Cough Syrup RECIPES

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Cough Syrup RECIPES

Post by JBRaven »

Cough and Cold Remedies
Try some of these recipes for homemade cough and cold remedies:
Ginger Tea
1 inch or so fresh ginger root, sliced thin or grated
1/2 a fresh lemon, sliced (peel & all)
1 clove garlic, mashed
~2 c water
Very generous spoonful honey
Place water, ginger, lemon, & garlic in saucepan; bring to boil, then turn down heat and simmer gently for 20 min. Strain into mugs and add lots of honey. The tea *will* get stronger if you let it sit! Most invigorating!

The garlic adds a bit of bitterness, but the honey masks that. This tea is very soothing to the throat and warms and opens the chest and nasal passages. Plus there are all those vitamins and other good things! I now make this tea at the first sign of a cold, which helps me fight it off. I find it more effective than the commercial hot lemon remedies, and of course cheaper!
Contributed by Kim Goddard,

Old Fashioned Mustard Plaster
Helps relieve chest congestion due to colds.
1 tbsp dry mustard
1/4 cup flour
Lukewarm water
Sift together mustard and flour in a bowl. Slowly add just enough water to make a paste. Spread the plaster on a piece of muslin big enough to cover chest. Cover with another piece of muslin.

Make sure the skin is dry. Place the mustard plaster on the chest. Check frequently and discontinue if there is any kind of allergic reaction. Remove when skin begins to turn red, usually after 10-20 minutes, and don't leave on any longer than 30 minutes at a time. Then rub the chest w/ petroleum jelly to keep the heat in. Treat twice daily until congestion clears up.

NOTE: For children, reduce amount of flour to 6 tbsp.

Simple Cough Syrup
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup honey
1/4 cup warm water
Combine lemon juice and honey in a bowl. Slowly stir in the water. Store in a covered jar in the refrigerator - take 1-2 tbsp as needed for cough.

To soothe a sore throat, add 1 tbsp of mixture to a cup of comfrey root, chamomile or rosemary tea.

Cranberry Soup
1 cup cranberries
2 cups water
Honey to taste
1 tbsp potato starch
Heat cranberries and water together until cranberry skins open. Strain and add honey to taste. Bring mixture close to a boil, then remove from heat. In a separate bowl, mix starch with 2 tbsp cold water. Slowly add this mixture to the cranberry juice - stir vigorously.

Return mixture to heat and bring to full boil, stirring until it thickens and becomes slightly transparent. Store in refrigerator in a covered container. Serve w/ warm cream. Soothes colds, and is a good source of vitamins C and B.

Hyssop Cough Syrup
Licorice flavored, soothes sore throats.

2 tbsp dried hyssop (f tops) or 1/3 cup fresh hyssop (chopped fs)
1/4 cup water
1 cup honey
1 tsp aniseed
In a saucepan combine honey and water. Stir until the mixture is consistency of pancake syrup. Bring slowly to a boil (over a medium heat). Skim off any scum that rises to the surface.

Use 1-2 tbsp water to moisten the dried hyssop. Crush the aniseed. Stir both into the honey. Cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, uncover, and allow to cool. While the mixture is still a little warm, strain into a jar. When completely cooled, screw on the lid. Should keep for 1 week.

Glycerine Lemon Cough Syrup
1 lemon
2 tbsp glycerine
2 tbsp honey
Heat the lemon by boiling it in water for 10 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Add the glycerine and honey. Take 1 tsp as needed.

Marshmallow Cough Syrup
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup orange juice or juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tsp chopped dried marshmallow root
In a small saucepan, bring the marshmallow root and water to a boil. Recuce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain liquid into another saucepan (should result in about 1 cup). Over a low heat, slowly stir in the sugar until it becomes thick and granules completely dissolve. (Stir in more water if the mixture becomes too thick.) Remove from heat and stir in the orange juice. Transfer to a container and allow to cool before covering tightly.

Wild Cherry Cough Syrup
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (scant)
1 tsp wild cherry bark
1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tsp chopped dried marshmallow root
Make a decoction of the cherry bark and marshmallow root. (Boil in water for about 4 minutes. Steep the mixture with the cover on the pot for a few minutes.) Slowly stir in the sugar and cream of tartar, simmer until the mixture becomes thick and sugar granules completely dissolve. Transfer to a container and allow to cool before covering tightly.

Lemon Cayenne Throat Soother
Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp lemon juice and dash of cayenne pepper. Take like cough syrup. This does not prevent cough, but does relieve throat pain in two ways. First, the honey and lemon coat the throat. Second, the cayenne pepper brings blood cells needed to fight off infection to the throat area.
Contributed by Beth,
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Re: Cough Syrup RECIPES

Post by SpiritTalker »

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Re: Cough Syrup RECIPES

Post by Nerys »

Jude's Herbal Home Remedies, LLewellyn publishers, has cherry cough syrup home remedy recipe. Amazon/books one can see sample pages. See page 125 for recipe on how to make it. I make small amount instead of the 2 cups cherries, several slices lemon and 2 cups honey.
A quick remedy is in a small bowl/cup bit of honey, lemon or lime juice or both, a bit of hot water to thin into liquid take small teaspoon for sore throat few times in the hour.
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Re: Cough Syrup RECIPES

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Hollow out black radish,fill with raw sugar and let it draw the juice. Works wonders for cough. The hollowed out parts,you can also add sugar to if you do not like to eat them,but then you will need to filter the result.
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Re: Cough Syrup RECIPES

Post by Firebird »

I make a tincture out of Osha root. It works pretty well on bronchitis. Using a high proof of alcohol like 151, usually vodka or ever-clear. Pour on dry roots in a jar and shake every day for up to a month then use a a dropper full in glass of water until cough subsides. You can take the dropper full strait but it tastes pretty nasty.
bb, FF
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Re: Cough Syrup RECIPES/ smoking?

Post by Firebird »

There was this woman I used to know who would have me make her a smoking blend to relieve her of her chronic bronchitis. I wish I could remember all the ingredients, so I'll look around and see if I can find the recipe. I know horehound and everlasting were in there. I want to say maybe mugwort, yerba santa, white sage and manzanita.
Mullen has also been used as a smoking herb for chest congestion, but since the kind that was called for doesn't grow around here I didn't use it. We have a local plant called turkey mullen but I don't know if its properties are the same.
Bb, FF
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