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Post by LycanBlade »

is there anything i can do to help reduce the pain/swelling of a spider bite???

i had it checked out and its not a dangerouse bite...its just painfull

please and thank you?
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Post by Imiko »

Alright, a few do's and don't of spider bites;

1.) Do NOT take any Antibiotics. It's been medically proven that they do not provide medical relief for Spider Bites.
2.) DO NOT take: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or ASPIRIN. These do not help either and can hurt you more then help you.
3.) Do not re-open the wound and/ or Smother it. This can lead to further infection.
4.) Do not wait for symptoms to get worse or prolong anything.

The BEST herb to use in this kind of Situation ins called ARNICA.

It brings down swelling and pain in Bites. It's also great for your skin, if I was you I'd find a local Herbal heath store and ask the Clerk if they have any Arnica cream. This should help you within the first day or two you use it.

Apply as needed, but since it is an Anti-Inflammatory, Ant-Bacterial agent and will promote healing, you don't generally have to use much of the stuff.

Happy Healing,
7th Moon

Post by 7th Moon »

I would like to add to this that if you should be bitten by a brown recluse or "fiddler spider", you can take snake root oil to get it out of your system completely. It actually attacks your deep or dense muscle tissues and will make new sores in other places as it travels through your body. Now snake root oil is known to be carcinogenic,but considering the alternative of loosing a limb ,the excruciating pain (feels like being hit with a hatchet over and over) and it bringing new sores on in other places.....it is worth it in my opinion. I tried everything and nothing worked until I went to my health store and got the snake root oil! I sincerely feel like it not only saved my leg but my life! I couldn't function with all the pain and swelling,etc.!!!! So...hope this helps others.
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Re: Spiderbite

Post by Firebird »

I wouldn't use Arnica on anything that has a break in the skin. Arnica cream or homeopathic pellets are best used on contusion type injuries sore muscles and sprains. Raw plant materiel is dangerous as Arnica is poisonous. Use only in homeopathic form when needed.

A baking soda paste will draw the toxin out. For bug bites of any kind make a solution with water and baking soda (not too thin or it will dribble all over) and change the paste frequently. (meat tenderizer will work too, we used it frequently on the dive boat when someone gets stuck by a fish with spine.)
Manuka honey will help it heal but it can be a bit sticky!
I've seen Turmeric powder made into paste to work well but it can stain items. Baking power falls off and you can just vacuum it up. Turmeric might stain the carpet or couch or what ever it gets on.

bb, FF
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― Jim Morrison
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