The levels of being

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The levels of being

Post by moonlit »

I just thought this would be really cool to post.

The levels of being


each one of these levels links with the one above and below it.

The SPIRITUAL Level is the level from which all other levels emanate and to which they return. In humans this level corrisponds to the spiritual body, the transcendent core of the self.

The MENTAL level is the level of abstract consciousness, the realm of timesless and spaceless meaning, the laws of logic and mathmatics, and the fundamental patterns of the cosmos. In humans this level corrisponds to the mental body, the essential immortal patturn of the self.

The ASTRAL level is the level of concrete consciousness, therealm of dreams abd imagination and of ordinary mental activity. In humans this level corrisponds to the astral body, or the subtle body of imagination and the personality that is the vehicle for most out-of-body expiriences.

The ETHERIC level is the level of life force closely linked with breath and living matter. in humand this level corrisponds to the etheric body or aura, the subtle body of vital energies.

The PHYSICAL level is the "lowest" of the levels, identical to physical matter as we percieve it with our 5 ordinary sences. In human beings, this level corrisponds to the physical body.
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