Didn't Really Know Where To Put This.

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Didn't Really Know Where To Put This.

Post by Hamish »

So, as I'm sure some people, know, I've been offline for ages. The Thing is i don't know whats right anymore, and i don't know how to act. i haven't been meditating, or anything. I don't know who i am anymore.
Posts: 313
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:57 am
Gender: Female
Location: Virginiabeach Va.

Post by WolfWitch »

First welcome back.

Second. Doubt is the doorway through which many great leaps of faith have been made.

If you are unsure of yourself then it is a perfect time to get back in tune and find what it is you believe. Meditate, not to something specific, but just into yourself. Explore what is inside of you and I'm willing to bet that you will see a path to where you need to go.

It's always worked for me and I have ran into doubt three times since starting my path. Meeting it honestly and trying to find an answer to the question that started the doubt has usually led me to a better understanding of my overall faith.

Good luck and if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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