Spanking as Discipline?

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Post by Xal »

Twisted_Pixie wrote:Xal....... the wiccan comment and the might comment were the same comment......... :shock:

Also, "cruelty" is a matter of opinion it would appear and yes nature can be extremely cruel... you just have to watch a cat play with a mouse and torture it before it eats it (if it chooses to eat it) to witness that
Since apparently this such a problem, the original quote:
I find it amusing to find someone on a message board related to spirituality, especially Wiccan beliefs, who is touting "Might makes right."
The someone was a reference to Grey. The wiccan beliefs is directed at the board not a person. See it says a "message board related to spirituality, especially Wiccan beliefs"

The message board being the noun and the wiccan beliefs being the adjective of the previous noun.

I don't understand, you say that cruelty is an opinion, then you say that it is definitively cruel. How can it be both?
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Post by Greymalkin »

Ok, this is starting to make my head hurt, and I don't like that.

Xal made a back-handed comment about me making comments about might and brute force. Ok.

So let's clear this up.

Yes I do thing that if you really want something in life you have to basically take it by any means you can. It's very rare for the things you want or need to just fall into your lap.
That doesn't mean you have to go around taking things from other people or seeing that other people go without, but I do think it is important to look after yourself first, and if somebody wanted to take something from me I would do everything I can to stop them and keep it for myself.

As with regard to 'spirituality' (whatever that is), may I refer you all to the 'Spirtuality' section of this forum, specifically to the thread I started entitled: 'What is Spirituality?' and look at the posts left there.

For what it's worth, my opinion is, spirituality is whatever makes you feel closer to the godhead - and I really do mean whatever.
For different people that's different things - and yes, some people do feel very spiritual when they doing things that other people would consider 'dark' or possibly even 'evil'.

It's not wrong or right, just different.
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Post by Xal »

Whats a back-handed comment
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Post by Greymalkin »

Something being said in a roundabout kind of way.

Saying something without actually saying it, implying it without directly saying it.

Sorry, it's a British saying.
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Re: Spanking as Discipline?

Post by PhoenixDeFalco »

Hi, if I may, I'd like to weigh in on the topic of spanking.

My name is Phoenix DeFalco. I've been practicing Wicca for over 15 years now, and am a 3rd Degree High Priest. I lead a Coven called Fire And Ice here where I live. I'm also a newlywed husband and father of a 5 year old son, Jacen, and two beautiful newborn twins, Jesse James and Maddilyn Marie.

Now, I love my children more than anything in the world. But I live by the creed that if you have no honor, you have nothing. It is because of this that my wife and I created the 5 D's for our son, and, when they are old enough, for the twins. These are the Big Five, the biggest rules we have. The 5 D's are: Disrespect, Disobedience, Danger to self or others, Dishonesty, and Defiance. They are the 5 types of offenses that result in an automatic spanking. Yes, I said it. We love our children more than anything, and we spank them. I know not everyone will agree, and that's okay. I don't judge anyone, and I don't expect to be judged. But I felt the need to weigh in because, even though I do spank him when he needs it, my son does not fear me, and loves me. He knows I only punish him because I love him, and only when he has done wrong. When he is being a good boy, we have so much fun together...I take him fishing, hiking, and swimming...I teach him about Wicca, and he wants to be a High Priest someday, just like his Daddy. He and his siblings are my life, my whole world, my precious Pups...And I love them with all my heart.

Thank you for your time.
~* Phoenix DeFalco *~
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Re: Spanking as Discipline?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

I absolutely agree with spanking. But I won't spank my kids in public and I do it as a last resort.
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Re: Spanking as Discipline?

Post by PhoenixDeFalco »

I couldn't agree more that spanking is a private matter between parent and child. It is a punishment meant to occur behind closed doors. Now, I have spanked my oldest in a family restroom at the mall before, but this was one that could be locked to keep others out. It was a situation when he actually threw a tantrum and knocked over a shelf full of glass jars (We were in a Wiccan supply shop, he wanted to go to the toy know how it is.). He could have been seriously hurt, plus he disrespected the shopkeeper by destroying her wares...So I took care of it in the family restroom. It was private, but I could not wait until we got home.
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Re: Spanking as Discipline?

Post by Firebird »

There are much better ways of disciplining a child ...he will remember each of those smacks not as a loving thing but as an angry and fearful thing. He's not going to tell you he's afraid, but it will affect them. If you want to salvage the mental health of your children, I seriously suggest you figure out different ways to discipline them.
Remember the rede, an it harm none....that would include your children.
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Re: Spanking as Discipline?

Post by silvergrey »

The way I see it, spanking isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's pretty much the only way to discipline a child too young to understand reason. With older children... I feel that if a child is able to understand reason you as a parent should be able to use reason to make them realize what they did was wrong. Shouldn't that be the goal you're going for? Punishment is a means to an end, and that end is that the child realizes they've messed up and won't do it again. If you've talked to them and they understand, is punishment still needed?
On the other hand I don't think spanking is more or less cruel than other forms of punishment. Isn't it just as cruel to ground your child or take away their favourite possessions? Whatever gets the message across I guess, but I feel like some people focus too much on the punishment in itself and forget that it's meant to serve a purpose.
I do feel somewhat offended by the people saying that children who were never spanked grow up to be disrespectful adults. My 2 sisters and I were never spanked and we turned out fine, as did the majority of kids I know. I did have one classmate who was spanked regularly, now, I'm not privy to exactly what went on in her household but I can tell you she was the sneakiest, most dishonest person I've ever met and she behaved this way out of fear.
Also... Sweden prohibited spanking in 1979 and they seem to be doing just fine.
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