Zincite (Mar 28 - Apr5)

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Zincite (Mar 28 - Apr5)

Post by being-singular-plural »


Element: Fire

This week, Zincite seems fitting since we are now fully into Aries. Zincite is a premier stone of creativity. It stimulates the sacral chakra (or belly button one) and can stimulate a joyful and fiery vibration that can inspire bold action and inspired art. Some Zincites are green, others, more reddish. But the most popular are the fiery orange zincites mainly mined in Poland. This is a Yang stone and is beneficial for enlightened male creative forces. Women will benefit from this stone, perhaps even more than men, as this stone affirms the I AM with the I CREATE. To relate this to the Tarot, Zincite is a crystal incarnate example of the Ace of Wands. Zincite initiates action--creative action. Acting on your impulses discovered with/through Zincite generally yield fortunate outcomes. If a project is stagnating, then holding a zincite or wearing it on your person for a few mintues to a few hours will certainly liven things up. This stone can bring out your inner artist. It can also help to stimulate tremendous passion and love-making between lovers. Zincite brings out your playful self and can be infectious when one person shares zincite inspired enthusiasm for life with others. Spread your Zincites, my friends...like wildfire!

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Re: Zincite (Mar 28 - Apr5)

Post by Artie »

Thank you for doing these stones of the week! I really appreciate it, I love learning about new rocks and crystals! <3
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