I need a spell to protect a good friend...this is important!

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I need a spell to protect a good friend...this is important!

Post by Wolf* »

A friend of mine is feeling very depressed and says she wants to just "let go" and die. Please, can somebody show me a spell or something that can keep her from hurting herself. I normally only use magic as a last resort for this kind of thing, but talking isn't helping. Please, this is important.

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Post by Starwitch »

I would probably not rely on a spell for something that important. If you can, get her some mental help. Or get her the book, "Journey of Souls" and let her read that. She will understand then why suicide is NOT a good idea and why even though her life sucks right now, she must keep going and not kill herself. I hope you are able to help her. You can have people commited to the hospital if they threaten to kill themselves. You might want to consider that.

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Post by Wolf* »

She's halfway across the country...I have no pysical means to contact her besides phone and computer....I've tried everything I could. I've talked to her countless times trying to chage her mind. I don't know if it was due to her current state of deppression and just a phase, or what.......She's just worrying the liveing crap out of me right now.....


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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hi Wolf, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I can try to offer some advise... try to be there for her, contact her often. Make her laugh. It is proven that laughing releases endorphins in our brain that actually make us happier. She can try something like St. John's Wort for the depression. It helps. But there are several medical and physical interactions she should be aware of prior to taking them... have her check out this website: http://www.sjwinfo.org/sideeffects.htm This page in particular addresses the side effects and interactions in general. (Also note, this isn't going to cure every insecurity she has and "make her all better" in the matter of a few weeks-- the best way I can explain it is that it alters your perceptions from the (normally) negative, to positive enough to handle it all.

I'd also try to help her through her issues, if she is willing to discuss them with you and if she is important enough to you to dedicate the amount of time that would be required. Have her start a journal, if she hasn't already. Help her find a creative outlet for her stresses. Poetry, music, art... these are all good ones to start with.

Lastly, I'd send as much healing energy to her as possible... which is definitely more difficult over the phone, but it is still possible.

In the end, there are some people that don't want to be helped. By her mentioning this to you, she could just be expressing dissatisfaction with her life and truly not want to die.... but there are others that take a last jump at getting help, and turn to a friend. Just feel it out and try to decide what she truly needs right now. But either way, just be there for her.

~Blessed Be~

Post by lienshan »

I've a friend girl like yours with a "depression". To me it's a darkness spirit. It comes to her wintertime and leaves when summertime. When I meet / talk with her, I never say hello or so but always start asking: "How is your depression doing?" :D And then she tells me how the depression is the actual day. Sometimes it's very dark. Or maybe a little dark. We simply start of by talking about the depression as a physical thing as if I had asked "how is your child doing?" And I ask, because I find her depression interesting. If she "jump in the lake" that's her choice. In this way I protect myself from being influenced by her depression spirit; my "good humor" spirit fight her darkness spirit :wink:
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Post by willow_witch »

thats a very simplified way of thinking about depression... it not like you can realli choose to be depressed or not, trust me if i coudl choose weither or not i wanna be depressed then i so would choose not to be but sometime you cant help it and you can onli see the shadows in the light

*blessed be*
~Merry meet, Merry part, til we Merry meet again~

Post by shadowcat* »

I've got a friend who gets depression too, and she lives quite far away. The best thing you can do is contact her often via phone or even a letter (its amazing the power a letter can have, its a shame people dont write letters as much any more). Let ur friend know how much she means to you, even just knowing someone cares can help. Maybe arrange to see her one weekend either you stay with her or she stay with you and just do stuff she'd enjoy weather it be shopping spree, sitting about watching movies or whatever. Make sure she knows that any time she feels depressed day or night she can get in touch with you. Do you know if there's anything in particular depressing her? Often a suicide threat is a cry for help
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Post by Wolf* »

Thank you all for the advice, it means alot to me. After talking with her, she is feeling better now. It was just deppression, she says she has that happen every so often, but she's in a better mood and a happier state of mind now.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by shadowcat* »

I'm glad she's feeling better, just make sure that if she ever feels like that again she knows ur there for her :D

Post by lienshan »

Good news, wolf :D

And to willow_witch: What worried me was this:

"She's just worrying the liveing crap out of me right now"

because hearing / feeling something like this in a telephone could be bad to a person with a "real" depression :!:

That's why I told wolf to do it the "cool" way. I was sure, that he was clever enough to decide, if he should do so or not.
Or put in other words: I told wolf to make it a challenge instead of a problem :wink:
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Post by Wolf* »

I didn't over react or anything, but I was afraid that if I played it too "cool" that she would think I didn't care. I'd prefer not to go into detail about what was said, but she is back to "normal"....well...normal for her anyway.. :)

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Post by Starwitch »

Lienshan, it sounds like your friend has Seasonal Affective Disorder. That's when you get depressed because of the lack of sunlight in the wintertime. There are some simple fixes for that, like getting more sunlight or using artifical sunlight. You might want to look it up and share the info with your friend. I used to get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in the wintertime too, but the narcotics has helped the last few years, lol. (I am NOT recommending narcotics to treat depression!!!!!)

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