what is your faith?

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.

what faith were you raised with?

No faith
Total votes: 151


what is your faith?

Post by Xul'dorl »

here just give a description of what your beliefs are and the title your religion has (if it has one). i just would like to find out what others beleve in. im sure others might also wonder about that.

Post by Xul'dorl »

well... i might as well start.

i am what one would call a jewitch. my beliefs are a combination of messiahanic judaism, and neo-pagan. i beleve that most of the, for lack of a better term, supernatural forces that effect us can be split into 3 groups. divine or 'holy'('god' , most other deities, angels, etc.) 'unholy' (satan, devils, and the like), and nature. i also beleve in familiar theory.(basically noone becomes a ghost after death, and everyone has a being that noone can see that is familiar with them) anyone else want to share?

Post by Xul'dorl »

::darkmood:: no one wants to share..... then this is meaningless....
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Post by blackswordca »

My parents were raised Anglican, but they let us choose our own path at a young age.

We never went to church at all when I was growing up. While I think they were religious in their hearts, they gave up on the church when it started asking for their income tax info so they could decide what an appropriate tithe is.

They know im not christian and that I have a more eclectic faith, and they are fine with it. Most of my family however would not be so its not really spoken about.

I'm not wiccan or really pagan I suppose. I believe that our spirit is infinitely reborn into new bodies as we try to understand the universe and life in general. I believe that their are powerful beings who are interested in humanity, but I do not think they are gods or deity's, just entities beyond our current understanding.

I know its a weird and obscure belief, but its mine :)
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Post by AP670 »

blackswordca wrote:My parents were raised Anglican, but they let us choose our own path at a young age.

We never went to church at all when I was growing up. While I think they were religious in their hearts, they gave up on the church when it started asking for their income tax info so they could decide what an appropriate tithe is.

They know im not christian and that I have a more eclectic faith, and they are fine with it. Most of my family however would not be so its not really spoken about.

I'm not wiccan or really pagan I suppose. I believe that our spirit is infinitely reborn into new bodies as we try to understand the universe and life in general. I believe that their are powerful beings who are interested in humanity, but I do not think they are gods or deity's, just entities beyond our current understanding.

I know its a weird and obscure belief, but its mine :)
HMmm I'm off to work but say more on this.
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Post by blackswordca »

atheist of peace wrote: HMmm I'm off to work but say more on this.
What would you like to know?
"The meek shall inherit the Earth.. the rest of us shall conquer the stars"

Post by oonagh »

i'm pantheist.

Post by starcrossed »

Well if anyone's still interested in this post, I'll add in my experience. I was raised Catholic. My parents and I never went to church, however I went through all the stages such as baptism, communion, and confirmation. I never really took it too seriously; I didn't believe or find the relevance in much that was preached at CCD class. I found wicca when I was a young teen and fell hard for it. Unfortunately I think it was more of a phase than not. As of now I don't consider myself a practicing wiccan. However the spiritual aspect of it stuck on me. I now believe in nature and the presense and power of a God and Goddess. I consider myself spiritual.
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Post by Granamyr »

I'm a hard polytheist and an animist. I hold that everything has consciousness and communicates on some level as we are all energy forms. I also think there are multiple unseen realities including beings and realms. The beings are not "faces" of some One or Two but individuals with their own mind, desires and will. This position is more in line with historical views than the very monotheistic-ish neo-Paganism of today. The realms are simply parts of the multi-verse that science hasn't yet discovered. As to hard and fast details about these subjects, I don't make any claims to truth only what I've experienced.

I don't consider this a religion per se as I don't worship these beings and I don't really think they are the creators/creatrixes of our World. They are seen as more...co-habitants in this World with us and some make good friends, some do not. I practice elements of the craft and psychic work to facilitate a relationship with these beings commonly called spirits.

That's me.
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Post by emmi116 »

i was raised catholic by my mother but i do have some buddhist influences because of my japanese father. i holds beliefs in both religions although i am aware that they do contradict each other, such as reincarnation. i believe God gives second chances at life when He feels that on your judgement day you have not lived up to what He created you to be, or that you did not learn or do what He wanted you to. Although my beliefs are looked down upon to many Christian/Catholics, I believe that I, and every other person, has their own a very personal relationship with God, and that it is God and a person, not God and His people as one. Although my God is the Christian God, I believe that He and I have a good and healthy relationship in that He understand where my beliefs fall and that He will not judge if something contradicts with another.
love always,

Post by evanlie »

I have never been to a church service, but I was baptized...I don't know what church though - I guess that shows how important religion is in my family :lol: Although we did say Grace before we ate at special occasions. And we celebrate Christmas and Easter. I see these holidays as a celebration of family, togetherness and love unlike my family.

My family does not know what my faith is and I think, for sanity reasons, it's better that way :roll:

Post by Torey »

My faith is Theistic Satanism. :)
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Post by ImperfectAngel »

I was rasied Catholic by my parents, witchcraft from my maternal grandparents, santeria from my paternal grandmother. Now I practice withcraft, with more of an eclectic view streaming from the ways I was taught, and developed on my own.
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Post by Whitewitchboi_235 »

I'm christian, i was raised christian... my best friend is catholic, we're prayer buddies. I think I have a lot looser view of wat God cares about than a lot of people i know, and i know i don't interpret scripture the same way folks at my church do... in some ways my catholic friend says i'm close to what he believes, since i deal with angels and the like a lot. my girlfriend just says i'm silly, lol. she's wiccan.

i dunno about much... i believe in love. it makes the world go round!
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Post by Rifts »


good times though.
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