Crazy or Clairaudient?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Crazy or Clairaudient?

Post by Lilith*Egon »

Okay, so for those of us who aren't all that savy with terms for psycic powers, to be clair audient is literally 'to see beyond'.
I believe I might be clairaudient, but before I explain anymore I would like to point out that I can always tell the difference between what I can hear and what everyone else can hear. This only happens when i am incredibily relaxed, like as or just before I drift off to sleep. This has happened for as long as I can remember, and it has just been so much a part of me that, other than worrying about my sanity, I hardly gave it much thought, until iI found the name for it.
It is always human voices that I hear, never animals or objects. sometimes it will be the voice of someone I know, other times it won't. The voices (wow, I feel crazy just describing them as that, but that is technically what I hear so...) any way, the voices have never scared me, and have never directed me to cause harm to any one or thing. Most of the time they do not make sence (as in slurred speach and as in rambleing nonsence) and I forget what they tell me. I was wondering if anyone else heard the same thing. NOTE I have not tried conversing with them... I dont think it works that way... or mabey it just never occured to me.
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Post by Hiddencast »

i have no clue!!!!! BUT i do not think your a nutso. Thats for sure!

Post by el.klion »

Next time, try talking to them?
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Post by Syndica »

I would have to agree on speaking to them. I am an emapth you feel like ur going out of ur mind on this matter, remember don't try to hard to read people, it takes time, close ur eyes and clear ur mind. I need to order ur thoughts to get a better understanding. :D
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Post by Hiddencast »

can others read people online? O_o
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Post by blackwavy »

Yes, I am beginning to realize that same thing. I hear tones, whizzles, chimes and sometimes, voices. When you are in a relaxed state, transformation begins. Ask them what you must know? Many of who are
into this type of work, often urge them to communicate with them.
If you don't want them there, ask politely and lovingly to leave. Good
spirits usually obey.
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Post by Xal »

The reason many people begin hearing or seeing these things as they drift off to sleep is because when you dream you are actually ascending to a higher dimension. As you begin to sleep your perception shifts and your awareness of these subtle forces is increased as your brain shifts into a different state, one closely related to sleep and meditation.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
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Post by blackwavy »

That's very true. Theta-Delta and Delta are where the brainwaves should be in order to have such an experience. Yes, people don't know that when we sleep, we go to the astral realm where we do all sorts of things. Awake, we even dream. I find that people who daydream a lot, would be a candidate for OBE, ESP and lucid dreaming. We make our own world in the astral realm. The mind is not in our head, its where ever we lead it to. Many people cannot get into these lower brain waves. When you do, your are open to possibilities that where not apparent to you.

You know that you have reached your peak is when you are in the Realm at will, you can bring yourself back into this reality.

When I am very relaxed, I don't force it out of me when I take on daily task, this is the way I was meant to be. It feels so good to feel energy pulsating from your every cell of your body.
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Post by theSeeker »

I too would recommend that you try talking to them... I was able to clearly hear my voices after I took the time to acknowledge them and my psychic abilities... I have even been able to ask them not to disrupt my sleep time every night as I already have a hard enough time getting good nights sleep.
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Post by blackwavy »

Mines are sweet--they have a sweet voice. How about yours?

I am becoming more receptive to them.
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Post by theSeeker »

Mine are every day voices... that which you would hear standing in the check out line at the grocery store.
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Post by blackwavy »

Okay. I guess we all have different experiences with spirit.

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