Loona's Grimoires

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loona wynd
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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Is witchcraft a Religion?

I'd say that witchcraft is not a religion. There are no beliefs and practices that are accepted by and engaged in by all witches. Except for the title of witch and the practice of magic through witchcraft there is nothing uniting witches. No two witches share the exact same practices.

While there are religious traditions of witchcraft, not all traditions and practices of witchcraft have a religious basis. Many are clearly tied into each witches spiritual path and practices, but some are not religious at all.

The only thing that unites all witches is the belief in magic and the practice of magic. How each witch practices magic and understands magic is going to be different.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Are Witchcraft and Wicca the Same thing?

Wicca is a specific religion. Witchcraft is a craft. Wicca holds specific beliefs and practices. Wicca is a witchcraft religion, so Wicca uses witchcraft in their rituals to contact the Gods. Wicca and witchcraft are intertwined, one can not be Wiccan and not be a witch. Not all witches however follow those specific rituals, beliefs, and practices.

Wicca is:
Oath bound
Orthapraxic (Right practice or practice of rituals is key to the religion)

EClectic Wicca still contains:
Fertility (via nature)
Orthapraxic (practice of rituals leads to mysteries)

Witchcraft does not need to be any of those things. All Wiccans are witches. Not all witches are Wiccan.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Are all Witches Priests

No. Because not all witches are religious not all witches are members of the priesthood. Those who are members of the priesthood have additional responsibilities in their witchcraft.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Are There common beliefs among witches?

Due to the variety of traditions and practices, it is impossible to say if there are any common beliefs. A belief in magic is common with all witches, as is the practice of working magic. Really the only thing that unites all witches is the belief in magic and the practice of magic.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

My Witchiness

*Hard Polytheist
-I believe all Deities are unique individuals
-I believe all witchcults follow the same Gods differently
-The God and Goddess of Witchcraft are not other deities

*Sort of Follow the Rede
-"An it harm none do what ye will"
-Rede is only advice-any non harm actions ok
-Do believe in Curses and hexes
-In following the rede- It means accept all actions

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Traditions of witchcraft

BTW (British Traditional Wicca) mixed Garnderian Wicca with bis of their own works and views. Founded by Alex and Maxine Sanders

Blue Star-
An American Initiatory form of witchcraft. Some coven and lineages may also be BTW.

Cabot Tradition-
The style and tradition of witchcraft taught by Laurie Cabot

Clan of Tubal Cain-
The Traditional Group of Traditional witchcraft practiced by Robert Cochrane

Cultus Sabbati-
Another form of traditional witchcraft

Dianic Witchcraft-
The feminist tradition of witchcraft founded by Z, Buddhapest

The American Traditional Witchcraft tradition founded and taught by Victor and Cora Anderson (separate from Orion Foxwoods Fairy tradition)

First British Traditional Wicca tradition. Founded by Gerald Gardner. All BTW traditions can trace themselves to him.

George Pattersons tradition of witchcraft.

Hedge witchcraft-
Shamanic style witchcraft-rituals are intense deep trance work

Family inherited practices-2 or more generations

Gay/Bisexual BTW based tradition.

The witchcraft tradition founded by Starhawk a combination of Feri and Dianic Witchcraft

Temple tradition-
The tradition founded and taught by Chris Penczak in his Temple of witchcraft series.

Raymond Buckland's Anglo-Saxon based tradition of Witchcraft

Italian Traditional Witchcraft

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What do I know about witchcraft?

I know that if you ask 10 witches what witchcraft is you will receive just as many different answers. Really there is no unified and accepted answer for what witchcraft is. There is a debate on if witchcraft is a religion or a craft. I think it may be a bit of both.

I know that witchcraft is a system of magic.

I know that there are many different traditions and ways of practicing witchcraft.

I know witchcraft has no unified code.

I know witchcraft has no specific beliefs.

I know witchcraft is a life changing practice.

I know witchcraft to be an individual practice.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What do I believe Witchcraft to be?

Witchcraft to me is many different things. There is an art to witchcraft, a practice, a system of magic, and to some a religion. Some consider witchcraft to have scientific applications and theories.

The art:
Crafting spells
Writing invocations
Creation of change

The practice:
Following and performing rituals

The magic:
Manipulation of energy directed towards a goal

The religion:
Nature worship

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What can I offer the craft?

Teaching-When I have learned more

Writing-write down thoughts etc

Community-cove space
get together
public rituals and awareness

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What do I know about witchcraft?

Witchcraft for me is a craft. It is a practice that has changed quite a bit over the years. For some witches witchcraft is a religion. For others a craft. The only thing that unites witches is the belief in and the practice of magic..

Witchcraft has many forms. Each form of witchcraft has unique practices and beliefs. What works for one witch might not work for another witch. Witchcraft is a very individual practice. There is no right or wrong way to practice as each witch must find what works for them.

Witches to me are in tune with the forces of nature. They work magic to cause a change in their lives by working with the powers of nature. Witches are in control of their lives and generally have a wide variety of knowledge and skills that they use to keep life moving smoothly.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What do I believe witchcraft to be?

Witchcraft is many different things to different people. Each witch has a different understanding of what witchcraft is because each witch practices differently. I understand witchcraft to be: an art, craft, lifestyle, science, and religious expression.

An art:
Witches are artists in that they create individual spells with the tools that they have. Art then to me is about creation.

Witchcraft is a craft because through our art we build items that carry magic. It is also a craft because we must practice the skills to learn how to work magic.

It is a way in which one interacts with others. It is also how one chooses to live their life and how one chooses to deal with life itself. Its also a world view.

Through experimentation witches learn about spells and magic as well as the world around them. Each spell is essentially an individual experiment.

Religious expression:
Through rituals and meditations witches come to their own understanding of deity and the world around them.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What can witchcraft do for me?

Witchcraft can give me a way to develop personal power, responsibility, and provide a way for me to improve myself and my life.

Personal Power:
By practicing witchcraft I can gain self confidence and thus be more assertive. Through witchcraft I can gain control over my life and my actions.

Personal Responsibility:
By becoming a witch I will gain power over myself and my life. With that power comes responsibility-the responsibility to use that power in an ethical and appropriate manner.

Improve myself and my life:
The magic I will learn will enable me to set changes into motion that will allow me to improve myself (reactions etc) and my life (the way I interact with people and situations).

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What can I Offer the Craft?

When I have more experience and have been practicing longer there are many things I can do for the craft.

As a passionate writer I can write books, articles, and other pieces to spread the word about witchcraft.

I can help people find their own power and place within the craft

As a social work major I can when I complete my schooling be a therapist, be a therapist and help others find their paths and help them deal with their problems.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Dragonic Code

My companions are Sea, Land, and Sky

My shield is reverence for life

My armor is tranquility and insight

My weapons are fortitude and awareness

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Dragonic Code Meaning

My companions are land sea and sky:
Live in the moment and be friends with the dragons of past present and future

My shield is reverence for life:
We are all connected

My armor is Tranquility and insight:
Look Beyond the surface to find truth

My weapons are fortitude and Awareness:
Obstacles wont stand in our way. We will find a way to succeed.

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