Help with Academic Success

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Help with Academic Success

Post by brightraven »

I haven't been here for a while but I wasn't sure where else to look for help. I'm at University just now and having some serious problems concentrating on work. I have two 3000 word essays due in the nextfive days (and an exam the day after) and I seem incapable of making a start on them. I'm not a bad student, nor lazy. I have had exceptional grades and really bad ones over my three years here. I find it hard to maintain consistency as I have suffered from severe clinical depression and anxiety attacks since I was a child (I'm in my twenties now). Usually when I cannot focus I use candle magick to help me and it truly does. Unfortunately the past year has been a time of extreme stress, several people close to me have died, two from cancer and one very unexpected suicide. I have had some very poor health- a bad back injury which meant using very strong painkillers which made me unable to focus on anything and left me severely depresed when I stopped taking them. And last month I founf that my sister has cancer. This has lead to a great deal of worry and much time spent helping her with childcare & financial worries. As you can imagine, this was all very difficult to deal with and I have found it increasingly difficult to cope. Attempting to meet deadlines at university has become very stressful and I find myself despairing and losing all confidence in my abilities. I feel I have no energy and I am running out of time. This return to education was really an attempt to improve my life and I will be letting myself and everyone else who loves me down by failing. I used a New Moon Wish Spell last month to help me and I managed to complete my assignments and do well but now I have more due and, even though I have been trying to work on them for a week, I feel I have no energy and my mind is paralysed by fear, unable to even begin.
If anyone knows of a spell which I could cast now to aid me, I would be extremely grateful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Post by AppleScruffs »

holy crap brightraven!! i am so so very sorry for your pain... my thoughts are with you...

ok... so i must let you know that i dont use a lot of spells. not that i dont believe in them, i personally use them for minor things instead of major, so what i may have to say may not be exactly what you need, but i hope it helps...

back in october i had a panic attack and had to go on meds because of it. depressed and heartbroken, my schoolwork began to suffer as well. i lost motivation and didnt even want to go to class anymore... the meds made me flighty and concentrate more on my misery than anything. i am an honors student in college myself and take a lot of pride in my education! i know how some of this feels.

i think youre on the right track with the candle magic... its very helpful with relaxing and concentration so i would say keep it up. anything that can calm your mind right now will help. i am not quite recovered myself but i have made small changes in my life that have not only helped my concentration, but has also helped me pull out of the funk i was in emotionally. small things like moving around my furniture and ridding of unneeded clutter that went up into my attic... its a long road, but things get better.

the other things i have been doing is meditation... just a little each night because after a long time away, it is hard to get the full concentration one needs back right away. during medidation i concentrate on releasing negativity and welcoming the positive. i imagine this as i breathe... inhale the pure light, exhale the dark, nasty light. once i get to the place i feel i need to be, i concentrate the positive light into one chakra at a time and do the same thing again with the negativity.this not only helps with opening the chakra, but when you wake the next morning, its kinda like a battery recharge. you can do this with the candles as well... just be careful not to fall asleep and leave the candles burning! stones work too... amithyst on your forehead to open the third eye... rose quartz on your chest to open the heart chakra... these stones work for me, but someone else may suggest better ones.

do you read cards? you may want to message kaimara for advice about reading if you dont know a lot... but i use stones and find that their advice does give good guidance...

herbal blends that are meant for opening the mind and calming your energy may help as well... there are herbs for concentration, and as far as calming goes, i like pepperment and chamomile myself. eucalyptus is nice too.

incences can help when youre studying or even feel you need motivations, but im not very well versed in that so you may want to do some research about it....

i hope this helps! its everything i could think of that has helped me over the past few months. im sure that you will also do better on your schoolwork than you think! dont get discouraged or frustrated... just know that you can do it and keep that flame burning that keeps you going... things will be ok...

Blessed Be, may the gods smile upon you in your time of need
Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:46 am

Post by KaidaPyralis »

Sorry to hear about your troubles :(

I feel your study pain. I'm about 3 weeks from finishing Uni and I'm just terrified. I have a 3000 word essay to basically write tomorrow and I know I'll end up procrastinating and writing it all overnight. I also have more written stuff in on Wed and a final performance (music) in just over a week which I feel sick at the thought of. I keep breaking down over ridiculous things and I feel so childish for letting it all get me down. I get anxiety attacks too, especially when I'm tired and nervous and when I perform. Joy. I'm also a bit obsessive and that makes me an insomniac in stressful times.

I find that meditation helps a bit. Even if you can just take 5 mins out of your study session to calm your mind it helps clear the fog.

I'm reading a book on Angels at the moment, and it suggested invoking the Archangel Raphael to motivate you. I'll certainly be trying that tomorrow to get my essay done in time.

I know it's boring but the best advice I can give you is to try and be strict with yourself. I know it seems obvious but it really is easier once you get going. Also, though I don't follow my own advice, don't skimp on sleep or you won't function properly anyway, and substituting with caffeine really aggravated my panic attacks when I did it.

Good luck with it all, and just try and remember that it won't last forever. You will get through it!

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