wow... me

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wow... me

Post by moonlit »

I know I know.. monlit asking for a spell? but yes, alas, I need one. My parents, well my mom mainly, is starting to get suspiciouse of me. Is there anyone out there who maybe has a spell to, I dont know get someones mind off the thought of suspicion or something? I dont even know what I'm looking for here! I just need them not to think on it or whatever. something. lol
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Post by 5moons »

We can fix you right up. But I don't like doing this. But since I see your problem I will see what I can do to help.
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Post by hedge* »

Moonlit, what's your problem honey? What are the suspicions that your mum s having?

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Post by Fanny »

hm. I dont really know what kind of spell you could do. Hedgewitch I believe her parents are very religious and they do not know she's a witch. (sorry if im all wrong moonlit :oops:
Ill try to find something to help you moonlit :)
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Post by Orion »

Would it be similiar to an invis spell? Most of those focus on removing you from a person's current thoughts. If someone could modify that to thoughts of that person's connection with witchcraft. Though I see the problem would be easy to accidently encourage the connection if you accidently connect your parents and what you are trying to hide instead of seperating it.

Just an idea someone might find useful when coming up for Moonlit's spell.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Dear Moonlit,

I am sorry that you have to hide your beliefs. But, that's what forums like this are for!! But really, you need to think very carefully about wanting to manipulate your mother. I would not cast on her if I were you, but instead cast on yourself. Black candles, and tanzanite (stone of magic) (as tools) and focused mental power can shield virtually anything. I think if I was in your position I would work on protection spells for yourself. As you know, there are tons, and of course the one the is right for you is the one that you create!

Good luck and blessings,

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Post by moonlit »

Yea thats the thing, I dont really want to cast a spell on her but I dont want them to think on the thought of me being into wicca. I just need to hide it better because she is getting kinda suspiciouse. It stinks that I have to hide it constantly but I would probably be disowned if they new.
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Post by shadowcat* »

there are spells to make people forget but i wouldnt try that since i think thats messing with free will. You could try re wording an invisibility spell, theres an invisibility chant here: ... bility.htm
which you could try messing with. Or if you have any invisibility spells of your own you could just try messing with them a bit. Good luck!
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Post by moonlit »

thanx, I'll try that, maybe I should just meditate on it or something.
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Post by morgan »

maby this might work,
(works best in when you can get flowers from YOUR garden but if not, just go with it)

Take your favorite flowers and take off three peddels of each, dry them. Take your favorite type of essentail oil sents and put three drops of each into a bowl(if your oils are too pricy to use 3 drops / too strong just use one drop) put your dry flowers in the bowl and mash up (like popouri).
sprincle this popouri around your "crafty areas" as my friend would say and it will keep most from suspecting anything

tell me how it works out (if you try it)
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