Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Antu »

Hello all,

I'm new at trying to feel energy in crystals and ... well energy in anything. I've busted out an old collection of crystals and stones recently and tried to feel them. I found some were cooling and soothing, some actually hurt to hold. It felt like they were hurting the bones in my palm. One red rock felt like it was burning me. I just tried to sense an amethyst and it hurt to hold, but as I drew it away from my skin it was just a tingly feeling. Very weird. I mean this all as a very subtle feeling, not like I was actually being burned. Though the pain was uncomfortable in my bones, it immediately went away when I withdrew the crystal. And I admit this can all be in my head. I'm trying to figure out what's real and what isn't.

So, has a crystal ever hurt you? Does this mean anything?
Moonstone Ivy

Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Moonstone Ivy »

I've felt that in one of my crystals before. It usually happens because the crystal is full of negative energy and the best way to solve that is to purify it, definately before using it in any spells/rituals. Hope this helps!

Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Antu »

Thank you! I've read that soaking them in salt water would purify and letting them sit out in moonlight. Is that all there is to it?
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Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Bellia_Arian »

Soaking them in salt water cleanes the crystals or gemstones, you can soak them for a hour or soak them overnight. Be sure to rinse them in cold running water. Flush the water, don't reuse it as its stored all the negative energy. You can charge it with a full moon or with the Sun (its stronger) by leaving it in the sun light all day.
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Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by CassJasper »

I have tried to charge certain crystals to myself before that, unfortunately, as Moonstone mentioned before, can and have still held negative energy, especially if you have using them in healing and have not cleansed them for a while. I usually either lay it near a quartz crystal or amethyst bed to help reduce this over activity of the crystal or just have them sit in the moonlight on a full moon.

Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Antu »

OK so for the salt water, does it have to be ocean water? Or could it be water with table salt in it? And CassJasper, I don't have a quartz or amethyst bed but I'll look into getting one. Thank you :)

Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by RainingMoon »

it can be water with salt in it. Salt draws out negative energies, regardless of whether it's table salt or sea salt or dissolved sodium chlorite or phosphate from the ocean(:
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Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Lillady »

Whenever I purchase new stones or crystals I have always made it a practice to cleanse them before using them in salt water. I will charge them with the moon overnight and the next morning will place them into a pure white cloth until i am ready to use them. These are used for so many reasons and many people of our practice tend to not think of cleansing them to release the negative energies from them before selling them or giving them away. I hope you find all of this helpful, they can defintely hurt when they arent cleansed.
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Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by Myrth »

I clear and charge crystals with Reiki.
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Re: Has a crystal ever hurt you?

Post by miachrhys »

There has been a lot of discussion on YouTube recently about cleansing crystals by using sound waves. It's an idea that intrigues me. I also tend to burn incense or white sage and pass my crystals through the smoke. Sometimes that's a whole lot easier that bringing them outside to sit under the moonlight.
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