Path of the Hex

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Hello EUTM.

I have been very busy living a simple life at our summerhouse for the last two weeks... And two more weeks to come. I will celebrate midsummer here. I have been building things here, cleaned the boat, fishing every day and so on. Nothing craft related except thanksgiving to the water guardian as my catch has been magnificent.

I will definitely do some traditional midsummer magic when the time comes. Eat, drink, build a big fire, do spells... I love this, I could live here all year long. The only noisy thing that reminds me of "civilisation" here is the aeroplanes flying over. For some darned reason the planes going through Russia to Asia go right above us. Despite that, most of the time the only noises here are wind, waves and birds. So peaceful... I love it. I even forget that phone and laptop and internet exist. That can't be bad. :mrgreen:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Well gonna live there forever? when ya coming back? been missing ya.
You'll have to invite us on up it sounds just blissful. I wouldn't come back either.
You have enough room to build a labyrinth? That would be a fun project.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote:Well gonna live there forever? when ya coming back? been missing ya.
You'll have to invite us on up it sounds just blissful. I wouldn't come back either.
You have enough room to build a labyrinth? That would be a fun project.
Hello Firebird and everybody else too!

I'm sorry I've been away, but I have literally stayed at our summerhouse almost non stop since early may. For once I have nothing to stop me from doing so and I can't work before my left wrist is fixed (Surgery on August 9th, wish me luck.) This is the first summer in my life that I've had this much time for myself, fishing, nature... And everything that goes with it. I have a hunch that soon I will be busy with other things so I'm enjoying while it lasts.

Interestingly being this connected with nature, I have abstained from most spellwork and writing. I did celebrate midsummer in a very simple manner, no grand ritual this year. I'm more in tune with birds and insects than the internet or social life other than my dog, occasional meeting if a neighbour and my girlfriend(She's doing very well and I'm very happy with her btw.)/mom/dad. Mostly I have just been here by myself and I'm loving it.

I have used money I think only three times + paying my bills since may, its almost as if money doesn't exist for me now. I don't watch the clock, the sun is my only time keeper here. And my internet use is nearly not in existence.

The only spellwork I have done has to do with fishing, little prayers and summoning of good luck, quite a few offerings to the water guardian. I'm yet to find out where the actual physical representation of the water guardian is around here. Almost every lake in Finland has one or more, but there's no living person to tell me where and what it is... So far I've given my offerings on a big boulder which stands out from the shore and it just happens to sit on our property. It has a nice flat surface for cleaning the fish and I always leave the heads and what ever I wont use on that boulder. Crows and seagulls have started to watch me, they know when I'm staying on the shore, soon there will be a easy meal for them. I even named the biggest crow who often comes to watch me alone before his friends arrive. I'm calling him/her Raakku, that's a funny name, its what their voice sounds like in Finnish language. :D This big crow left me a present the other day, one of his big black feathers. It was on the boulder right where I leave the fish scraps. I took it as an good omen and picked it up...

And I found a great place to keep it. I have some items which hold a meaning for me, reindeer horns which my father got on his first trip to Lapland, the horns hold my very first modern fishing rod, also from my father. Then I've hung up pike jaws on it and now a head of one which I cleaned and dried. Also there's now the crow feather and hawk feather I found somewhere around here when I was kid. As I was putting these things on the horns it started to resemble a kind of totem, a very Finnish kind.... I thought that I might just turn this thing into something magical. I will add more feathers and a larger pike head when I catch one of the really big ones. Perhaps I will make some long lasting fishing spell and hang it on this thing too.

Anyway, I have been living the simple way in peace and quiet and will do so hopefully up to early september. I will try to check out here more often, its ironic to be "busy" with not being really busy that I keep forgetting that internet exists and I have friends there. :mrgreen: ... pn3og6.jpg

Sorry for just the link, either EUTM, or more likely, photobucket is effin things up with the picture so clicky. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hey, good to know you're doing well. :) carry on.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I don't know how many of you have spent a lot of time in nature, somewhere far enough from "civilisation?" To those of you who have had the chance to do so, you will already know what I'm talking about. Others, pay attention. ;)

Its interesting how things change when you spend enough time in a place where most of the modern insanity of western society does not exist at all. Where the sun, the moon, rain and wind make most decisions for you and where the noisiest thing is a howling guard dog of a local farmer two miles away. First thing you notice is the quietness, in the beginning its eerie, soon it turns into serenity and after maybe a week, any noise done by people stands out like a sore thumb. Senses get keen, your awareness of your surroundings will change to something like how animals sense things. tiniest movement or noise will grab your attention.

The electric grid just went down for a minute. I was already lighting candles and now its back up. Old wiring + nearby thunderstorm is just lovely combination here. Damn, I thought I will have some adventure here. :D Anyway, where was I...

Second thing to change is the awareness of detail. When nature is the only stimulation, soon all the birds, bugs and all sort of creepy crawlies that go around start to poke out of the woodwork. Patterns start to emerge, the flying hours of insects, when certain birds are on the hunt, when certain types of fish are feeding and so on.

Third thing is learning to handle solitude. In this nordic people are naturally quite good at. For me its been surprisingly easy as I'm very social and outgoing person, but I have a piece of a hermit in me, which I thing many witches share? I bet we're the kind who can handle living almost alone in the middle of nowhere rather easily. But I've seen it happen many times that not everybody can handle being away from people. I've had fiends stay here and leave prematurely because they just can't take it being somewhere kind of isolated from the rest of the world. For its even more so as I do not have a car here, the closest shop is 25 kilometres away and I don't even have a bicycle. No worries though as the lake feeds and to an extent my dog too. The only things I soon need is potatoes, coffee and tobacco. Two of which I could grow here if I had the energy to deal with the horribly rocky soil here.

Fourth weirdness that happens is that I do not need to do spells much, not even meditate as living like this is a continuous meditation, the surrounding itself makes me calm and peaceful, my heart lightens and I get things done way better than usual.

Also what's missing from here is the multitude of wi-fi networks, phone and internet works well enough in here these days, but instead of ten signals in the house, there's only my own modem here which I turn off when I go to sleep. Call me crazy, but I can "feel" it when there's ton of wifi around. Perhaps I'm sensitive to EMF or something?

Suffering from insomnia? Wilderness will cure you. Even if you're a coffee addict. I'm a certified insomniac if I let myself loose. But in here as sun goes down, I get sleepy and I wake up early feeling as if reborn every day. Its amazing! When I'm in a city, unless I work a lot, I wont sleep well no matter what. The only thing that does it is WORK and WORK and WORK until being exhausted. In here no problems with sleep what so ever.

Wild animals get used to you. I have had several nice encounters with birds and insects here. Its amazing, the crows are still shy but now they only leave if I walk near the shore. They used to fly away when I open the door. Today I was coming back from the fish traps, the wind picked up speed as I was in the middle of the lake and a bumblebee flew by, clearly struggling against the wind. The poor bug must have been tired as it saw my boat, it landed on the engine battery for a free ride and it only went on its way when we were at the shore again. Certain type of forest bird hit one of the porch windows the other day... I bet it was in shock, it wasn't afraid of me or the dog at all for good fifteen minutes. It was the first time in my life that I was able to pet a wild bird. I talked to it and it even let me check its wings and legs... Lucky bird as he had no injuries, other than a concussion I presume. I even got a very good picture of it. If it would have been injured, I would sure tried to help it. The problem was that this kind of bird eats live insects which it catches on the fly. How in heck you feed one of them?

I have left out countless of hermit bees which next in the walls here. Those guys are nasty looking, but very tame and useful. I have never been stung by one. They're the almost all black thin ones which yellow stripes on the back. Today while going to check the fish traps, I was trolling with the fishingrod and caught a young pike. Small pikes are super active in july, hungry and downright stupid. :mrgreen: Usually when they get caught and picked out of the water, they put up a insane fight for survival quite naturally. So its not easy to release them while they panic all over the place. This time I said to the pike not to be scared, that I will let it back to grow and on the same moment the pike stopped moving, just enough for me to release the hook and put him back to the water... They don't do that, unless they're too long out from water and they lack oxygen. But it felt as if this pike heard what I meant. Even though fish are very simple creatures, I know that animals sense things, they sense the mood and intent of a person very easily. The wild animals are of course much more careful and easily scared, but I have seen them listen when I talk to them and few times it seemed that they understood.

I have talked about it many times before, the way I deal with the fish. I ask them to if they want to give their life to feed me or if they want to go back to the lake. That's so native American. And ancient Finnish way as well. About a week ago, I caught a big perch from one of the traps. I was already holding it and raising a block of wood I use to knock them out before killing them and suddenly I felt as if the fish was begging me to let it go... I looked at the poor thing for a minute and told it to swim back home. Most fishermen I know would call me a crazy moron for doing things like this, but I'm old school. I do believe that there is a water guardian or a deity, how ever you want to call it and then there's the spirit of the fish. A good fisherman never angers either of them, rather pays his respect by giving offerings and being merciful with the catch. Those fishes have kept me alive, if this would be a survival situation, my life would depend on them. And nothing's more important than health, clean water and good food. The more I do this, wider my respect and love for our earth grows.

If people would just understand how dependent we are of the earth and all other living things, there would be more witches around for sure. And more compassionate people who wouldn't be bickering over insignificant matters.

Last few months have been amazing, the most craftful time I've ever had and without doing much of it either. Nature is made of magical things, spend time there and soon you will just stand in admiration of its savage beauty.

This post made me think of this song by Thy Serpent. ;)
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

SpiritTalker wrote:Hey, good to know you're doing well. :) carry on.
Will do... Read my post above. ;)

I just thought that my "fishing totem" thing has kind of took the place of my altar while in here. I should just put a candle holder on it and hang a chalice of some kind on it. ::coolglasses::
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by SpiritTalker »

Of course. I don't fish.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

So envious, :twisted: I want to have a place to hermit out!
I can completely relate to your story, solitude in nature does open up ones senses to the umpteenth degree!
I just recently returned from Sequoia/Kings cyn Natl Park and had to laugh at my daughter who got a bit panicky when she got there and realized she had no signal on her phone! AND the battery on her car died as soon as she arrived, (lovely merc retro) So she was a bit freaking out. I don't have a phone so I'm cool with no signal, lol :lol:
The silence there at night was kinda strange, like deafeningly so. I would have expected a hoot of an owl or cricket, perhaps frogs, which I did hear in the twilight time. It made my ears ring it was so quiet. Mornings broke the silence with tweeting birds, cackling crows and squirrels running round and round the tree the right next to the tent, interesting morning alarm!
I think you are terribly accurate about being so connected that you do not need to meditate, you are in the magic! Therefore the need to do spells unnecessary. I think daily offerings and addressing of the sun and the four directions will enhance your experience even more.
I commend your fishing ethics. Being a life time fisher person I have seen the number of swimmers decline over the years, the limits of take be lessened and catch and release be more often used in particular areas of depleting or endangered species. We were surprised to find out one of our beach fishing places was now off limits when a lifeguard came over to spread news of newly appointed safe zone for fishes.
Love your photo by the way, Beautiful rack of antlers! and your pole looks older but the reel newer. I have a very old Mitchel-Garcia reel, metal parts...gotta love it!!! (used to have two but a fish drug my whole set up into the lake one time while unattended, I even dove in and looked all around. it belonged to my grandfather, ugh I was sick that day)
Enjoy the rest of your summer there, so wish I could join you but that would blow the solitude, eh?
Contine healing and connecting. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery, and this time let the Dr. take out the stiches!
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

You're not the first person to say so, there's so many of us who wish to escape everyday life somewhere far away from everything. I'm lucky to be born in Finland I think. We have huge areas with very few people and countless waters and almost every family has a cottage somewhere. Its easy to find peace and quiet here, all you have to do is exit the city and go to the countryside. This isn't even that remote actually, to the west its mostly forest and farmland, to east and north, wilderness. Specially today as countryside has went so quiet, older generations have died and young people often move away for school/job/partner and so on. On the other hand its quite sad, but it makes finding total peace and quietness that much easier.

Our place is just next Russian border which makes it even better as nobody lives anywhere near on that side, the border even makes half of our lake a nature reserve as only ones who go there are the border guards and they're mostly just on patrol missions and not doing much else.

Seqouia? Is that near the west coast? Haha, so funny about freaking about the phone signal. Reminds me of my ex girlfriend who got really upset once when the grid was completely down here in January. No phones, internet or electricity at all. To me it was great as I really love those conditions and its not even that hard, lighting and cooking just take bit more work than usual, but otherwise its great to be off the grid some times. And ditto about the total quietness during the night. We don't have many birds who would sing during the dark hours either, if you sleep outside the birds wake you up around five in the morning. But night is complete quietness. Its amazing how far you can hear people talking or a dog bark when its that quiet. You could eavesdrop on someone from mile away. :mrgreen:

People are sure waking up about protecting the fish these days. Finnish fishing laws are very lax mostly, but the awareness about protecting wild salmon and several related species has become paramount lately, which I think is very good progress. Luckily our lake has no endangered species and the number of fish boggles the mind. This lake used to be very hard place to fish unless using nets, but that has totally changed over the last twenty years. I think the fishermen here can be counted on one hand fingers including me. I'm aware of three others who actively fish here and they don't go over the top with their nets and traps. Then there's the odd tourist and people on vacations but they mostly just keep one fishtrap or go trolling in hopes of catching zander.(Zander is brought here, they release more of them here each year and it seems that they're at least settling in, no idea if they have places to spawn here or not.) By the way, I strongly dislike pure catch and release fishing, when its done just for the thrill of the hunt, in my view it makes the fish just entertainment for dumb people, that's not nice at all... The good side is that people are often releasing endangered or otherwise important kind of fish. I release all pikes bigger than 5kg as they eat and spawn so much, they're very important for the balance of species. And when the fish are spawning, I also tend to leave the bigger female fishes alone as they hold the future. But it depends, most fish are so plentiful here that taking as much as you can eat wont do any real harm. :)

Yea, those antlers are pretty neat. They have brown paint on them which I've though of grinding off as they're prettier with the natural colour. The rod and the reel have been bought as a set in late 70's or early 80's so that makes them same age. The reel is old school Silstar which was very modern reel back in the day and its still in working order. The bearings would need some lube, but otherwise it works nearly as good as new.

I will! I'll try to post something from time to time. If I will find the water guardian, I will definitely do little ceremony, perhaps at Mabon. My luck has been totally through the roof with the catch this year. Lake spirits sure deserve a big thanks giving for it. I'm thinking of making a gift from flowers, some fish, alcohol(Very traditional offering here!) etc. This year was the first when I gave the first catch of the year to the water guardian, meaning releasing it back... I think it was heard.

But I'm off to chop some firewood now. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'm feeling that I'm getting in the right track again... I've been very witchy the last days, I've done two spells, the first I wont speak about but the second one, I have never tried to command clouds before and now I wanted to see the hunters moon.

It took one simple spell and in less than two hours, the sky completely cleared, endless amount of stars litter the sky and the full moon makes it so light that I don't even need a flashlight outside.

First celebration for ages, decent Finnish sauna, writing my BoS, I've been chanting and singing a lot today, playing with my dog and strolling outside... Soon I'll go out, turn all the lights off, perhaps light few candles and bask in the moonlight. I also started to write a letter in Theban, something I've never donw done before. Its been ages since I had anything going on with real letters and in very short time I've found two pen pals now. :D

I'm planning about a decent Samhain celebration this year, I will totally blast all the mess and dust out of my place when I go back home. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by SapphireRoad »

I'm envious of sauna, would have to go across half a city to enjoy one, then being tired you want to go straight to bed and not to be forced to travel back at all, uh.

I'd like to ask how can you survive through the polar night?

I've been only as far up north as the Orkney Isles. In July the Sun did set but was never really dark. It was weird and that was supposed to be the cheerful half of the year.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Yea indeed. :flyingwitch:
Our Hex is really coming into the dark time.
I am in true awe of folks who thrive north of 60. :fairy:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

SL wrote:I'm envious of sauna, would have to go across half a city to enjoy one, then being tired you want to go straight to bed and not to be forced to travel back at all, uh.

I'd like to ask how can you survive through the polar night?

I've been only as far up north as the Orkney Isles. In July the Sun did set but was never really dark. It was weird and that was supposed to be the cheerful half of the year.
If there's something that others should learn from Finns, its the sauna culture. Usually the only real way to have it elsewhere is to build one. (My brother who has lived in Germany all his life bought a cottage, first thing he did was to build a sauna. :mrgreen: )

Luckily I don't live that far up north where sun wont show up at all, but even in my home town around Yule, the day only lasts few hours, if there's work/school or other daytime activity, you wont see the sunlight for months in the worst case.

I can tell you that the darkness can be quite difficult to deal with, it can get depressing even for some Nordic people. I guess its one of those things that people just get used to as its inevitable. Its no wonder Finns drink most coffee per capita in the world. But its not all pitch black darkness when we get snow on the ground. Clear moonlit nights are very nice during winter months.
Firebirdflys wrote:Yea indeed. :flyingwitch:
Our Hex is really coming into the dark time.
I am in true awe of folks who thrive north of 60. :fairy:
Yep, sun sets around six in the evening, moon rises almost right after. Its overcast now and almost total darkness outside. Most leaves are gone so the landscape is mostly brown and grey, when it gets dark, its REALLY dark. In a month there will be snow.

The darkness of winter is nicely blanced by summer when it never gets dark. :mrgreen: I actually like our seasons a lot as it goes from one extreme to another and the change is constant. Only problem is that summers are way too short. I would like to have, say two more summer months. Would make gardening so much easier.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'm continuing my BoS. Not only the diary, but the whole thing.

I was just writing an overview of the magical tools and started to think why am I doing this? As its clear that I do not need this kind of overview information on these things, I'm already familiar with the lore and use of the common tools. then a thought came, its as if I'm writing my book for someone else to read. But who could it be? I haven't shown much of what I do even to you here, only select friends have seen a glimpse and all others are oblivious. I don't have IRL witch friends who would live nearby with whom I could share my work, mostly I write only myself in mind. I don't have children yet who would one day inherit my belongings either, but I have been subconsciously planning my Book of Shadows in a way that almost a complete "outsider" could understand my craft.

There's a proverb in FInnish about "being wise from afar", perhaps this is what I'm doing... Maybe one day there will be a person to whom I will give my book or someone who might inherit it.

I'm just about to start writing a part on correspondences, its a pain in the ass as I lost everything I had downloaded online with my previous laptop which succumbed and died a death under the dark forces of coffee. Thank gods for the internet and EUTM as most information I had gathered was copied from here or links posted here. You guys are so awesome, there's so much information to be found here.

Also I have made almost a complete switch to writing in theban. Section on spells I will mostly write in normal alphabet as its naturally faster to read, but my diary and almost everything else will be in either theban or fractur. I'm becoming quite fluent in also reading theban, if I keep practicing like this, its soon clear as day which brings me to the next point. I tend to keep my book safe and hidden... I do not want anyone to read my diary without my permission. Theban alphabet is gibberish to almost any person I know, but its not enough as its just ordinary writing with crazy letters.

I have thought to start coding things... First use gematria to turn letters into numbers, normal and reverse, then perhaps divide the letters in four groups and switch their order and in the end assign theban letters to already encrypted letters. Then use this to write in theban. Gematria is interesting and new ways of assigning numbers to letters can be invented... This way I could make up my own coded way of writing which could become nearly impossible to read without in depth knowledge of gematria... Specially if I come up with a code of my own. I have found a neat way of hiding things into my book visible by only right kind of lighting. This has to do with the properties of the paper. I thought this could be a very interesting way of embedding symbols and text into something that with first look is quite mundane.

I'm planning on making a section about symbolism. I'm very much into symbols and numerology and symbols are such a powerful tool as pictures are universal language and symbols are the language of subconscious... Then add hidden symbols below the visible ones, charge them with different energies as I keep writing. I want to make my book a source of power in itself. I have already done variety of charging and protection spells on it and I'm thinking about doing a lot more.

Then on another topic, yesterday I got a hunch. In my way, the way it almost always happens. I get an uneasy feeling of anticipation, not being able to put my finger on it, but feeling certain that a change or something bad is going to happen. Two hours later I got a phone call from job center, asking about my sick leave and stuff. They're going to arrange a meeting, possibly they might come up with something I'm not willing to do as have been the case few times before.(I wont go into length about the Finnish unemployment system which at the same time is very good and could be super annoying too.) Then another interesting thing happened, I asked my band mates from the thrash metal band about starting to write new music and doing something.(We've been on hiatus since January, requested by our vocalist who has never wanted to have a break before in almost twenty years. Yep, I've had several bands and projects with him since we were teenagers.) our vocalist answered and said that he will not do the vocals any more and wants to have less responsibility and stress about the band. This was unexpected, but no worries as our lead guitarist will deal with vocals from now on, no idea if other changes are coming too...

Anyway, this was the first hunch like this for over a year. And why do I get them about possible negative changes in my life? These were both good and bad, but usually its if something bad is about to happen. I wish I could change this. "Seeing" future happenings is gift from gods, but why does it have to be so random or about negative things? :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Oh hey, voice your opinion on my new avatar. I want to know what you think about it.
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