I need a binding spell

Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)

I need a binding spell

Post by feathered_flower »

my mother's friend has a husband who beats her and abuses her. she refuses to leave him, not because she loves him, but because she thinks her children and grandchildren will not love her anymore because they all love him.
my mother ( who is christian but does work spells occasionally ) has done a binding where she took a picture of him and wrapped a white ribbon around it while chanting, but it only works for a little while at a time. I'd like something more permanent. we've tried many times to get her to leave him , but she wont. she's a very soft spoken woman who is very sweet, i don't want her to get hurt. we live in a small town that adores her husband , so even if we went to the anchorites it wouldn't help. it's been tried. if any of you can help me help her I'd really appreciate it. i know i shouldn't mess with a persons free will, but i'd rather have it come back at me then have her in danger.
thanks again and blessed be
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Location: North Hollywood, Ca

Re: I need a binding spell

Post by Ravencry »

I found this online for you, it sounds like it would match *kinda, cause he is dangerous*

(Author Unknown)

Best performed on Saturday (Saturn's Day),
To bind a criminal / one who intends to do harm,
To bring someone to justice

Collect your materials, including a poppet you made to represent the person in
Cast a circle.
Light a black candle and burn myrrh incense.
Sprinkle the poppet with salt water, saying

Blessed be, thou creature made of art.
By art made, by art changed.
Thou art not clothe (or wax, whatever you made the poppet from)
But flesh and blood
I name thee ___________ (person being bound)
Thou art s/he, between the worlds, in all the worlds,
So mote it be

Hold the poppet and imagine it enmeshed in silver net, binding the person in
Tie the poppet up firmly with red ribbon, binding all parts of it that could
possibly do harm.
Charge it, saying,

By air and earth,
By water and fire,
So be you bound,
As I desire.
By three and nine,
Your power I bind.
By moon and sun,
My will be done.
Sky and sea
Keep harm from me (or she, since its your mother).
Cord go round,
Power be bound,
Light revealed,
Now be sealed.

Release the powers and open the circle.
Bury the poppet at the time of the waning moon, far from your home, under a
heavy rock.
Go home and have some juice and do grounding. And clearing meditation.

Re: I need a binding spell

Post by feathered_flower »

thank you very much , i really appreciate this! it's hard to express my thanks through the computer but i REALLY am :).
Posts: 1698
Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:30 pm
Gender: Female
Location: North Hollywood, Ca

Re: I need a binding spell

Post by Ravencry »

No problemo! I understand your thankfulness, just by the fact that your willing to do this for your mother.

Re: I need a binding spell

Post by Aura_Guru »

I do know of a spell that may aid you.I call it the "Everbinding Spell" and I've used it many times with high success rate.It's mainly a personal modification/mashup of other such spells I've found:
"The Everbinding Spell"
Before everything begins take a cleansing bath and ensure a powerfull protective circle is cast properly.Take a square (size is irrelevant) piece of parchment or paper and write the subject(s) to be bound (this must include names of people, specific qualities/actions, arcane connections to said subject, etc), and cross them with a red X to symbolise the crossing condition.You may with include other symbols such as prepeared kabalistic sigils,inverted pentagrams for binding etc.Crumple said paper and begin tieing loops while visualising the spell taking effect , while tieing (with yarn) a single loop per verse of the following chant .In the end there should be 21 ties of yarn (black prefearably):
"With the thread of crimes
of your own design
I bind thee yfel
Three times seven times
I bind thee from Behind
And I bind thee from Before
That thy deeds shall hurt me
Never ever more
I bind thee from the Left
I bind thee from the Right
I bind thee from Above
I bind thee from Before
I bind thee by Day
I bind thee by Night
That thee may ever know
The laws of Life & Love
I bind thee with thine
own conscience within
And thusly let the Magick
And Spin...

Tie the ends of the yarn with 3 sturdy knots and set the resulting construct on fire using a black candle -anointed with Control Oil- while chanting (until only ashes remain):
Godess of the darkest night
Send all my troubles to flight
Burn them in thy sacred fires
And replace them with my hearts desires

Suitable incence amberor frankincence.Best done during full or waxing moon.More information of oil recipes mentioned, one can find in the Magickal Formulary text circulating the net (note its validity has been...argued on occation).

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