Blogging The Shadows

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I finished the love spell after all. :woot:
...unfortunately, I thought today was only the 11th, so I thought it was done in plenty of time. It's the 13th. :lol:
Regardless, I'm happy with it. I was surprised that the words flowed out quickly. I had a bit of spell block when I started working on it.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

'Tis the season for love. Here's what I'm currently in love with:
Is it me?
Is it me?
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY![/color] smileylove loveface :inlove:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 29

If you ever want to feel the passage of time minute by tortuous minute, wash a load of dishes with very low water pressure while dying to go do just about anything else. Not how my Sunday night is supposed to go. It ranks on the asinine list near driving without power steering. My weekend wasn't very exciting. :evil:
I didn't do much related to Goddess time this week. I copied the information that was book marked, and that was pretty much it. I did start working on a picture that I plan to make into an animated GIF, but I've stalled out on it because I’m not sure of what I’m doing and I don’t think I’m making it right. There is a picture that I've been working on, but I don’t remember if it was this week or last that I added to it. :roll:
I guess I could say that I've been doing art related things this week, just not in the traditional sense. I've been playing The Sims 3 and uploading the stuff I've personalized to the Sims website to share with other players. Not bad. I've actually been trying to become friends with a hand full of people through the Sims website.That’s out of my comfort zone. I don’t mind being friends with people I don’t know, so long as they ask first. Me doing the asking is kind of out there. :anxious:
My bedroom is getting a make over this week. My altar is going to have to be moved. I can no longer open its door where it currently sits. That’s not too bad, but the main set of tools I use are stored underneath of it and I need to open the door to get to them.
This week I would like to do a bit of prosperity magick. I need to get some storage things for my bedroom and I hope to do a spell to make my dollars stretch. :wink: I’d love to get a shelf that I can use to set up a permanent altar. loveface The end table that I currently use as an altar holds my TV, game system, and modem. :( I also plan to use the “Small Space Prayer” that I wrote while I rearrange my bedroom.
This isn't really a goal, but I’d like to get something new for my altar. I’m hoping that I can go to Walmart because not only do they have the things I need, but they also have the incense holder that I've been coveting. I’d love to get the holder and a couple packs of incense too. smileylove
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Now I really want a new altar. My boyfriend just got us a bigger TV. He put a hole in my argument about having a TV small and light enough for me to lift, by saying that he can lift the big TV. I then informed him that he better move the TV every time I ask because the end table is my altar. "Oh, we'll just put it elsewhere then." I have a suggestion that he won't like. :vampire:
I've only had a permanent altar twice, just for a couple months each time. :( I've got a bit of space on top of the bookshelf that kind of acts as an altar. It's not a pretty picture though. Somebody keeps stacking loose change up there. :x
I thought of an interesting experiment to try. :D Time to get out the composition notebook and take magickal notes! If the parts of my Book of Shadows were a coven, the composition notebook would be a seeker or outer court member. If the composition notebook were a TV show, it would be "Lost." :P

Oh well, I'll tell you all about it Sunday. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I saw this and had a purple-gasm. :P
purpleset.JPG (22.3 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
It's so pretty! smileylove Part of me would love to have it. I do love purple. But there's a part of me that says that it doesn't fit my practice. I feel like my tools should match my eclectic practice. I'm a little surprised that the obsessive compulsive voice doesn't chime in with "they match, what more do you need?" I'm one of those people that usually needs things to be matching and symmetrical. Well, I guess I just gave myself the solution to that. My mismatched tools match my practice. :) [/color]
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Let’s break up the monotony and put this portion of my blog in a different color! NICE! ::coolglasses::

Week 30
I almost started this blog out by cursing technology. Something hiccuped and I couldn't open my newly typed document by clicking on it. Instead of opening “Echo’s Love Sachet,” it would open a blank document called “Untitled0.” No clue here on my end. I did manage to open it using an already opened document. Phew! I needed to edit it and copy it to paste into my BOS here on the forum. Disaster avoided! Now I really deserve this ice cream. :mrgreen:
This week, Goddess time was pretty much the same as it was last week. It was one face plant short of an epic fail. :P We didn't get to go shopping this week. Adding and removing bookmarks is almost becoming a weekly habit and I think I’ll stop counting it as Goddess time now.
I did do something new this week. I started the preparations for the new experiment I mentioned Friday. I've spent the last week grouching about wanting a new and permanent altar. That spurred me to think about a possible semi-permanent altar. The big question: Can an image on a computer screen serve as a temporary altar? I spent Friday morning looking at pictures of Wiccan altars and saving roughly 30 of them to my computer.
The experiment will be to bring up an altar picture on the computer screen and spend some time meditating. I will be taking notes of such things as the date, the picture name, the altar’s description, how I felt, and whether I deem that attempt a success or failure.
As a bit of a twist in the experiment, I plan to use a picture of an altar that I've made of cut and pasted images of tools. That will probably come last since I don’t have the picture completed yet. Right now it’s just an altar cloth with a pentacle tile in the middle. :roll:
I found my composition notebook. :) That’s where I found “Echo’s Love Sachet.” I’m sharing it because it’s something I wrote back in my early days of being a witch. Most of what’s in my BOS on the forum is stuff I've written recently, usually within a couple days of writing it. Sharing something from my early days is kind of a special treat. ;)
This weeks goal.... man, this is the tough part. I’m over freaking out about my bedroom. I’m not going to worry about a physical altar until Ostara. :surprisedwitch: Well, I could start my experiment; have at least one session this week. There’s the ever popular “finish things I started.” :lol: I have the pictures on a particular subject that I want to post to my online Book of Shadows, but I want to write something to go with them. Crap, I’m stumped.

I’ll figure it out eventually. :fairy:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by loona wynd »

Echo_of_shadows wrote:I saw this and had a purple-gasm. :P
It's so pretty! smileylove Part of me would love to have it. I do love purple. But there's a part of me that says that it doesn't fit my practice. I feel like my tools should match my eclectic practice. I'm a little surprised that the obsessive compulsive voice doesn't chime in with "they match, what more do you need?" I'm one of those people that usually needs things to be matching and symmetrical. Well, I guess I just gave myself the solution to that. My mismatched tools match my practice. :) [/color]
Those are beautiful. I can see how you fell in love with them and would want them for your altar. I'm not a fan of the Triqueta symbol, but there I love it for some reason. I'm not sure why.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

loona wynd wrote:Those are beautiful. I can see how you fell in love with them and would want them for your altar. I'm not a fan of the Triqueta symbol, but there I love it for some reason. I'm not sure why.
I've found a Pinterest board with a few sets in different colors and they have different symbols. None of the other sets speak to me though. There's just something about that particular shade of purple. None of these sets has a price tag. It makes me :cry: ... can-altar/
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I did some work Tuesday morning and I'm going to share what I wrote as I used Google to find something for my experiment.

I've spent the last couple days putting together my pseudo altar picture. It looks a little odd, but kind of cute. A few of the tools are from pictures of the individual items, others are tools copied from some of the altar pictures I saved for the experiment. I'm currently having a tough time finding a chalice. A lot of the chalices I'm finding on the net are gold colored. I don't like the color gold. I'm starting to feel like I'm being terribly picky. :roll:
I was tempted to use a picture of a toy version of Sailor Moon's holy moon chalice. I don't want to use it for this because I plan to post the results and I'm not sure how many people will get my silly anime reference. Maybe I'll use it for something else. It would be fun to try to come up with an anime themed altar. :mrgreen:
There are also Magic the Gathering cards with chalices. Maybe I can come up with a Magic the Gathering altar. Heck, I've got enough of those cards I could probably build an altar out of them. :P I did try to build an MTG tarot deck, but I didn't get very far with it. I finished the major arcana, part of a single suit and a couple people based cards (page, knight, queen, king).
I've narrowed the choices down to four. Eeny-meeny-miny-moe.... Wow, it was easier than I thought to narrow it down to two. That would've been over a lot sooner if I had just stuck with the first one I picked instead of looking for others. You know, it looks like it would go real well with the cauldron picture I used. Good job Echo! :D
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I keep coming up with new variations to try in my experiment. I'm going to have to expand the question that the experiment is based on. I haven't thought of a new one yet though. I've yet to start the experiment itself, but I have gathered a couple more components to add and started writing down things like the basic steps involved. I even made a new folder on the computer to keep all everything I've used in the experiment in one spot. :)
This week my intuition proved to be right again. Some times I'll meet someone new and just instantly dislike without much of a reason. The little neon sign in my head lights up with bright red letters the word BAD. It's like hearing a fire alarm without seeing smoke or fire. This person will eventually make their way into my group of friends and I start to think "Well if my friends like this person, why shouldn't I?" Good old social Darwinism. :roll: I'll befriend the person and things will go swimmingly, but then the next thing I know, everybody is having problems with that person.
This time was a bit different. I didn't try to make friends with this girl. I kept saying to myself "She hasn't done anything to you, you hardly know her. Why don't you like her?" The other day, I talked to my mom and told her that I don't go hang out with her because there's just something I don't like about her, and that I come up with excuses not to hang out because I don't want to seem like a b**** for not liking her with no provocation.
A few hours after everyone had hung out, she went and caused a bunch of trouble between everyone she hung out with Monday night. Dumb people with knives and un-friending on Facebook kind of trouble. :roll:
SO NOT :surprisedwitch: !
There's a twisted little part of me that wants to say "I told you so," but since I kept my mouth shut in the first place, I don't get that privilege. :twisted: :P :lol:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Hi there! Happy March! :mrgreen:
Please excuse the mess. I'm having breakfast as I type this week's blog. :flyingwitch:

Week 31
So far, there have been no technological snafus as I start this. I switched to a different word processor, since the old one was becoming a pain in the broom. It even opens “Echo’s Love Sachet” perfectly. No strange blank file or tears of frustration. There's a bit of odd behavior in the format department, but it's rather easily remedied.
I think I'm going to have to remove prosperity magick and magickal shopping from my to do list. I don't think I left the house at all in February. I could have gone shopping last night, but I was asleep when everyone went. Well, actually, I did wake up, but I think I did everyone a favor by going back to sleep. I was in a foul enough mood that I would have made Godzilla run in the other direction. :vampire: I'm ashamed to admit it, but I found my behavior quite monstrous. :oops: However, if you can find a woman who's suffering from PMS and has had only 2 hours of sleep that's not insufferable, please have her send me her secrets. :twisted:
The Lord and Lady heard from me yesterday evening. I asked for wisdom and patience. I had a feeling that I was going to get frustrated in the near future, but it didn't happen in the way I had foreseen.
I came up with a new spell last night. I thought it was pretty neat for something I'd never attempted before. I'd like to write it down soon. That can be part of my weekly goal.
I started making a new avatar for Ostara. I finished it, but I didn't like the end result. I tried to fix it, but I was tired and irritable, and I said some unsavory things to Photoshop. Fixing my avatar is going on my goal list.
My pseudo altar picture is coming along quite well. I've completed the East and South quarters. If I really owned the items in the picture, they probably would set up as they are depicted. It looks wonderfully eclectic. I couldn't be more proud. :D
I've been inspired to do some magickal work in the kitchen. Something along the line of enchanting things a bit to make a sacred work space while I cook. I have been meaning to bless the windowsill above the sink and make it kind of a secret altar. I've got an idea of how to go about things now, but there's a tiny problem. I want to incorporate my tools into the ritual, but I still can't get to them easily. Ostara is coming up, maybe I can do it then. I'll cross my fingers. ;)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

A couple weeks ago I saw something that struck me as odd. But then when I went to take another look, the thing wasn't there. Ok. Must have been my imagination. No big deal. Then this morning I come across the thing again. The thing has been there only since yesterday, not from two weeks ago. :| Then it hit me: I did see it, just in a different point in time. blue_laugh
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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I had a talk with good old Brain yesterday. I was hoping to see if we could listen real close and hear my tools speaking again. Ostara is soon upon us and Brain and I need to invest time thinking about what to do to celebrate. Though nothing really came forward and volunteered itself, we did come up with 3 things to put on the altar. Brain and I also have an idea of what sort of magick we're going to work. :flyingwitch:
What I need to work on in the mean time is stability. We're thinking of moving and I know that things can get dicey when the subject of moving comes up. Trust me. Over the last 8 years I've become somewhat of a an expert on moving. :roll: That's a screwed up story. My family never moved around a lot when I was growing up. From my birth until the time I was 20, we moved only 4 times. Since the age of 20, I've moved 12 times. BIG freaking difference there. I swear, you entertain the notion of moving and things go wonky. You don't know what's going on from one day to the next. blue_flee
I'm going to do some research and try working with some different aspects of the divine. I'll definitely be working with Athena. She knows how much I'm going to need wisdom. newangel I'm thinking of working with deities associated with Earth and home. Actually, I think those 2 aspects go hand in hand, so that should simplify things. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 32

We are now one step closer to spring. Daylight savings time begins today. So go spring forward! ...or leave all the clocks with the wrong time to mess with people. Your choice. :P
I have good news! My altar got moved and it doesn't have the big TV on it. :D Boy am I glad. Speaking of my altar, my boyfriend came up with a good idea. He noticed that there were cracker crumbs on it, and said “we can clean this up with the vacuum.” Why didn't I think of that? The top of my altar has designs carved into it, so it doesn't get a perfect cleaning. I just wipe it down the best I can.
This week I finished my avatar. Well, obviously. :roll: Moving on! I started writing down the new spell I wrote, but I didn't get much farther than a couple sentences. I added a couple more entries to my correspondence list that's been sitting on the back burner. Actually, almost everything has been on a back burner lately. Damn you Diablo 3! :twisted:
I did spend some time this week doing research. I think I have a deity I can work with. Brighid seems like a good fit for me. Not only is she a goddess of hearth and home (exactly what I was looking for), “Brighid was the patron of poets and bards, as well as healers and magicians. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination.” Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. Then I read that she is similar to Athena. Wow! :o That should make it easy for me to transition from working with one aspect of the goddess to another.
I've scratched kitchen enchantment off of my to do list for now, since I'm going to be moving soon. We're hoping to move in May. It should be spring by then. Michigan has it's own set of weather rules. :P For example, a couple years ago, there was one Sunday in April that had temperatures in the 80's, then there was snow on the ground the next Sunday. Crazy stuff man! halfsm
My goal for the week is to write things down. Not only do I have that spell to finish, I'd also like to put together the stuff I had from when I blessed this house. I wrote down the chants I used, but they're written on different pages in a random notebook. It would be nice to have the chants together along with a description of what I did. Since I keep torturing myself by moving so often, I think it's in my best interest to have the ritual written down. :roll:
As for that magickal shopping that has yet to happen, I'm going to put off getting some of the things I need until after we move. I'm hoping that we can move somewhere with a bit more storage space. That's pretty much the reason we're moving. Counters, cupboards and closets, oh my! :lol: I'm kind of excited. Sure, I hate moving, but the idea of a new place is the part that I like. You want to make a Sagittarius happy? Take them on an adventure, even if it's just a change of address. If we get the place we're hoping for, we'll have a bit of forest in the back yard. Imagine, a city witch with more trees than she can shake a stick at! Sorry, I just had to go there. :P

*Quote from ... rofile.htm
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

This looks like frog green. Today I'll be frogging the shadows. :P
We had a visitor last week. A stranger shows up with a green bag and asks if I'm my mom. He said that he's from whichever church she went to a couple times.
I told him that I'm the daughter. He hands me the bag and asks if I'll be attending church.
Honestly, I wanted to ask if Brighid would be there. I had just done research on deities associated with Earth and home a little while prior to this incident, so I was a bit excited about Brighid. I knew better than to say such things. I felt that if Mom had any intention of going back to that church, it wouldn't due for her to be embarrassed. I very politely told him that I'm not usually awake during the day. Which is true. I've never been a morning person. Even at 6:33 AM on Friday, December 6, 1985, I knew that morning was just too early and I came into this world complaining and screaming about the injustice of it. ;)
So after Mom explained that she'd probably return once the weather was better, the man hands us the bag and leaves. Inside the bag was a frog green water bottle and some sugar free Kool-aid. I admit, I liked the bottle despite the church logo. I have a thing for green, mostly of the lime, or frog color variety. smileylove
I've spent some time thinking about how I feel being a witch with a church endorsing water bottle. There is a bit of weirdness there, but it's just so GREEN! I figured that if it ever weirds me out too much I can draw little symbols and runes on the bottom. :fairy:

On a note unrelated to my witch blog, I'd like to say that I've been trying to take extra special care of my health lately. I occasionally have bouts of low blood sugar. I usually don't worry too much, since it happens so infrequently. However, I had a day last week when I reacted to it worse than I usually do. My normal reaction is an odd feeling inside and a bit of shakiness. The other day I was shaking so hard I thought maybe I'd shake myself to pieces. I got scared and cried at one point. I've been forcing myself to eat three times a day and it's kind of hard at times because I'm used to eating only twice a day.
So my goal for the week is to make sure I take care of myself and have Echo time as well as Goddess time. smileydance
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