Keeping a dream journal

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Keeping a dream journal

Post by moonlit »

Your Dream Journal

1. Select a notebook specifically to record your dreams in. A nice fancy journal or a blank bounded book may encourage you to use it. However a plain spiral notebook or paper pad will suffice. Keep it by your bedside where it is easily accessible. Dream details fade quickly after awakening so it is essential to record the dream immediately.

2. Keep a consistent dream format. Date your dreams. It doesn't matter if you use last night's date or the next morning as long you keep it consistent.

3. Write in the PRESENT tense as if the dream is still occurring before your eyes. This helps to recall your dreams by putting you back into the moment of your dream.

4. Write down every possible details of you dream. Location, colors, sounds, objects, characters, and your emotions are all important aspects of your dream. You may want to ask yourself the following questions.

What are the significant images or symbols in your dream?

Where was the dream located?

How did the dream make you feel?

How does your dream parallel a situation or experience in your waking life?

5. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are not important when recording your dreams. Just get the dream down on paper before it slips away and record everything that you remember even if it may only be fragments. As you start writing, more and more pieces of the dreams will come to you. Because we are not able to write faster than what we are thinking, it may be a good idea to record your dreams on tape first. However it will still be a good idea to go back and record the dream on paper.

6. When something is hard to describe in words, draw a quick sketch of the imagery. Color pencils or crayons may help depict your picture more clearly.

7. After you have recorded your dream, make a little footnote on any major concerns or issues that is going on in your waking life. As your journaling grows, you will hopefully see a correlation and pattern between your dream and reality.

8. Lastly, put a title on it.

9. Highlight keywords and symbols that stand out.
**Nothing is set in stone**
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Post by hedge* »

Excellent post moonlit :D

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Post by Orion »

Another good set of dream tips, cheers!
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.

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