My Attraction to the Moon

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My Attraction to the Moon

Post by sensualspirit »

So I was looking online for people who are drawn to the moon & couldn't find anyone even talking about this.

I've always been a night owl, but in the last several months I've been extremely drawn to the moon (whenever I can find/see it). In fact I'm so drawn to it, I almost feel like it's home on some level.

So why aren't there more people out there who talk about this sensual attraction?

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Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by MissCharmed7 »

sensualspirit wrote:So I was looking online for people who are drawn to the moon & couldn't find anyone even talking about this.

I've always been a night owl, but in the last several months I've been extremely drawn to the moon (whenever I can find/see it). In fact I'm so drawn to it, I almost feel like it's home on some level.

So why aren't there more people out there who talk about this sensual attraction?

you are drawn to the moon . because the moon plays big part in the inside of woman . it is mysterious just like you as woman no man can never under why woman can bleed for 7 days and not die . or how the woman inside can create life inside of her . those are the mysterious nobody can answer . the moon empowers woman . when its full moon you will notice most women are on their periods , or very sexualy or just too damn emotional . i would recomend u to read more the mysterious of the woman and u will understand more about the moon

seek for the moon just as it will seek for u
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Post by Seaspirit »

Could be a calling to bond with Earth/Moon elements
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Post by sensualspirit »

I've always loved the night, but it seems something has changed when it comes to the moon & yes, that feeling is more pronounced when it's close to full or very full.


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Post by Seaspirit »

I would jump on this calling.

I had a similar experience about a month ago. I felt a very strong urge to develop a strong bond with the element of Air.

Well, I took the calling and went to the mountains. I felt a strong presence and bonding experience there. Then I discovered there was a profound reward in doing so. I had an epic dream (which I posted in the dream section) as a was bought to me by Air...

So, follow your calling to the moon, do something significant, because there is an undiscovered path awaiting you.
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Post by sensualspirit »

t/y :)

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Post by Starwitch Stone »

There is a great book about this that you would LOVE. It's called <a href=" ... >Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess</a><img src=" ... 0062503707" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="">

Bright Blessings,
Visit Everything Under the Moon for Love Spells, Money Spells, & Wicca Spells.

Post by sensualspirit »

Thanks, will check into it.

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Post by JuniperBerry »

The moon is actually more often perceived as a masculine deity then a feminine one. India, Egyptian, Arabian, Slavonian, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, Teutonic, Swedish, Anglo-Saxon, and South American; all view the moon as the male and the sun as the female. The Romans had Lunus, the Arabs have a masculine moon.

It's interesting in the concept that the Sun nurtures us, warms us, feeds the earth; like a mother or a woman. Whereas the Moon is there at night, the great protector, the one who guards us as we sleep. In terms of menstruation, you could also see how the moonn follows our cycles and bases his actions around it. Like a man would. Or becoming full and then empty with relaease, etc. :wink:

Sacred Texts has a copy of Moon Lore by Timothy Harley (1885). Interesting read.
The Gods we worship write their names on our faces; be sure of that. A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.

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Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by [WITCH1] »

I'm also very drawn to the moon, Everytime I see it I just want to sit down and stare at it for a long time ^.^
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Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by itsjustmeandthatmoon »

I just posted on this same topic on antoher thread. When I was a teen I always and up until a year ago, I was always attracted to the stars. But recently, its the Moon. Its so soothing and I find myself looking for it every night. And I always know when there is going to be a full moon. I cant explain it, but I feel like I'm not alone becuase of the moon. Hence my screename here.

Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by Kyrianna »

Women might be attracted to the moon because, like JuniperBerry says, it's viewed as a man in most religions. In other words, it's like the perfect man as it forms around us instead of the other way around. At least, this is how i see it. When it's dark out, i know nothing will harm me. On the next full moon, i will ask the moon to look out for the man that's meant for me, and lead us to each other.

Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by sensualspirit »

I just moved to Panama & I'm wondering if I will be able to see the moon/stars.

I'm in Panama City & it looks very foggy or polluted & while I'm not outside, it's very dark, so I doubt there's a moon in sight.

I was sooo fixated on the moon when I first posted this, that I went searching for the answer as to why I can't see the moon every night. I went onto the right sites expecting to get scientific answers, but instead. the girl they assigned to me didn't answer my question.

I'm assuming it's b/c of the every growing pollution which is beyond sad. Do any of you know the answer to that question?

Thanks :) Nice to see someone else who has the same fixation.

P.S. Still manless/womanless
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Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by illbehere »

same, the moon seems to have a sense of mystery and buety. the thoughts of landing on it are heavenly :) and im a guy, but i can appreciate the night and the silence of it. im at calm in the night ^.^
stepping stone

Re: My Attraction to the Moon

Post by stepping stone »

i look at the moon all the time i even talk and ask for my wishes to it when its full...i think its lovely to sit and watch and take picturs of has such power and lights up a dark night when full.....there is something about it that draws you to it ...iam glad there is someone else out there that likes it
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