Psychic Protection

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Psychic Protection

Post by sheelanagig »

I have seen many posts here requesting and giving help on various topics from pre-cognitive intuition to spells and rituals.

Yet I have seen very little advice given about using psychic protection techniques before attempting any kind of opening of the mind, to spirit, the casting of spells, and rituals.

I work with Nature Elementals, who at times can be very unpredictable.
I would never approach them before making sure I had psychically protected myself.

How many of you use phychic protection?
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Post by MidnightWolf »

I do :D

Post by Annimaster »

I have heard of protection before casting spells, some people visualize a white/silver circle protecting them. I have draw a circle of salt around me (I have a hard time visualizing the circle and I have added white candles around the circle.) I think it depends on the magic/spell you are casting and your personal beliefs. (That is just my own opinion. I have limited knowledge on magics.)
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Post by Syndica »

hi there sheelanagig,

doing a protection spell for both parties using posive engeries is important before u scann "read" them.

say this before each session:

charge me, oh goddess,
with the energy i
need to work my
spells so magickally "repeat 3 times"
this is my will,
so mote it be

oh goddess
grant me peace and tranquility
to meditate safely
and grow in my spirituality.

I hope this helps for u.

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