My poem Mirrors

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My poem Mirrors

Post by Daphnie »

So there’s this girl
Chained against the wall
Bruised and battered
She wants to end it all
The room she is in, she doesn’t know

But she knows there’s a mirror across from her
She closes her eyes
Pain shooting through her body
Her back is pressed against the cold damp wall
Cuts all over her

She knows there’s a mirror across from her
But she doesn’t want to open her eyes
She doesn’t want to see the person in the reflection
She doesn’t want to acknowledge that reflection
She knows she is injured

She jerks her arm
Her shackles hold her tight
Her mind is in disarray
Her life she wants to end
She hates what she has become

She is a slave to her broken heart
She thrashes about
Feels her wounds open up
She cries and screams, knowing the blood is pouring out
But she never opens her eyes

She wishes it were all a dream
She knows there’s a mirror across from her
She knows that there is no light shined upon her
Her body is cold
She wants to die now

All she ever wanted was love
All she ever wanted was a warm embrace
All she ever wanted was her first kiss
But she has a broken heart
And already hates herself

But the one who broke her heart
Doesn’t seem like he wants to let her go
She thrashes about again
This time her screams are silent
Her world is darkness

Who could have done this to her?
Why is she like this?
Why does she hate herself?
She is trapped within her blackened heart
She wants to know who did this to her
But she won’t open her eyes to see her own reflection….
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