herb for acne

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herb for acne

Post by Hiddencast »

do you have anything for zits and stuff? i mean, i hate chemicals so i was hopeing perhaps some herbs are good for cleaning. if not what store bought brand is the most nature made. like with less chemicals....

Post by BlackTeddyBear »

There's one on this site, actually. It's relatively simple and I can't say that I've tried it, but good luck.

Spell for Clear Skin

What you need: 2 apples, a knife.

Get an apple and cut it in half horizontally across the middle. Once you cut it you will see a five pointed star.

Rub one half of the apple over your face or the affected area. Say this:

"Apple, sacred fruit of the Goddess, With this gift, I do caress
The pimple that brought me shame. I banish this zit in your name."

Get another apple and cut it vertically from top to bottom. Rub one half of this over your face or affected area as well. Say this:

"I love and accept myself as I am today. Clear skin I summon to come my way. By My Will so Mote It Be Three times three times three."

Bury the first apple by a tree, bush or flower that is OUTSIDE. Bury the second apple by water. If you can't find a place like this, just bury it anywhere and pour water over it.
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Post by Leo*Moon »


I have heard that one of the best acne remedies is good ol' fashion Epsom Salt that you can get at pretty much any drug store. Pour yourself a hot bath with 6 generous handfuls of epsom salts mixed in. Soak for 30 min letting the water touch the afflicted areas. If its on your face, lean back and let the water wash over your face- no drowning now! Do this every night for a week. After 3 days of this routine, your existing acne will come to a head and that's just your body's way of getting over it. By the end of the week you will notice that it is not being replaced by a fresh rash. After you are all cleared up make sure you still soak with the epsom salts 2-3 times per week.

Let me know how you make out! Blessings,
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Post by Buttercup »

Lots of products for acne-prone skins contain tea tree oil,so you can use it in hand-made face masks using green argile as a base,which by the way is very good for balancing oily skin. I've also read (though I haven't tried this one) that green tea was proven to be as effective with acne problems as some of the top face creams dermatologists prescribed(mainly the cream my doctor gave me as a teen,which had horrible effects on my skin as my face peeled of so badly that I didn't dare leave the house!At least the tea won't peel you off!) so you might want to use a green tea infusion as a face lotion,after cleasing your face every morning and every night.
You might also enrich your diet with food that contains vitamin E,or you can use capsules of vitamin E. A multivitamin tablet or a tablet of the B complex might also help. There are many brands of vitamins nowadays that contain as little chemicals as possible and they even produce vitamin tablets with vitamins extracted from certain types of plants or mushrooms.You can ask about these at a local health store or drug store.
Good luck!
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Post by Buttercup »

Oh,I forgot to write about rosemary infusion(I tried this when I had my first spots). You drink two cups a day and at least 8 glasses of water during the day. This will help release the tension too,which is good because stress is related to acne.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Alot of acne and pimple "quick fix" remedies you can buy are a load of crud, but depending on your age, diet etc it can be caused by many things... It could be hormonal... there are certain herbs that help with hormonal pimples and stuff but i wouldnt know your case etc.

Anyway a good herb for teenage pimples (please excuse me if i'm presuming you're teenager... i hope i'm not offending you lol)... but a good herb to drink as a tea is Burdock root. It helps cleanse the system and is good for liver pimples...

Anyway liver herbs are great for teenage pimples as they are mostly caused by hormones...

I'll shut up now lol


Witchhazel face toner

Post by Meri_el »

Witch hazel has amazing cleaning powers and doesn't leave your face feeling abused. I used to have breakouts so I would simmer witch hazel, aloe vera, basil, and rosewater together. Also, for cleaning, try sugar scrubs. Most are edible too!
Stephanie Mae
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

Rose hip and red clover in a facial steam are really great skin remedies.
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