Aetheryn Tutmosis

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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

So I still haven't been able to AP while awake, but I'm doing it more in my sleep.

I've also learned I have a huge fear block concerning AP. Whenever I'm asleep and find myself astral projecting, I feel this fear that I'm not safe outside my body. Like I'm more vulnerable to harm. This couldn't be farther from the truth in reality and I know this. I just need to keep practicing and when I'm asleep I'll eventually grow out of this fear and project that way.

Might be a couple of months before I start consciously astral projecting. That's fine with me though, as long as I get it done!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Firebird »

I may have missed it but do you set up protections before you go to sleep?
Bb, FF
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Yeah I will it every night before I go to sleep. I've been having them so far
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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So today as I was practicing awakening my inner jaguar, I saw the image of a Jaguar flying into my body! So I know I'm on the right track. I'll keep meditating on that to empower myself. I figure that my abilities will be enhanced. We'll see. I'll practice astral projection before I go to bed.

Today I gave one of my housemates a high five and I felt like this disgusting goop of energy in my gut as soon as I touched her hand. It was disgusting. I've always had this weird feeling about her, so now I know for sure to avoid her.

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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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I've been using the hermetic law of polarity to transmute my depression into happiness and it's working!

That's why I love sacred knowledge like that... It's so useful!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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I think I have manipulated the weather where I live at. We've been having record highs (like 110°) and its like an oven in my room.

So I was browsing online and found this technique that is supposed to make your imaginations turn into reality. So I did this, imagined a big cold front to come through, and I think the next day it was raining. It's been raining the past few days, and when it's not it's rather cool out. Which is unusual for El Paso, TX weather.

If I really manipulated the weather, that would be so awesome. I should probably set up experiments with this technique so I can know that I'm doing it right!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Today I actually controlled the weather!!!!!!!!

Omg that was such a rewarding experience. And no I didn't do it with the conventional ways of magic. I actually used my heart. Let me explain.

I bought a book called Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek. In it he explains the sacred space within your heart and how to use this space. I already have a powerful heart, due to 3 years training. I simply used this technique, but at the time I was thinking "maybe it won't work"

So I went on about my day and forgot about it. Then later in the evening it starts raining. Instantly I'm excited because of what I had done earlier.

But you may be thinking "oh yeah right it was probably already going to happen" but there are two things you must know.

1. It was not expected to rain today
2. El Paso TX barely sees rain.

Also, it was ONLY RAINING ABOVE WHERE I LIVE! You can see that the raincloud was only above the area I live in. Like a giant circle of clouds above me. That was really rewarding.

I have huge dreams. I really do, and I'm so happy to have learned this!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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Pretty soon I'm going to join the Prince Hall freemasons. I am joining to continue my path of self mastery, to become a golden light and a beacon to others that wish to grow upwards in soul force.

I see this as a first step to that goal. On top of that. The brotherhood could be convenient for more opportunities to make contacts and be a part of a fraternity that would help see me as successful.

There are loads of conspiracies that make this group seem like devil worshippers. Well I've conversed with my higher self and ascended masters. As long as my goal is that of self mastery, and not of gaining worldly things such as money and power, then my path will be pure.

I'm excited. I want to read the more occult books, hopefully they would have them because I still want to pursue my dream of being adept at magick. And I mean adept in the basic definition, not the magickal definition of adept, which is a bit different.

A lot of things have been happening to me and I believe I'm on the right path.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

My shrine. It's to the Hindu goddesses Chotila and Chamunda on the left, me and chamundas heart in the center, with Ra on the right.

I work with the crystals there as well. In the center there I have a purple and gold merkaba.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Once I get my own place I'll definitely get a bigger shrine.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Lol I forgot to put the photo up. The description of what this is is on the previous page
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

I made it rain again!

The forecast for the next few days in El Paso was sunny and hot.

I did my heart prayer yesterday evening where there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. This morning even, but it picked up in the afternoon and it was cloudy!

Now it's raining! I'm excited because this is the second time I've done this. I feel like, with my heart, I can make anything a reality now.

I'm wondering what I should do next? I've already done the prayer to become a freemason. I'll wait for that.

I won't make any money prayers or revenge prayers because that wouldn't be coming from my heart, and it wouldn't be good for me. That's what Ra demonstrates to me.

So for now, I'll just do that special heart prayer for humility and enlightenment.

Another reason why this is working so well, Ra confirmed, is because of all the work I've been doing with my heart the past few years.

The technique that Drunvalo Melchizedek teaches sort of amplifies what I can already do with my heart.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

And I should also mention, that most of the clouds are gone! They were only here from that brief time it rained, and I should also point out again that it only rained in my area, how I wanted it to.

I really recommend you guys read Drunvalo Melchizedeks stuff. Especially if you feel some connection to Egypt or Atlantis.

The book that teaches the technique I used to make it rain is called "Living in the Heart".

And I do recommend you read his "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" Volumes 1&2. This has more of the Egyptian things in here, as well as a technique to open your merkaba.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

The other day while I was meditating I saw some golden runes, so I'm going to look up runes and Norse mythology because I know nothing about the subject.
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