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Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:01 am
by Kassandra

The Highly Sensitive Person
In this video, author Therese Borchard explains what life looks like for someone who's empathic, or a
"Highly Sensitive Person." They tend to over-process too much information from their environment,
and as a result get easily drained. But this ability is also why many empaths are artistic, creative
people, or people who can process and utilize psychic information more easily than others. Sometimes
just understanding this, knowing oneself, is by itself very healing.

Empathy and Intuition Blog by Yvonne Perry
Lots of resources! This blog has a bookstore, articles, free teleseminar training for empaths, radio shows, mp3s, gemstones, and other resources. Perry is the author of Whose Stuff is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings and Energy of Those Around You.

Click here to visit website:Empathy and Intuition

Posts about empathicness by Everything Under the Moon (EUTM) members:
You're not alone, but in good company here! Read EUTM members' experiences with empathicness, what they've gone through, resources they've found helpful to them, etc.

* Read "being an empath is making me insane" post by "dandilion heart"
. If you don't learn how to manage your energy well, it can be excruciatingly uncomfortable

* Read other related posts written over the years by other EUTM members trying to understand empathicness

Resources created by Dr. Michael Smith:
Dr. Smith, a medium and empath himself, stresses a holistic approach to living with empathicness
Click here to visit Dr. Smith's website: The Empath Connection
In this video, Dr. Smith offers a variety of simple methods and tools to help you clear
and strengthen your energy field. Find what works personally for you, and be diligent
about doing it consistently. I tend to slack off, and then "wonder" what's wrong with me,
only to "rediscover" that I have to regularly and consistently clear my energy.

Other videos in the "Ask Kassandra" forum you might find helpful:
* "Basic Shielding Technique," featuring Michelle Bellanger
* "How to Stop Absorbing Other Peoples' Energy," featuring Dr. Judith Orloff.

Empathic Perspectives: Where The Empathic Mind Expands
Empaths express their experiences through writing in this blog.

* Click here to visit website: Empathic Perspectives

The Book of Storms (free lessons for empaths) created by psychologist Jadoa ("Jad") Tad Alexander:
The more you understand empathy, in yourself and in others, the better prepared you'll be to deal with it.

* Click here to visit website: The Book of Storms

Feel free to add any resources you've personally found helpful in your experience as an empath to this thread! :wink:


Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:51 pm
by izzybit
These are all really cool and very helpful thank you. I found a neat empath blog like site through one of these links. Now I can talk to other peopl who have the gift and can now find some guiding words of wisdom. Thanks again!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:52 pm
by Kassandra
You're welcome. "Community" is empowering; hope you experience a lot of growth with that. Let us know what you discover.

Grounding Technique

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:30 pm
by reikihealer83
Hi everyone,

Kassandra asked me to post my grounding technique for other empaths as we both know that we struggle so much with this so here it is. I hope this helps everyone!

When starting to ground close your eyes and feel your feet not just on the ground but within the ground itself. Once you have done that, visualze a grounding chord of pure light (this can be any color you like, I like white and silver) going from the crown of your head to the ground beneath you. From there, mentally lock the chord to the earth being careful to, at the same time allow your senses to not be hampered.

I want to add something about this particular technique and that is it can be tough if you are trying to actually read someone if they ask you to. This is usually not the case though. This technique will work well if you walk into a room or a party where there are a lot of people and you risk getting bombarded with emotions or, as some empaths have experienced physical empathy this technique can give you a strong base (no pun intended) to work from.

I truely hope this helps all empaths on this forum and remember this is NOT the only grounding technique out there and I encourge you to use what works well for you. :)

Brightest Blessings!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:01 pm
by Y0m
I'm an empath and can feel people's emotions and thoughts. I feel stress very easily, and at parties I usually get a longing feeling. most people at parties or clubs are wanting love and affection or to feel apart and happy. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, living with people is difficult because I usually take on their emotions after a long stressful day at work, but I've learned that the more I grow spiritually, the better I can deal with this ability. I imagine a fire burning deep within myself, and the light growing, and I have to remind myself that these feelings aren't mine and send out loving peaceful energy to the people who need it. I have this gift for a reason, to help those in distress.. so I use it! I hope people with this ability will let down their sheild a little more and realize that they are here to help. So send out love and light!

Help those distressed souls who have lost their way. The rewards will come back 3-fold.

Much love,

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:23 pm
by Airlight
Gosh I took that quiz, I remember taking it before and seeing that I was just a big mess of an empath...still a big mess.

Mess of an empath

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:33 am
by Kassandra
Airlight wrote:Gosh I took that quiz, I remember taking it before and seeing that I was just a big mess of an empath...still a big mess.
Lol Well, I think we are all big messes when we don't take care of ourselves, empaths probably all the more so. Airlight, just practice some of the tips offered in this thread, and if you do them consistently, then you will get plenty of relief and balance. Also, there are soooo many great suggestions throughout this message board, such as using crystals and ritual and spell work to better focus your energies.

But it is a fight. As YOm mentioned, you will always need to remind yourself which emotions and thoughts are yours, and which aren't. It gets tricky. It will never stop. It's a constant battle. But it's worth it because as he also states, once you help yourself with consistent habits of "mindfulness," then you find yourself having compassion on other peoples' struggles. But learn to take care of yourself first.

And thanks reikihealker83 for contributing that grounding technique utilizing a light visualization. It's another useful tool that offers hope to empaths struggling with their abilities.


Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:11 am
by ImperfectAngel
Thank you so much for posting this!!!!!

And what's funny is I had asked about this a while back and everything you told me is what they said...Thanks again :D

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:24 pm
by Kassandra
ImperfectAngel wrote:And what's funny is I had asked about this a while back and everything you told me is what they said...Thanks again :D
That's great. Thanks so much for updating us about your spiritual journey. That's always exciting, as we're all growing and learning from each other.

And if you stumble across any additional empath resources, please post them here. That would be great. My goal is to have a little "reference library" of resources in this post, for people to use when they need to.


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:59 pm
by cloud
i took the quiz and it said i was

Fallen Angel

i dont quit understand does this mean i would be good at healing or something? :?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:51 pm
by Kassandra
Hi cloud. I think the quiz is just meant to be fun and informative, for us to walk away with knowing there are different "energy types." The labels in the quiz are just rough categories, not absolutes. Most people have tendancies and abilities in several areas anyway, not just one. So, like knowing your horoscope sign, I don't think it is meant to be serious and definitive of who or what you are, just informative.

But if you are a natural healer, then you might have noticed many people come to you for advice, or other healing effects. Also, if you feel called to one day be in a healthcare profession, or in social work or counseling, something along those lines, it might be a clue you have healer tendancies.

My top three were:

That felt about right to me, hehe. :wink:


Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:08 pm
by cloud
lol the advice thing sounds about right :)

i thought it was just a quiz but u never know


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:48 pm
by Suishou
Here is a cool quiz:

Also, to reikihealer83, I generally thought you're not supposed to use white or silver when you run energy. Silver tends to be foreign energy masquerading as your own and I forget about white -- I think it's usually around fear pictures?

It's great that you mention grounding though. I'm an Empath and it took me more than a year to get it into my head how important grounding and running energy actually are. Grounding is the foundation of energy work.

It's funny because you can do all kinds of cool tricks with grounding techniques, to change the environment and people around you, to find lost objects, and some other really cool stuff. But I never tell people about these until after teaching them the core -- because otherwise they just use grounding for the tricks and forget all about it's real purpose, which is to release foreign energy from your space and heal yourself.

applications for grounding one's energy

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:24 pm
by Kassandra

Hi Suishou. Thanks for adding the empath test. Are you the "Josh Schultz" who runs the website with the empath test on it, ? I read over the website briefly and it has some helpful information on it that I think people here could benefit from. If you'd like, please feel free to also advertise the website in the Websites and Services forum on this message board, as well.
Suishou wrote: I'm an Empath and it took me more than a year to get it into my head how important grounding and running energy actually are. Grounding is the foundation of energy work.
I still forget to ground before doing stuff where I should have grounded first, so don't feel too bad. I guess I still haven't gotten it into my head fully, even now. It's not like putting on gloves before touching something poisonous, or wearing a mask when dealing with something really dusty (at least I always remember to put on a mask before I start digging around in my garage, or else I'll have an asthma attack).

Those "tools" are on the gross physical level, you could see them, so it's easy to remember to use them. Grounding, centering, shielding, etc., those things are on the subtle nonphysical level, so it's easy to just plain forget to do them. You can't "see" them (and quite frankly I didn't even think any of this stuff was real years ago). But then, when you know to do it and you don't do it, you suffer the consequences. You learn the hard way that this is real.
Suishou wrote: It's funny because you can do all kinds of cool tricks with grounding techniques, to change the environment and people around you...
Yes, I haven't gotten into that kind of stuff on here. But it's good you mention some of the more advanced applications. You could, for instance, strengthen the grounding cord (or create one altogether) for people around you who are acting out of control (works great with kids, and adults acting like kids). They obviously aren't grounded at the moment, so you do them, yourself, and anyone else exposed to their "display" a great favor by helping them ground their excess energy out.

You also want to ground the property you live on, using techniques similar to how you'd just ground your own body's energy. This is especially helpful if you live with other people, but it's a good practice in general.

I haven't used grounding to find lost objects (I have a different technique for that), but it sounds interesting, though.

Thanks again for posting the empath test.



Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:10 pm
by Suishou
Hey Kassandra,

Yeah that's me lol!! I added you on FB.

I love your recommendation about grounding those loud and annoying rug rats!! What an excellent time I'm on an airplane I will do that.

Yeah I definitely learned the hard way that this stuff is real. But then I had people telling me about grounding for a while. I just didn't realize the process of it and how strongly it influences your ability to function normally.

Thanks for the info :)