Does anyone know of a dream spell?

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Does anyone know of a dream spell?

Post by witchcraft_saga »

I need a spell (With or without ingredients) which allows you to put a thought into someones mind. Almost change someones mind about something. The trick is that this thought be transferred through a dream. Now, i am guessing there is not such spell (Unless there is then that is great) so i was wondering if your spell could be creative. I know certain things do different things but i have no clue what does what so if you could throw some possibilities in my face that would be awesome (I don't know because i am not wiccan or pagan)

Tasha :28:

Post by witchcraft_saga »

By the way, This is for a book of mine I'm doing =D

Is it possible the one preforming the spell could contact a spirit in some way and get that spirit to influence the mind of the person she wants to change the mind of?

I know it is a fictional book and i can do what ever i want since it isn't REAL but, i still want some accuracy in there...

:28: Tasha :28:
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Post by Imiko »

Well, As long as it's just putting the dream into their head, with no intention of breaking their free will.

Any spell that takes away or controls a persons free will is a big No-No, so I suppose if it's just t give the person a dream that's okay. But it still is their choice whether or not to fallow that dream.

Blessed be,

Oh! Well, then. If it's for a book, you might as well know not to mess with free will unless you want the consequences. ^^

Post by witchcraft_saga »

I see =D Is it possible for her to realize she can't do such a spell and contact a spirit (preferably one of her family) to do it for her? To make the spirit creep into the persons mind and do the girls work for her?

Thanks =D
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Is it possible for her to realize she can't do such a spell and contact a spirit (preferably one of her family) to do it for her?
Are you asking if "she" (meaning the book character) could try a spell of some sort, see that it wasn't working; so then instead, try to conjure a dead family member's spirit to ask the spirit to inhabit the body of another person instead of her spell allowing her to inhabit the person?

...If you're trying to be realistic in your book, I'd not go that direction (of a spirit dream-inhabitant that forces the unwilling body to do it's will)... because that's really far fetched when it comes to reality. That said, reality generally doesn't sell books- the people who want to read about a spirit taking over a body are going to want to read sensationalism, not just mere reality.

Is it possible to call a deceased spirit to you? Absolutely. Is it possible to direct the deceased spirit to inhabit Mary Jo so she doesn't sleep and instead writes the term paper for you and then scrubs the kitchen floor with a toothbrush? No.
Spirits are spirits- as a general rule, they don't even have the ability to move objects, let alone do the instructed will of someone else.
-Perhaps there's some darker magic that touches on that, or Voodoo, but Wicca is about respect and love, we don't want to harm, we don't want to bend the Will, we do harness the elements to aid us in our crafting goals, but for the most part, we stay on the lighter side of things.

If it's fiction, go all out, I think. The majority of the population loves a good, unreasonable fiction-read. Who's your target audience?

Bright Blessings~

Post by witchcraft_saga »

hey MoonStone nice to see you... Again :D

It is a fiction so i think i will go all out but still include some accuracy. The target audience is teen like 13-20? I guess :)
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Are you wanting to appeal to the Pagan 13-20?
If not, take a look at horror movies that deal with the occult or even movies like "The Craft" -- there was levitating, binding of powers, conjuring, glamor spells... the works. In general, the non-pagan fiction reader is good with totally unbelievable stuff. If you're wanting to target Pagan readers though, to be totally honest, I don't think they'd read a fiction book on the occult. Maybe a true-to-life account of a Pagan's explorations into the occult, but not really a fiction book. We tend to roll our eyes and "ptthhh" at any inconsistencies we see or read, when exposed to that sort of thing- so writing for Pagans on Pagan material will probably leave you with a very critical and tough audience.


Post by witchcraft_saga »

No. It isn't meant directly for a pagan. Just about a girl who is a witch and struggles with it. I just wanted to have some accuracy in case someone decides to look it up and finds it to be stupid. I just want to know about different things they use when casting a spell... Like altars (Whats in it... etc...), different symbols etc... Nothing like specific chants. Just things commonly known to be used for a specific thing like different gems are meant for different things right? If i say that the girl (In my book) used a certain gem/crystal for something that was used for something else... That would drive me crazy =/
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