline shift as well, --sensitives can sense those, too), and you had a residual energy day, a spirit visit day, and a sleep paralysis day --or night, I should say, haha.


I kind of chuckled at your residual energy vignette (the noose story) because it reminded me of one of many experiences of residual energy I've had when visiting the "Old Town" district where I live. It's a popular tourist attraction of quaint buildings built in the 1800s by the gold mining community. I was particularly "on" at this one point in my life and couldn't shut it off, so to speak (seems you know what I'm talking about, lol). One day I started to walk into this store, and paused to "look" at a little blond boy, maybe 6 or 7, picking up horse poop from the horses which were hitched to a post outside the store.

Yet the hitch post, the horses standing in a row hitched to it, and the enterprising little boy (I think the shop keeper had paid him for his services, which made him more than happy to do this work) ...none of them were there. This was activity that happened 150 years or so ago that I was seeing! This was residual energy. I also saw a spot on the grass where several men on horses shot a guy execution style, who was kneeling with his hands tied behind his back (he must have stolen something very valuable --?). And there was a creepy back alley of what is now a restaurant where I saw that a man had been dragged and beaten up by a group of drunk bullies. It appeared that he died there. The wild, wild West, indeed.

"Gold Rush Days" actors, reinacting the crazy shenanigans of the
mining folks. Personally, I could do without this stuff, but tourists
love it, and the attendance is quite high for these activities.


So yeah, that noose you saw probably was, in fact, the cause of someone's death. So the vibration of that spot will always be strong. "Sensitives" like you will always pick such things up, while others not so sensitive will happily walk right by it without feeling a thing. It's exactly like what the lady that wrote the "Sad House" post (working link viewtopic.php?f=13&t=24065&p=174391#p174391) in this forum experienced: the stagnant energy of a property made her sick and anxious, yet didn't bother her fiance one bit.

It's very difficult for sensitives to get through a given day if they don't reign in their abilities, and learn to ground and center their consciousnesses. Otherwise, we jump at every little thing we sense. The Sad House lady wondered whether there was a malevolent spirit there, just as you felt like someone or something was sitting on your chest during your sleep paralysis. It can be that real, that salient. Just a heads' up: one or more of your children, if you ever have any, will most likely inherit the same psychic sensitivity you have, so get ready for it, haha.

As far as the ghost lady goes, try to find out who she is. Perhaps she is a past relative, simply delighting in your art work, etc. It might have been an interest of hers when she was alive. If not, maybe she is just a stranger ghost who resonates with your energy for whatever reason. If she isn't bothering you, ignore her. If she is, tell her you really need her out of your space.

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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Artemis »

Hi Kassandra, residual energy hadn't crossed my mind before. Earlier this evening I had another precog day. I had already lived it but again hadn't yet. It's quite disconcerting feeling like this especially since I feel like I'm going crazy...The ghost lady isn't bothering me, but it is a bit weird knowing that she has followed me here. I'm often teased by my younger siblings about being haunted.

I've been wondering for a while, it's something I've noticed whenever I close my eyes and I'm just thinking, but voices, not my own slip in every now and then. Conversations, noises, stuff I don't know about at all are in the background. When I'm not focusing I can kinda understand what is being said without actually grasping the convo, but when I focus it starts going a bit fuzzy, they're still there just I can't quite grasp it, like they're teasing me and slipping away each time I'm close to trying to make sense of them. Images sometimes slip in of random things. Even places I've never seen before, but then see months, even years later.
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Kassandra »

Artemis wrote:Images sometimes slip in of random things. Even places I've never seen before, but then see months, even years later.
Have you tried journaling these things? At one time when I was going through what you're going through, that all-at-once thing, I found journaling everything to be very helpful. I had it down to a system: "Date: Jan. 6 20xx. Vision: [blah blah blah]" Then when the vision came to pass, I'd write "Date: June 10 20xx. Vision dated Jan. 6 20xx confirmed. Scenario: [blah blah blah]."

I don't know, just bringing some order to it all made me feel more in control of the influx of information bombarding me.

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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Artemis »

I'll give that a try.
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Kassandra »



Oh, I see that you like to make artwork! Yay. Here's an idea for you. Since you can express yourself artistically, how about drawing the visions/people you see? You could have a notebook soley devoted to your psychic hits, and you could name it something like, "My Psychic Art," or something. Truth is stranger than fiction; I'm sure a lot of your visions would look like something right out of a movie, or an anime, etc. and would make for interesting artwork.

If you'd like, you could start
your own blog thread here
working link viewforum.php?f=45and share your artwork with us ...or not, it's up to you. Just getting stuff out of your head so you don't feel so crazy may be therapeutic enough, without even sharing them with anyone.

I posted about a woman who paints spirits (she sees dead people) to inspire you, so you will know there are others who are clairvoyant and have found artistic outlets for expressing what they see. Hope this helps.

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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Artemis »

I watched Ritas video and visited her site and was just like wow. I never knew you could actually do that. I mean I have heard you can write down what you've seen in a psychic diary/journal, just didn't consider that you could do that with art too. I'm definitely going to keep a notebook ready just for any visions....though there are times when I guess I'm hit with one, but maybe I push it aside subconsciously just as quickly as it arrived because all I see is black and then everything goes back to normal. This is all in a span of seconds too.

Thanks for sharing this info and suggestions with me. I'll probably share some of the stuff I've seen, maybe not all of it but some.
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Firebird »

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by stormofwind »

Okay something happened to me last night I was in sad mood..
I started to take my shower looked in mirror and it was not me and mirror was different too
gilded metal with twisted curl pattern with flowers..
This person was a woman really pale skin green eyes a little shorter than me.
cherb heart shaped face black hair cut facial length ..
She was wearing black satin top.. I believe she was putting on makeup?
This went on for minute.. I never seen her before.
I know this not me from a past life I know what I looked like.
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Re: Deja Vu and Ghosts

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

The noose thing sounds like stuff from a past life. Since it personally happened to you. The other yes spirits can definitely attach themselves to you.
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter.
- Devi
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