Business Spells

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Business Spells

Post by Ravencry »

Times are hard right now, thanks to George Bush raping our economy. Everyone needs all the help they can get. In conjunction with your daily activities and work, you can do a few spells to boost how many customers you bring in and how well your business goes.

For you artists out there that have been experiencing inspiration block, here is a great spells to help those creative juices flow:

Firestone Spell
To bring inspiration to your work

You will need:
One teaspoon frankincense
three drops of ginger oil
six drops of cinnamon
(or you can create an incense using frankincense, cinnamon and ginger, frankincense can be substituted with any resin)
One charcoal disk in a fireproof dish
matches or lighter
One red candle
one stone or smooth pebble
one artists paintbrush
one tube of copper paint
clear varnish

Timing: This spell is best cast on any day of the week except Saturday, during the waxing moon

1. Light the charcoal disk and blend your incense. (Just to forewarn anyone that doesnt use the oils: Cinnamon and ginger are very potent when burned. Be sure to use smaller amounts of these as the smoke can cause irritation to the eyes and lungs.)
2. Cast your circle.
3. Sprinkle the incense blend onto the charcoal when it is glowing red hot.
4. Light the candle, and say:
Oya, I invoke you
Lady of the lightning stone
Lady of the sudden fire
May it strike as I desire

5. Paint onto the stone a lightning streak, surrounded by an outline of flame. Pass the stone through the incense smoke, then through the heat of the candle flame. Hold it in your cupped hands, saying:
I seek inspiration
In the name of Oya
And by all her names
known and unknown.

6. Visualize lightning striking the stone, and imagine energy passing into it. Close the circle. When the paint is dry, seal the symbol with varnish. Whenever you need inspiration, clasp the stone.

Ivy Spell
To procure success in a new business or enterprise

You will need:
one charcoal disk in fireproof dish
one dark blue candle
one green candle
matches or lighter
two teaspoons dried juniper berries (can be substituted with allspice berries, but these are harsher when burned. Only use one teaspoon)
One forked twig rowan (or ash)
One long twist of ivy

Timing: Best cast on the waxing moon on a thursday

1. Cast the circle
2. Light the charcoal disk, then the blue candle, saying:
Fortuna, mother of fortune
smile upon your child

Light the green candle, saying:
Erce, mother of evergreens
smile upon my venture[/i]
3. Burn the berries on the disk
4. Pass the twig of rowan/ ash through the smoke, saying:
Steadfast and pure
hold fast and endure

5. Twist the ivy around the stick, bottom to top and back again, and pass it through the smoke, saying:
Semper, semper, semper
6. Place the entwined twig in front of the candles, and using both hands, direct the incense smoke toward yoru heart, saying:
Guard and protect me, I harm none

Broomstick spell
for ensuring commerce and prosperity to your business

You will need:
One charcoal disk in fireproof dish
matches or lighter
one teaspoon bezoin granules (can be substituted with frankincense or copal)
one teaspoon chopped basil
one green candle
one yellow candle
one broomstick
one large bundle fresh rosemary
two yards natural twine
one 12" strand freshly strung juniper or allspice berries
six drops mint essential oil

timing: best cast on teh waxing moon on a wednesday

1. Cast your circle
2. Light the charcoal disk, and sprinkle on the benzoin and basil
3. Light the green candle, saying:
Earth, witness my spell
Light the yellow candle, saying:
Air, carry it well
4. Tie the rosemary around the band while fastening the handle to the brush, wrapping the twine around until it is completely used, chanting as you do so:
Born of earth,
carried in air
increase worth
away with care.
Fasten it off, then tie the strung juniper berries around the twine
5. anoint the handle and brush with the mint oil, then pass the broomstick over the incense smoke three times, saying:
once I invest thee
twice I impress thee
thrice I then bless thee
6. Keep this broomstick charm over the doorway of your business premises.

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