Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

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Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Caitieb9 »

My boyfriend suffers from terrible ulcers and he isn't covered under health insurance for another month so he has asked me to do a ritual for healing. I am thinking of making my own because I am unsure about most of the ones I've found online. I was thinking of soaking 3 fluorite, which is known to heal ulcers, in purified water for 3 days. Then I was going to light three blue candles in the center of my Alter and carve his name into each of them with the bottle containing the fluorite and water in the center. I would then create sacred space and make up a saying that would state my intention and meditate on it while the candles burn themselves down. I would then have him drink the water that at this point would be filled with healing intentions.

My question is, would you add anything to this? What color candles? Any suggested sayings?
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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Firebird »

Fluorite is toxic!!!!, I think it may be one of those stone you do NOT want to do an elixir with, please research this one a little further first, before consuming...Firebird
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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by p3nathan »

I'm afraid I don't have a magical solution... but I have a similar problem and my doctor usually prescribes a short course of steroids when they get bad. It's incredibly effective. I'd reccomend that once his health insurance is sorted.

Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Caitieb9 »

http://www.ehow.com/info_8352893_proper ... stals.html

I think you're confusing fluorite with fluoride. Flouride is toxic but I have read in several places that you can make elixirs from fluorite for things like this. The romans actually used to powder fluorite and drink it to cure kidney issues.

And as for the Steroids, I will mention that to him, thanks. Unfortunately he won't be able to get on them for a little while, the health system here is kind of messed up. lol
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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Firebird »

like I said, please research.... calcium fluoride is the main component in fluorite...do be careful. FF
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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Firebird »

Dear Catie..I'm so sorry to have been a wet blanket upon your healing quest, I have sources that say DO NOT use fluorite in elixirs and other sources that say it is OKAY,...this makes for great confusion. Fluoride is one of those fine line minerals that can heal or harm depending on dose and duration. Interestingly enough fluoride poisoning can cause ulcers, but in low doses may cure them.
I don't know about the steroid use....but Homeopathy has some GREAT remedies, Belladonna comes to mind ( another baneful thing ) that might help. Check out the "Homeopathic Remedies" and see if there is something that will work. Good luck dear, ...hope he is better soon. Blessings, FF
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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Caitieb9 »

Thank you so much for your advice! I really do appreciate it. We want him to stay away from the steroids if at all possible, that's why we were hoping to take the alternative route. Again, thank you. I will continue to try to heal him the best way I know how!

Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Danae »

You could use the indirect method for creating the fluorite elixir, if you are concerned. I should think that the healing properties that you endow the water with is more important than having that direct contact with the water, and thus any possible risks.

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Re: Flourite and Ulcers Ritual?

Post by Ravencry »

If you need remedies for ulcers, here are a few:

a) Licorice:
Licorice root acts as an anti-inflammatory and produces a substance that aids in the protection of the stomach wall. When incorporating licorice as part of a natural cure, the production of acid is also reduced. Some individuals make a decoction, while others simply suck the juice from licorice sticks. Tinctures also make effective remedies. If you have high blood pressure, you may want to refrain from this type of natural treatment.

b) Manuka:
Studies conducted in New Zealand reveal that the bark, pollen, flowers, and leaves of manuka honey destroy the bacterium associated with ulcer development [4]. One may take 1 to 2 teaspoons of manuka honey twice per day or use the flowers and leaves to create infusions. The bark is also used to form decoctions. To add an anti-bacterial component to a manuka infusion, consider using thyme or echinecea.

c) Banana:
Peptic ulcers react quite well when using bananas to neutralize the extra acidity found in gastric juices. The banana also lessens the irritation associated with an ulcer by coating the stomach lining. Some individuals with an advanced peptic ulcer have found great results by following a strict diet of two bananas with a glass of milk (3 to 4 times per day).

d) Lime:
The citric acid of limes works with mineral salts to aid digestion.

e) Cabbage:
It is believed that the juice extracted from raw cabbage is a helpful remedy for a peptic ulcer. Add 250 grams of cabbage to 500 ml of water and bring to a boil until the quantity is reduced to half of its original amount. After cooling the water, the natural cure can be taken twice daily. Usually, the juice is too strong and some people have lessened its potency with carrot juice. Additional raw vegetable juices that aid in remedying ulcers include spinach, beets, and cucumber.

f) Milk:
A natural approach towards curing an ulcer includes almond milk and goat’s milk. Almond milk is created when adding blanched almonds to a blender. The remedy is known to bind excess acid in the stomach. Goat’s milk has been known to heal peptic ulcers and receives a better response from the body when taken in its raw form. Goat’s milk should be taken three times per day.
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