Is anyone else an Empath?

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Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by aphroditemoon »

Hey everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone else is an empath. I've been told I'm a Judge Empath (so I have the ability to sense wrongdoing and lies, etc) and I was wondering if anyone else is? How have you learned you are? How do you deal with it? I know for me sometimes it can feel like a burden but I'm happy I was blessed with it.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Tasariel »

I've always been one, I think.
People's emotions have always affected me much more than anyone else. I didn't know why until I ran across the concept of an empath recently.
It's definitely hard to deal with. It's like carrying around a lot of baggage, all the time, and it's really hard for me to go to parties or large gatherings because I just get so overwhelmed I get to a point where I'm actually frightened, or just overtired..
In some ways, it's great, because I can always tell when my friends have something going on, and I can usually help them with it somehow. But in a lot of other ways, like when people are putting blame on me for things that aren't my fault, I tend to get steamrolled because I'm so overwhelmed by THEIR feelings, I don't have a chance to sort out my own.
I don't think I'm a very good sender, but I try. I think it's something I'm just going to have to work on.
It must be cool to know when people are lying! :P I bet that's really useful day-to-day.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by aphroditemoon »

Yeah thats how I am. Large gatherings tend to wear on me since there's so many emotions and I think as empaths we tend to get picked on a lot unfortunately. I think from experience people either take my advice as truth and it really helps or they go the opposite and see it as attacking. Either way though knowing I have a gift is nice. :] I love knowing when people are lying to me. The downside is when people are lying to my face and they keep pretending they aren't. That can seriously wear on me especially when it comes to people I love, but it gives me an advantage :]
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Tasariel »

Lol totally. I've been seeing a counselor for a year or so, and he's basically TOLD me that I'm the emotional dumping-ground for my entire family. It definitely does wear on me after a while though. I think people sense the fact that we're responsive to their emotions, and they just think that it means it's okay to dump EVERYTHING on us. I've had problems with friends doing that before, just constantly dumping all of their (even unimportant) troubles on me. It's stressful! And their feelings over some things that I consider STUPID, just build up in me until I'm really grinding my teeth. >.<

I bet it's hard for you to deal with it when you know someone you care about is lying to you about something important. But at least you can sorta work around it, I guess, and you're never fooled about it at least. You can do a little bit of preparation, even if you don't know the whole truth, if you at least know they're lying.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by aphroditemoon »

From what I've been told, since we're drawn to peoples emotions people are naturally drawn back to us to tell us their problems, etc. It gets old after a while. Sometimes I just want a break, but I think I just need to figure out how to channel all the energy i get and make it positive. Hopefully I can figure it out. :p If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. Having people that understand always helps :3
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Tasariel »

Haha, totally.
It's weird that I've been living this way for so long without even KNOWING why. But I guess knowing the reasons for these things makes it a little easier to bear. :)
I think asking for a break is totally reasonable. Just making other people understand might be hard.
Definitely, I'd love to chat with you more about it sometime, when I've learned more.
And yea, I want to work on not letting things affect me negatively as much.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by aphroditemoon »

For me it was more about trusting my instincts. I was raised in a super catholic family so it was really hard for me to let go and just trust all the feelings I've been having. I've been dealing with that since I was 16. Since I'm 20 now it's only been until recently I can actually be 100% wiccan and not feel guilty or feel like my senses are total crap. I can finally trust everything and it's so freeing. I find that meditating really helps even if it's just sitting on the couch and focusing on my energy.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Tasariel »

I'm wondering. Do you (or anyone else) know of some books I can find on the subject?
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Firebird »

I'ts easy to let the energy of others seep into your aura and beyond, and once it's there, it's not so easy to release. A blessing maybe, but more usually a curse. Being an empath joins one instantly to the emotions of whomever is closest to you. If they are having a great day, Yeah! but I find sorrow to be a much larger wave, and hits you like an invisible slug from across the room. When working with the public or when at a party we who are more sensitive than most should take extra precautions. My favorites are burning a grey candle directed at these rogue emotions to become lost in the grey as though it were fog. The other is daily shields. Before you step out the door "shields up", imagine you are in-cased in a protective egg and the outside of the egg reflects like a mirror. The daily "junk" should reflect off. Once you engage with someone however, defences go down and you'll find yourself crying with a complete stranger. Staying neutral is difficult. Suspecting some one of being deceitful can be dangerous, because we have all told our little white or even darker lies, usually to protect ourselves or someone else. When you are sensing this energy coming off of someone remember it may be minor and should be given the benefit of the doubt. Still after a long hard day or a really crazy party, grounding is a great release. Lying prone face down on the ground, and cry if you need to, you'll feel better. When you stand up take at least 3 really deep cleansing breaths, and let the day go... Blessings
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Sage50 »

Hi I empath too. I find it is a weird for a guy though with the whole feelings thing. Had alot friends that were girls. On the plus side Had no problem getting dates.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by ShadowWolfe1992 »

I realized I was an empath after looking up colors that I could see around people. (now I know it was an aura) And I realized it and nearly smacked myself in the head.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by illbehere »

i may be. but only when people cry. as soon as i see someone cry, i cry too xD its embarassing in public :P
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Sage50 »

@ Illbehere I know that problem. Crying in plublic wow it is so embarassing but beening a empathy it comes with the gift. what i have learned to do is to disconnect from the preson. When you feel it starting to happen you have to pull into yourself amost like taking a deep beathe, but you draw in your feelings. It takes some time to learn to control but it can be done i do it all the time. Just be careful not to draw in all the persons emotion with it that will back firer on you. you can practice controling it by throwing out thoughts into a crowd of people like " Hey you" and watch them turn around when you can control you thoughts (feels) going out then you will be able to control what comes in to. Hope this helps.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by Nixie »

I have empathic leanings, I how people are feeling and when they are feeling them. I then am able to help them out of a rage, I act as a shoulder to cry on or the ear that never judges and tells the truth.
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Re: Is anyone else an Empath?

Post by CristryShannon »

Im an empath least i think i am!
I can sense humen pain or happines or angry if im next to them or touch them...but that only works if i am relaxed...and calm!I can't realy control it but i learn how to make a "wall" trough others feelings and mine's!
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