Question about hematite

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Question about hematite

Post by Truthseeker »

I am really drawn to gems and crystals and have been trying to learn all I can about them, their properties and powers, ect. Can anyone tell me if hematite has ever been known to cause bad dreams? I've been making jewelry with different gemstones now for a few months.I made some with hematite and gave my daughter one, as well as one I made to wear myself. She told me after a couple of weeks of wearing hers that she began to have really bad dreams, and she took hers of and stopped wearing it. Her dreams stopped and she is convinced that the energy fueling these dreams came from the stone. Then I,too, began experiencing the same thing.My nightly dreams became a torment that made me dread going to sleep. I removed mine also and the dreams stopped. I later replaced mine with an agate stone and seem to rest more peacefully. I seem to draw a peaceful energy from it. Anyway- I cleansed the hematite stones using sage and charged them in moonlight before either of us ever wore them. Is this unusual? Am I 'barking up the wrong tree' or what. Is there something I am doing wrong?Can anyone help?

Re: Question about hematite

Post by Mockingjay »

According to my B.O.S hematite is supposed to ground, to protect and to dispell negativity so I dont really understand why this would happen unless the crystal was infused with someone elses negative energies in which case cleansing/purifying them should help. Did you buy the crystals new or secondhand/used? :)
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Re: Question about hematite

Post by Zili »

Try burying the stones before you use them leave them in the ground for about 3 days and check on them, see if they give you any bad vibes.

It doesn't matter if you by stones new or used they all need to be cleansed before being used. If someone handled them (even by just putting them in a package) if they had any bad thoughts while touching them that puts negative energy into the stone.

Also are you using magnetized hematite? if so try placing a blue agate bead or some other bead that makes your rest peaceful between each hematite piece it could be that your body doesn't need so much magnetization.
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Re: Question about hematite

Post by Truthseeker »

I bought them new but I used sage/smudging to cleanse them and then left them exposed to moonlight for several nights. And, no, it's not magnetized. I also had wondered if they had absorbed a lot of negative energy and that might have been the problem. They felt so good at first, like they were just 'snuggling down' against my skin (lol sounds so goofy- but I can only hope that you understand :) I may have to try burying them. Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Question about hematite

Post by being-singular-plural »

I find Hematite to be an amazing and sometimes unpredictable stone. I disagree with all the write-ups about it being so grounding. My experience with this stone is more of a QUICKENING of energies! I recommend that one use its energies sparingly--i.e. don't wear it everyday. I have 5-6 pieces of hematite that I have collected over the years and a red-quartz included hematite--the red/rust one really gets the juices flowing and is good to wear before a workout. But the shiny, metallic grey-black hematites often makes me dizzy...It stretches my energies all over the place...I use this hematite when i feel that my energy is sluggish. Thus, I see it as more akin to the high frequency stones like Tibetan Tektite, Moldavite, Herderite, Naturolite, etc. Because of these high frequencies, energetic releases can happen--and this can manifest as nightmares. Bad dreams are often considered wake-up calls, and hematite definitely spiritualizes mundane energies. Thus, the bad dreams are more reflective of one's "state of soul" rather than an attribute to the stone itself.

would recommend petalite, lepidotlite, sugilite, larimar, sodalite, selenite, fluorite, turquoise, aquamarine, variscite, green tourmaline, peridot, ocean jasper, or rose quartz to help countermand the bad dreams.
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Re: Question about hematite

Post by Truthseeker »

Thanks, everything you said makes sense- the nightmares I was having were exaggerated (very extremely) versions of worries and issues in my real life. So your answer makes a WHOLE lot of sense to me. I need to talk to my daughter and find out if this was also the nature of her nightmares also.
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