
Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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Post by Imiko »

wrote:I apologize for letting this continue as long as I did. This jerk has been banned. Thanks for telling me about the PM peeps.
YAY HEATHER! =3 And that's why we all love you! :D
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Post by Starwitch »

Thanks Imiko. You're too kind.
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Post by Crowfeather »

*shakes head* I always wondered about him. I couldn't ever tell if he was really challenged with english or just rude.
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Post by Starwitch »

I'm pretty sure it was both. Here is what HallowHim wrote to one of the members.
perhaps f*ck you...... better for you to leave me alone...asshole,,....what the f*ck is your you have something to say to me..ok then do that? bot don't post to me ok...
So yeah, he's a jerk.

It was pretty annoying to me the way HallowHim would always say, "Look" to people when he started a post. I could understand if he didn't realize that that's a rude way to speak to someone, but he made errors in judgment like this so often that I'm certain he's just an ass. He was raised Muslim so what else would we expect, especially from a male Muslim? Aren't they told that they (as Muslims and as males) are better than all non-Muslims and all females? That would make you pretty arrogant to be taught such a thing. Not trying to bash Muslims (well, okay maybe I am) but it's hard for me to see things any other way when that's the truth of how they believe. I realize there are a lot of people here who believe that everyone's beliefs should be respected and honored, but quite frankly the Muslims would kill you if they had the chance. They absolutely do NOT honor or respect you or your beliefs. Their "holy" book tells them plainly that they should kill anyone who isn't Muslim. So if you honor their right to believe what they choose, you are basically saying that you think they should have the right to kill you. So-called "radical fundamentalist Muslims" are really just doing what Mohammand (Goddess rest his soul - isn't that what they say after they say his name? :twisted:) told them to do.

And just so that any Muslims can know that I'm not prejudiced against them, I want to express my disdain for Christianity and Judaism too. Screw you all. smiley_dance

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Post by Crowfeather »

*Nods* alright, I diddn't see that post. Banhammer!

And you pointed out that Muslim says kill anyone who's not Muslim?

I'm pretty sure the Bible says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
And looking at it from christianity's standpoint, that's pretty much anyone who's not Christian.

So, yeah, I agree with , and dislike them all the same.
Of course, no disrepect intended for the individuals. Just the religions as a whole.
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Post by RuneGeek »

Crowfeather wrote:Of course, no disrepect intended for the individuals. Just the religions as a whole.
That's pretty much the way I feel about it... to an extent. I understand that it's sometime hard for a person to extricate themselves from the religion of their raising. And I understand that, to do so, sometimes one faces the loss of friends or even family.

On the other hand, I'm a huge believer in personal responsibility. Even if a person was raised with a particular religion, once s/he is an adult, s/he owns the responsibility of the choice to remain a part of it.
I'm pretty sure the Bible says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
It does. My understanding is that, originally, this referenced a "sorcerer" (one who does harmful magic) or a "poisoner" (poisons which, at the time, would have been made from herbs). That would suggest that the original meaning referred to people who did harmful magic. Even so, the witch trials of the past show what a slippery slope that is. Cow dries up? Must be the witch's fault! And besides, with the Christian view that anything not of their god is of their devil, they can - and do - say that even good witchery comes from Satan and is therefore evil.
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Post by Imiko »

So if you honor their right to believe what they choose, you are basically saying that you think they should have the right to kill you. So-called "radical fundamentalist Muslims" are really just doing what Mohammand (Goddess rest his soul - isn't that what they say after they say his name? Twisted Evil) told them to do.

And just so that any Muslims can know that I'm not prejudiced against them, I want to express my disdain for Christianity and Judaism too. Screw you all. smiley_dance
PFFFT! XD That made me giggle. And yeah, I agree. It's hard to be open about other religions if they tend to do horrible things to other people, just because they are not in their own religion, you know? Really annoying. I mean, hell, why give respect to the ones whom don't have respect for anyone but themselves?

=o Not trying to be mean. Stating a fact. ^^
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Post by Ankhhape »

What I find most pathetic and frustrating is that at the base of most religions / belief systems is the fundamental tradition of taming the material/base desires that anchor Man to the Physical, the acquiring of secret knowledge / gnosis and finally the ascension to the Sun/Son and past it into the krystos or Divine presence (Spiritual rebirth).

Hate & illusion have no place in this Path

Post by SoraQuasar »

HallowHim wrote:yes i am muslim... but i'm not muslim like arabian muslims... i'm like modern muslim...
ok the question what they belive?
they belive in allah like the only god., muhhamed the prophet of god.,,, and other prophets like, .adam, abraham, mojses (MUSA) , Jesus (ISA) and the last one Muhhamed....
in wikipedia i don't belive what they are saying ...because some things are not truth.... by the way muslims are not terrorist...i'm talking for real muslims... (Saudi Arabia,Syria,Egypt,Marocco, and a little in Turkey, Macedonia, Albania , Kosovo , France, Switzerland, Spain, etc) muslims from (iraq, Iran, Afganistan ) they are bullshit...they are like a sect in islam...

i dont know if you put it all in the right way.
there are 2 kinds of corrent in the islam:
Sunii - of what iv seen, you are one of them. they believe in the Qur'an like the old islam. that means love and peace.
the shii islam are another thing... they believe in what was written by other people to explain the Quran. they are bruttle and they believe in killing people that against thier own beliefes. and they think they will go to heaven for this.

the sunii are all over the world, exactly as the shii, but you cant hear thier voice because the shii have all the power [violance and supretion]

now as for me, im a jew and I'm Israeli. I dont hate arabs or muslims. but i do hate terrorist [shii] and thier hatered to others.

i do love the original idea of the Quaran. but it all got messed up with fanatics. such a sham.
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Post by AP670 »

He instant messengaed me last night. So I owned him in a debate. Then he ran away,
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Post by hummingbird3 »

oh i hated him so much. he told me on numerous occasions that i was a bad mother and he felt bad for my kid. im so glad he's gone.
yo soy bruja y tu eres mi todo

Post by SoraQuasar »

RuneGeek wrote:
I'm pretty sure the Bible says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
It does. My understanding is that, originally, this referenced a "sorcerer" (one who does harmful magic) or a "poisoner" (poisons which, at the time, would have been made from herbs). That would suggest that the original meaning referred to people who did harmful magic. Even so, the witch trials of the past show what a slippery slope that is. Cow dries up? Must be the witch's fault! And besides, with the Christian view that anything not of their god is of their devil, they can - and do - say that even good witchery comes from Satan and is therefore evil.

well originally in the bible witchcraft was forbidden because
they where worshipers of diffrent gods [and not the only god] and that breaked the 2nd comendment: "Do not have any other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." thats the original sin for witchcraft thoes days... most of the people on earth done "witchcraft" as part of thier gods worship, they wherent really "witches" that time because that was the WAY to worship a god.
btw, there are 2 diffrent lvls of witchraft by the bible:
1) the one that you talked about: with the punishment of death was about what i just said. that means do "magic" or "witchcraft" for the sake of an untrue god [nd most of these wichcrafts where terrible like human secrifice and so on... a BIG NO NO.
2) was "magic" not witchcraft [god i hate the english word for this... they are so wrong and go off the original meaning cuz they have thier own "christian" meaning and populare one so its very hard to explaing]
its simple magic that has nothing to do with gods.
here enters all the spells, future telling and so on and so on... the punishment for this was whipping, not death.

hope i explain that clear.
anyway that was the origin in the bible.
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