My previous attempts, and what has pulled me though.

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My previous attempts, and what has pulled me though.


This is to all those thinking about taking their life... I've tried it. Many times.

I know what your going through.

Different things, each time, have saved me.. So, listen.. You never know, who or what may come to help.. Subtle signs, hints, blessings... If you wish to find help.. Please read.

Depression... You find yourself slipping further and further into it.~~ solution, MAKE yourself surround yourself with friends. YOUR friends. Those who have stuck by you through thick and thin.go outside more.. Lay in the grass and watch the sky, during the day, during the night.. Find pleasure in flowers, birds, trees, children laughing.

Mourning a loved one.... THIS IS A TOUGHY.. Know that understand that the hurt never goes away, but fill your life with their friends, remember the good times.. Let anybody who wants to help, help!!!

Hating yourself... Make a list, of all the good things you do, everyday. For a month. DON'T SKIMP, DON'T DISMISS YOUR GOOD ACTIONS.. And understand, your not as bad as you may think you are.

There's more... And I will be updating frequently.

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