Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

@silversong...those are both very beautiful! And great for our working ...I tweaked the chant a bit hope you don't mind...Thank you for these.... they will work quite well.
@minicheese. The sigil is a good idea, it's very approiate with not only the triple aspect on the Goddess and her crossroads, but with the 6 pionted ray in tune with our thread. They should perhaps be predrawn? That is up to everyone whether they want to do that on site.
The timing is up to you all. If you are more comfortable doing this on the waxing side of the full moon that's fine, it would make good sense..so this spell could be done anytime from the full moon Nov 25th to the dark moon on or about Dec 11th.For others (self included) it will be tomorrow due to holiday guests arriving and time will prevent....The idea is we are working with the blood moon, keeping in mind this is a shadow working and in the letting go the healing will happen, yet it is like the onion or the lotus where there are many layers in our process.

Thank you for those who contributed to this spell
Lady Popoet

Blood Moon Release Spell.

Preformed at a crossroads
and sharp knife (if your athame is sharp enough use that as the cutting tool)
3x3 square of white cotton cloth with this sigil
6 inches red yarn
Pinch of, coal/salt/dirt
a bit of your own hair

Cast your circle acording to your usual tradition or not if you are simply doing the spell.(you can call on Hecate to be present at this time.) Dig a fairly deep hole near the crossroads.
Lay the cloth out and place the coal dirt and salt in the 3 spaces on the sigil.
Now to raise some energy!....
Slowly begin this chant as you cut some hair and place it in the center of the triangle
With this blade, I cut away
The [ insert what you want to cut away ] that I leave today.
With this thread, that ties and binds
The [ insert what you want to cut away ] that I leave behind.
Continue the chant with the yarn in one hand cutting tool in other.
Get involved and passionate about your chant
Then...when the time feels right cut the yarn in half...
Imagining that the thing is released, feel the excess energy flow out into the items in the bundle.
Quickly put half of the yarn in the bundle and close it up, use the other half of yarn to seal the bundle, preferably with a square knot.
Now invoke the aid of Hecate with these words:
Ancient Goddess Hecate,
Magick, moon, and mystery,
Guardian of the crossroads three,
Now I call your aid to me.

Goddess of the triune face,
Bring your power, strength, and grace,
Now it's time to let this go,
To give me room to heal and grow.

Goddess of the magick power,
Now I set new growth to flower.
Bury the old to make way for the new,
And leave behind the lies for truth.

Goddess of the arcane moon,
Remind me that change comes soon,
At parting ways my choice to make,
So I return, my chance to take.

Ancient Goddess Hecate,
Thank you for bringing aid to me.
And harming none by Rule of Three,
As my will, so mote it be.
Drop the bundle in the hole and bury it up. Say,..."as is my will, so mote it be" or something like that.
Turn your back on the covered hole, uncast your circle and leave a different way than you came, never looking back at tbe place you burried the bundle.

Happy Turkey Day!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by SilverWort »

firebirdflys wrote:Ooooo, I do like the idea of using crossroads and Hecate.
We could make a bundle to bury at the crossroads, invoking Hecate to cut away the part we wish to let go of.
Crossroads here, in Spain, have huge tradition. If you want to see "Santa Compaña", procession of the dead (like the film The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman), go to a crossroad at midnight. Never did it, but lots of people saw that procession in the past century.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

I don't mind you altering the chant a little at all.

I'll be doing this at some point during the waning moon.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by FireSage »

Anyone wanting to start something up again? I want to get this ball rolling again.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

Hey, been a while. I kind of vanished off the face of the earth for a while; sorry about that. Doesn't seem like I really missed anything here, though. I'd love to get back into this!
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

Firesage, sorry...missed this, are you still with us or off to boot camp?
Hey Silversong! Welcome back!
Yea, Seraphin went on hiatus too. Though he recently chimed in...He'd been without internet. Maybe we can entice him back to stir the cauldron eh?
Seraphin! What da you say?
Doubble bubble toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble???
Time to stir the pot?
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