empath forgeting own emotions

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empath forgeting own emotions

Post by [wind_wolf] »

im an empathic n i've been wondering is it possible for emapaths to mimic emotions n nearly forget how to feel em on ur own?

im beggining to have that problem..
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Post by Zili »

I did have this problem but there were some issues within my own life i was working through at the time that helped me to go numb... thankfully that is over with now, and I'm able to separate my own emotions from others'.
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Post by [wind_wolf] »

thank you it just gets hard when no ones around, no one to feed off :P
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Post by Zili »

I understand, that when i was having those problems I locked myself away for almost 2 years so anytime i came in contact with others their emotions took over as though i had none of my own, at that point i was just living on autopilot. I try to make sure now that I'm around a mix of emotions when ever possible a little taste of everything can go a long way lol
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Post by reikihealer83 »


As a fellow empath I can understand your question. I often found when I was starting to work on controling what I was sensing (basically making sure I did not sense every little thing) I had a tough time diferentiating my emotions from what I was sensing from others. Try simple grounding as it may help. Also, hematite may be a help but I notice I feel too grounded sometimes. I hope that helps. :)
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Post by [wind_wolf] »

thanks and ya its just getting wrse cause im using a 'catylst' right now lol (in the form of a charm bag)
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Post by sylphaxiom »

I have had a similar problem a few years back. I'm not sure if it was because other people's emotions were taking over or if it was how I was using my empathy, but I began to feel drained and emotionless (it might also have something to do with my upbringing which caused me to learn how to shut off my emotions and feel nothing...useful at times.) I simply had to do some soul searching to find out who I really was. I was beginning to become a chameleon of personality and emotion. Eventually I combined what I wanted to and found myself. Now I have learned to see other people's emotions as waves of colors or I can feel the differences in foreign emotions. It was a long path, but I figured it out.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.

Similar issue...

Post by Southerner »


I also had a similar problem when coming to London 7 years ago. I could not seperate myself from emotions left in places where terrible tragedies occurred, people's emotions and my own. The underground trains were the worst when they were packed with commuters in the mornings. I also always used to get the 'interesting' people on the train. The areas around the old London Wall and the areas with mass graves used to drain me totally. It got to a point where I started to drop into depression, as I used to work in the square mile called the City of London, which is around these areas.

One day by chance I walked into a park and just crashed out on a bench. To my own astonishment I felt better than what I felt in ages after half an hour. I quickly built on that, and now I go into the park across from my work every tea break and lunch. I close my eyes and feel the breeze, and just let my spirit run free for a bit. It runs to the ocean, to the Highlands in Scotland, Snowdonia in Wales and several other places. The feeling when seeing the views of all these places made my heart 'smile' in a sense. My own emotions started to rebuild fairly quickly, and I found myself again.

I guess dealing with it is different for every person, but taking care of your own spirit before setting off on your daily tasks seems to make one massive difference.

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