spell to appear young and pretty

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spell to appear young and pretty

Post by Lala »

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there is any spell to appear more youthfull or regain your youthfulness. I was very sick for a while (I have a metabolic disorder) and I kinda look washup. I have eye bags, and a few small lines under my eyes. I know that there are creams for that, and I'm seeing some results (I drink a lot of water and use richful creams for that), but I wish I can look like my old self. I don't feel pretty and young anymore. I feel very ugly and old. I feel that this disease ravage me up. I'm much better now since I have new treatment, but i feel like I'm not pretty like I used to. I sincerely hope you can help me.
Wolf Heart
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Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:11 pm
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Re: spell to appear young and pretty

Post by Wolf Heart »

Healthy eating and excercise is more likely to give you results, and is more rewarding than simply turning to magick.
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~

Re: spell to appear young and pretty

Post by Lala »

Well, I'm already doing that, but I want something to enhance the results. That's what I meant in my post.
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