Disturbing Prophecy

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Disturbing Prophecy

Post by Aura_Guru »

I enjoy performing divination in an either casual (witch I believe is not realy divination,has no accuracy and is mere pass time) or spiritual concept ( annointed candles invocations etc,this is the [serious divination,the one witch i use to seriously predict the future).Now-to get to the point-recently while performing divination to understand if I will eventualy succeed in my goal to become a chemist-the exams are drawing ever closer-I got a rather disturbing result of death,destruction,failures (ace of spades in my context).I generaly thought i might be some distant doom&gloom case but since then the same 3 cards in the exact same concept have been appearing in other reading such as friendship etc.It is remarkable to find such constistency in such fluid thing as divination.I was wondering is anyone aware of a divination method ( so far I'm into Tarot& playing cards-those I make frequent use of-,runes( very accurate but difficult to aquire), and have started to learn I Ching) to uncover more about the nature of the incomming calamity?So far I've been trying to discover more about the issue, reading-spread after spread- until the cards stopped making any sense.Now again due to the concistency of the information gleaned through the repeated readings-witch can be summarised in: Ruin,devastation chaos,death caused by relatively innocuous finacial matters and manifesting slowly but surely as financial ups & downs-I realy do believe something unwholesome is approaching and thus I'm seeking a way to prevent it.Any ideas will be appreciated.
P.S Blessed be )O(
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Re: Disturbing Prophecy

Post by presentcharisma »

Fill yourself with light and make it a point to do daily positive affirmations. Focusing on or thinking of this "ruin" will only bring more energy to it and could manifest something otherwise prevented. Rather than resisting ruin (because resistance gives energy to that which you are resisting) you should think more toward positive outcomes/
Autumnal Rose
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Re: Disturbing Prophecy

Post by Autumnal Rose »

The thing to remember is that divination only shows you possible futures. Using the guidance you take from your cards, you can change your behaviours to change your future. Negative cards don't mean you will fail, just that you might fail if you continue in the way you are going. Are there any simple changes you can make??
Kei Kawazu
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Re: Disturbing Prophecy

Post by Kei Kawazu »

Taking from the possible futures idea, I have found from studies that the ouija boards and such can manifest from the subconcious mind, and I believe the same could apply to tarot because its a manual shuffling, so therefore it could be reflecting your worries on not passing.

Perhaps get someone to do a reading for you and see what happens, dont need to tell them what happened here though because it could bias the result.

Re: Disturbing Prophecy

Post by Aura_Guru »

Thank you all for the replies.First and foremost , I'm personaly not one to attribute such things to "negative thinking".I believe that simply ignoring something or wishing it away is simply not sufficient.Alas thanks to this particular reading I was able to a see an otherwise innocous happening for what it truly was-a dangerous path.It was a very strage experience indeed.In that moment I heard about this happening (which I will not name as its nature is irrelevant) I had a sort of epiphany.I can't explain it fully, but it was as if a missing jiggsaw puzzle piece fell into place.As if the gears of fate had started moving and I could somehow sence it.The otherwise vague and obscured reading became appearent for what it was that very second!Using the most powerfull spell I have ever performed (a wishing one) I manage to- truly miraculously-evade this dark path.I can now, looking back at this event, be certain that it would be a truly catastrophic route for me to take (even if it was involuntarily).
P.S.Thank you Autumnal Rose I fully aggree with you- however in that particular case, magic aside, it was something beyong my ability to affect directly.
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