Find a new home spell?

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Posts: 568
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:46 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Calgary, Canada

Post by being-singular-plural »

I don't have a spell per se, but my astrology can really help. It is called "relocation." Tell me the city you are thinking of and I can tell you some of the astro-lines that run through that city in relation to your chart. Astro-Cartography is very powerful stuff. For instance, Pluto is the planet of death and re-birth, among other things, and John F. Kennedy's Pluto line ran right through Dallas. One may want to consider these things before a move. If you are looking for a place where love is, then we look for your Venus lines...Career opportunities, then Jupiter. . . Etc..

If you are interested then send me an e-mail at
for more information. . .

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