I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

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I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by jessicaangel_1 »

Okay so I've been like this guy's best friend and lover since December 25th, 2008 when we met. It was Christmas and that was so special to me! He knows how I feel about him, but recently things have changed. I was with him everyday. He called me all the time. He is a wonderful man to talk to, a good listener, funny, cute, and like my partner in a way. I truely fell for him, I heard he had love for me, but recently things took a bad turn.

We're always arguing. Now there's another female in the picture. I confronted her and while she agreed with me on things I did say, but doesn't want to cut him out of her life. I recently found out he lied to me and told me nothing but lies lately. He told me he wouldn't want someone like her, but yet she told me today they've been with each other everyday. She knows when I've called. He insists to me he doesn't want a girl, but this girl looks at him like that. He told me he wanted nothing to do with her. Obviously, that was a lie. He also told me they did sleep together. But I don't even know whether or not to believe it.

He keeps telling me he wants nothing to do with me. I am so hurt he lied to me. And I want to do something to mend things. I just wish it could be like when we first met. He was a lot kinder, a lot more loveable, and called me his baby.

I'm hurt, aggravated, sad, and confused. I want him in my life. I want to be able to fix whatever I did wrong because I do feel like I've done wrong somehow. I want to repair this because this bothers me. I am so angry at the girl in the picture, and angry and hurt by what he has done. But I still look at him like my boyfriend. He has a place in my heart. And he is my baby, like he used to call me his sunshine.

If there is a spell out there to help me get things back in order, and make this whole nightmare stop, I would appreciate it if you could tell me where. This whole thing makes me feel like I wanna faint, I started throwing things while arguing. Sigh. I'm in a mess.
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Re: I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by magus »

I understand your situation completely, therefore I understand why you want a spell to fix this. But I believe that this is something that should not necessarily be handled magically, instead it should be handled with you two sitting down and having a discussion on it. As simple as that, no arguing, none of that crap, just a simple mature conversation on the subject.
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Re: I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by FireQueen »

Saying this with absolute love and compassion.... let him go so that you can heal.

Not sure if I can explain this in the right way, it's a technique called Focusing that I used after I discovered my ex had cheated and got pregnant with my "friend" resulting in the complete breakdown of my marriage (which was and is an absolute blessing, good riddance!).

Try and set the emotional pain to the side for a minute and ask yourself .... Why is it that you feel as though you have wronged him?
Give yourself permission to sense your body as your mind freely floats.
Feel the emotion as it surfaces, and then look deeper behind the emotion and try and find within your body where the emotion is coming from.
Then focus on that body felt sensation and gently ask it to tell you what it really is; just sit peacefully as you wait for the answers to surface.
Don't force answers just sit and feel them.
Once the answer surfaces ask it again to tell you what it is.
You will know when you have the answers because you will feel the rightness of the sensation and very often a shift in the body felt sense will have occurred as a result ie a shift in hidden or suppressed feelings, memories, old pain, etc.

Once you have connected with the felt sensation more sensations may appear, repeat the process again not forcing answers just waiting for them to come as they will.

Give yourself a maximum of 15-20 minutes for the first attempt. If you are not able to achieve a felt sensation the first time, try again another day. It will happen.

If you are determined to try and salvage the relationship through the use of a spell then here is one that I have read about but never tried:

On a Friday night when the Moon is waxing, fix the Six of Cups to a westerly wall. Place a bowl of water before the card and stir the water clockwise with your index finger. Float the heads of six roses on the water (white or yellow for preference). Wait until the water has become still again and recite the Prayer of Mourning for Adonis.

If you wish to use this ritual please PM me and I will send you the Prayer.

For anyone wanting to add this info to their BOS, please be aware that this ritual is specifically for women.

Brightest blessings to you Jessica.
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Re: I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by ebenb84 »

ok so this probably isn't what you want to hear, but in this situation the best thing you can really do is to let him go and let yourself heal. i know it hurts but if he says he doesn't want you anymore, then your best bet is to just let him go. maybe the universe has something or someone better waiting for you.
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Re: I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by Moon Stone »

I know this is hard to hear, but I agree with Ebenb and fire on this one. Let's see, he went from being lovable to becoming a liar, cheater, and cold. Even IF you were able to cast a spell or by other means win him back, what are you winning for the prize? A liar and a cheater that has the ability to turn sour fast?? Not worth it, or worthy of you. Take the advice on healing, I promise time heals these wounds, then when ready, keep your chin up and go out and find some one worthy of you.
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Re: I'm in a mess. Can anyone help me?

Post by _Kaimira_ »

hi sweety,

i know what is it like to be in a mess like this, but don't blame yourself because it's his fault. I have a bf too he's always been there for me and through my nasty mood swings while i am pregnant. he just hides when he's in trouble lol

honestly sweety you should leave him i know that is hard to think or even do. but why stay with a man who cheats and lies to you? break his balls i tell you. dorian my bf if he ever did that i'd hurt his balls bad. but dorian is just like me we love our tv, snacking on goodies together. keeping a relationship is like teamwork, you are working with a team you and your bf. :)
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